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supporting game mammal, game bird, and fishing resources in order to promote sustainability and food security and to preserve long standing local and cultural practices.
WHEREAS, Hawaii imports between eighty-five and ninety percent of its food, and in the event of a natural disaster or global event that prevents food shipment, Hawaii could face a devastating food shortage; and
WHEREAS, the practices of fishing and hunting have a long history in the culture of Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, today, the availability of fresh, locally-caught fish is a basic expectation in our communities; and
WHEREAS, residents on the island of Molokai receive approximately forty percent of their daily sustenance from subsistence sources such as fishing, hunting, and backyard farming; and
WHEREAS, the residents of the island of Hawaii harvest up to 1,000,000 pounds of game each year; and
WHEREAS, in 1978, the State of Hawaii held a Constitutional Convention; and
WHEREAS, a proposal of the 1978 Constitutional Convention removed the former section 1 of the former Article X, which read: "Section 1. The legislature shall promote the conservation, development and utilization of agricultural resources, and fish, mineral, forest, water, land, game and other natural resources."; and
WHEREAS, if the amendment is purely stylistic and technical in nature, and does not alter the sense, meaning, or effect of any provision of the Constitution, it was approved by the electorate and has become a part of the revised Constitution; and
WHEREAS, on the other hand, if the amendment alters the sense, meaning, or effect of any provision of the Constitution, it was not ratified and is not effective to change the language of the Constitution; and
WHEREAS, this alteration of the Constitution drastically changes the sense and meaning of the Constitution, the sustainability of resources, and the effect on the culture and practices of the people of Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, game mammals and game birds are a sustainable food source, and our State's unique relationship with the ocean allows us the opportunity to integrate the local fish and game industry into our food security profile; and
WHEREAS, policies on conservation and protection of terrestrial and marine resources should promote the concept that game mammals, game birds, and marine resources are an integral part of our island culture; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, that this body recognizes that pioneered introductions, such as the pig, and later sustainability introductions, such as goats, sheep, deer, which are now recognized as game mammal and game bird resources, should be included among the natural resources recognized by the Hawaii Constitution; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body urges the conservation, development and utilization of agricultural resources, fish, minerals, forests, water, land, game mammals, game birds, and other natural resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body urges state departments to develop and update their rules and policies to integrate the local hunting and fishing industries into any food security or sustainability strategies they employ and to preserve, protect, and promote these industries to nurture them into viable and sustainable economic, nutritional, and cultural resources; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture and the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources.
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Hunting; Fishing; Game Resources; Food Security; Sustainability