S.R. NO. |
127 |
Amending rule 3 of the rules of the senate of the twenty-eighth legislature, REGULAR SESSION OF 2016, of the state of hawaii.
WHEREAS, it has been a common past practice for the President of the Senate to inform members of all appointments and nominations made by the President of the Senate to state boards and commissions; and
WHEREAS, the President of the Senate would on a monthly basis relay such information to the members through an internal memorandum; and
WHEREAS, consultation with subject matter chairs of Senate standing committees for certain nominees and appointees to state boards and commissions can benefit the advise and consent process; and
WHEREAS, transparency in the nomination and appointment process can help to vet the nominees and appointees; and
WHEREAS, Senate Rule 88 recognizes the past practices of the Senate where not inconsistent with the Rules of the Senate; and
WHEREAS, Senate Rule 87 allows for the amendment of a Senate Rule upon a majority vote of the members of the Senate; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, that the Rules of the Senate of the State of Hawaii, the Twenty-eighth Legislature, be amended by amending Rule 3 to read as follows:
It shall be the duty of the President:
(1) To open the meetings of the Senate by taking the Chair.
(2) When a quorum is present, to call for the reading of the Journal of the preceding day.
(3) To maintain order in the Senate Chamber and to require proper decorum on the part of the members.
(4) To announce the business before the Senate in the order prescribed by the Rules.
(5) To receive and submit all matters properly brought before the Senate by the members, call for votes upon the same and announce the results.
(6) To receive all communications, including but not limited to, Governor's messages, budget messages, and Judiciary communications, present them to the Senate and, unless otherwise provided in these Rules, refer these and other matters to the appropriate standing committees.
(7) To appoint all members of committees unless otherwise determined by the Senate.
(8) To authenticate by signature, all acts and doings of the Senate which require authentication.
(9) To make known rules of order when so requested and, subject to an appeal to the Senate, to decide all questions of order.
(10) To issue warrants and when so directed by the Senate, to carry into effect its orders in the arrest of offenders, the issuance of subpoenas requiring the attendance of witnesses and subpoenas duces tecum requiring the production of books, documents, or other evidence, in any manner pending before the Senate, or committee, as the case may be, or other orders of the Senate.
(11) To decide and announce the result of any vote taken.
(12) To do and perform such other duties as are required by law or by these rules or such as may properly pertain to such office.
(13) To clear the Senate Chamber of all persons, except its members and designated persons if there is a disturbance or disorderly conduct, or on motion duly adopted.
(14) To control and have direction of the rooms, desks, passages, stairways, corridors, and balconies, in and about the building set apart for the use of the Senate, and all public property of the Senate. The President shall see that all officers of the Senate perform their respective duties, and may assign places to visitors and reporters. The President may admit stenographers or other reporters, wishing to take down the debates, and assign them such places to effect their object as shall not interfere with the convenience of the Senate.
(15) To establish final dates for action on legislation, including, though not limited to the final date for introducing bills, the dates for the mandatory recess pursuant to Article III, Section 10, of the Hawai‘i State Constitution, the final date for third reading of Senate Bills, the final date for third reading of House Bills, the final date for approving Conference Committee agreements and drafts of bills, the final date for final reading of the General Appropriations Bill, and the final date for final reading of the Supplemental Appropriations Bill. The President shall coordinate the date for introducing bills and may coordinate with the Speaker of the House to establish the other final dates.
(16) To mediate and resolve differences between two or more standing committees on the same bill.
(17) To administer oaths to elected officers of the Senate who are not Senators and to witnesses who are compelled to testify under oath before the Senate or a committee thereof; provided that the President may appoint a designee to administer oaths as the President deems necessary.
(18) To disperse information to all members relating to the President's nominations and appointments to boards and commissions on a monthly basis."; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the new material is underscored; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the amendments made to the Rules of the Senate by this Resolution take effect upon the adoption of this Resolution.
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Senate Rules; Rule 3; Amendments; Adoption