S.C.R. NO. |
102 |
Establishing a working group to create a plan to reduce the amount of illegal drugs coming into Hawaii's Harbors and Airports.
WHEREAS, according to a Drug Market Analysis for 2011 conducted by the United States Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center (Department of Justice Drug Market Analysis), cocaine, heroin, and other dangerous drugs, principally ecstasy, are persistent problems in Hawaii; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Justice Drug Market Analysis also states that "[t]raffickers transport ice methamphetamine into Hawaii using couriers aboard commercial air flights and parcel shipments arriving at the Honolulu International Airport on Oahu, as well as shipping containers transporting cargo such as vehicles"; and
WHEREAS, according to the Report of the Illegal Fireworks Task Force to the Legislature for the Regular Session of 2011 that was created in accordance with Act 170, Session Laws of Hawaii 2010 (Report of the Illegal Fireworks Task Force), more than two hundred thousand shipping containers arrived at Honolulu Harbor in fiscal year 2010, and approximately seventy thousand of those containers were intended to then be transported to the neighbor islands; and
WHEREAS, because of the volume of shipping containers arriving in Honolulu Harbor, the Report of the Illegal Fireworks Task Force states that only a small sample of the incoming shipping containers is inspected for illicit cargo; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, the House of Representatives concurring, that the Department of Transportation is requested to convene an illegal drug shipment prevention working group to create a plan and make recommendations to reduce the amount of illegal drugs coming into Hawaii's harbors and airports; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Transportation is encouraged to include in the working group representatives from the following organizations:
(1) United States Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(2) United States Drug Enforcement Agency;
(3) United States Coast Guard;
(4) United States Department of Homeland Security;
(5) United States Consumer Product Safety Commission;
(6) United States Federal Aviation Administration;
(7) United States Customs and Border Protection;
(8) Department of Transportation;
(9) Department of the Attorney General;
(10) Department of Public Safety, including the State Sheriff, Sheriffs Airports Commander, and Canine Unit;
(11) Department of Agriculture;
(12) Department of Defense;
(13) Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism;
(14) Department of Transportation Airports Division;
(15) Department of Transportation Harbors Division;
(16) International Longshore and Warehouse Union;
(17) Police departments of the City and County of Honolulu, County of Maui, County of Hawaii, and County of Kauai;
(18) Office of the Prosecuting Attorney of the City and County of Honolulu, County of Maui, County of Hawaii, and County of Kauai;
(19) Hawaii Harbor Users Group; and
(20) Airline Committee of Hawaii; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the members are requested to select a chair of the working group from among themselves; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the illegal drug shipment prevention working group meet a minimum of five times between June 1, 2016, and December 31, 2016; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the illegal drug shipment prevention working group is requested to submit a report of its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2017; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the illegal drug shipment prevention working group be dissolved on June 30, 2017; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Federal Bureau of Investigation Honolulu office; Drug Enforcement Agency Honolulu office; Commander of the United States Coast Guard District 14; Department of Homeland Security Honolulu office; Chairman of the Consumer Product Safety Commission; Honolulu Federal Aviation Administration office; Customs and Border Protection Honolulu office; Governor, Director of Transportation; Director of Public Safety; Attorney General; Director of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism; Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture; Adjutant General; Honolulu Police Department; Maui Police Department; Hawaii Police Department; Kauai Police Department; Department of the Prosecuting Attorney for the City and County of Honolulu; Department of the Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Maui; Office of the Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Hawaii; Office of the Prosecuting Attorney for the County of Kauai; Hawaii Harbor Users Group; Airline Committee of Hawaii; and International Longshore and Warehouse Union.
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Department of Transportation; Preventing Shipment of Illegal Drugs; Shippers; Working Group