S.B. NO. |
812 |
S.D. 2 |
H.D. 2 |
SECTION 1. The department of health's position on behavior support is to ensure that behavior interventions are implemented appropriately to assist and support individuals receiving services and those providing support to them. This position:
(1) Emphasizes positive behavior supports that promote the growth, development, and independence of individuals; individual choice in daily decision-making; self-management; and individual responsibility for behaviors;
(2) Provides for working with persons with challenging behavior (with a focus on teaching replacement behaviors that serve as the function for what the individual is communicating rather than the suppression or elimination of undesirable behaviors), and specification of prohibited interventions; and
(3) Enables appropriate safeguards and oversight if aversive procedures (planned or crisis) are used, with planning for the eventual elimination of seclusion and restraints.
When an individual with intellectual or developmental disabilities is a danger to oneself or to others, restraints or seclusion may be recommended. Before and after such methods are administered, a behavior support review committee is convened to evaluate such cases and make recommendations.
The behavior support review committee membership may include a parent of an individual receiving service from the department of health's developmental disabilities division, a developmental disabilities division service provider who provides at least two services to participants, a community member with no direct involvement with the developmental disabilities division's waiver provider programs, a department of health facilitator with experience or training in best practices to support behaviors of individuals with developmental disabilities, a department of health case manager with experience in supporting participants with behavior concerns, and a person receiving services from the developmental disabilities division.
The purpose of this Act is to describe the behavior support review process and to provide behavior support review committee members with immunity from liability.
SECTION 2. Chapter 333F, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new part to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"Part . behavior support review committee for persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities
§333F- Definitions. Whenever used in this part, unless the context otherwise requires:
"Department" means the department of health.
"Developmental disability" shall be as defined in section 333F-1.
"Director" means the director of health or the director's designated representative.
"Intellectual disability" shall be as defined in section 333F-1.
"Person with developmental or intellectual disabilities" means a youth or an adult with a developmental or intellectual disability.
"Restraint" means any physical, chemical, or mechanical intervention that restricts the movement or function of the person or a portion of the person's body.
"Seclusion" means any involuntary confinement of a person alone in a room or an area where a person is physically prevented from having contact with others or leaving.
§333F- Behavior support review. The department of health may convene a committee to conduct multidisciplinary and multiagency reviews of restraint or seclusion of persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities in order to ensure appropriate use and to reduce the risk of harm or death to persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities.
§333F- Access to information. (a) Upon written request of the director, all providers of supports and state and county agencies shall disclose to the department and those individuals appointed by the director to participate in the behavior support review committee the circumstances of restraint or seclusion used or to be used for a person with developmental or intellectual disabilities to allow the department to conduct multidisciplinary reviews of restraint or seclusion used or to be used for persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities pursuant to section 321-31 and this part.
(b) To the extent that this section conflicts with other state confidentiality laws, this section shall prevail.
§333F- Exception. Information regarding an ongoing civil or criminal investigation shall be disclosed at the discretion of the applicable state, county, or federal law enforcement agency.
§333F- Use and review of information and records and activities pertaining to behavior support review of persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this part, all information and records acquired by the department during its multidisciplinary, multiagency reviews of the restraint or seclusion of persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities pursuant to this part shall be kept confidential and may be disclosed only as necessary to carry out the purposes of this part.
(b) Information and statistical compilations of data from the multidisciplinary reviews of restraint or seclusion of persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities that do not contain any information that would permit the identification of any person shall be public record.
(c) There shall be no civil liability for any member of the department's behavior support review committee for any acts done in the furtherance of the purpose for which the behavior support review committee was established; provided that:
(1) The member without malice, has made a reasonable effort to obtain the facts of the matter upon which he or she is called to act; and
(2) The member was authorized to perform in the manner in which the member did.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit any liability of acts occurring independently of the department's behavior support review committee.
(d) Unless required by court order, information held by the department as a result of a multidisciplinary review of the restraint or seclusion of a person with developmental or intellectual disabilities conducted under this part shall not be subject to subpoena, discovery, or introduction into evidence in any civil or criminal proceeding.
§333F- Immunity from liability. No agency or individual participating in multidisciplinary reviews of restraint or seclusion of persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities pursuant to this part shall be held civilly or criminally liable for providing information required under this part."
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
Report Title:
Behavior Support Review Committee for Persons with Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities
Authorizes the Department of Health to establish a behavior support review process to conduct multidisciplinary reviews of the restraint or seclusion of persons with developmental or intellectual disabilities. Exempts those who administer and participate in the reviews from liability. (SB812 HD2)
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