S.B. NO. |
3077 |
relating to statewide community planning.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that in 2015, the ad-hoc state transit-oriented development task force was convened to identify and determine priority sites and projects that should be considered for transit-oriented development master planning and development. Task force members included state and city and county agencies, elected officials, and numerous private individuals and entities. In December 2015, the task force submitted a report to the legislature, which included various recommendations such as formally constituting the state transit-oriented development task force to promote effective and efficient transit-oriented development planning and coordination in developing a unified action plan for transit-oriented development on state transit-oriented development projects.
The purpose of this Act is to establish a transit-oriented development advisory group to develop, in collaboration with the office of planning, a unified action plan for the implementation of transit-oriented development on a statewide level.
SECTION 2. (a) There is established a transit-oriented development advisory group to be convened and overseen by the office of planning.
(b) Utilizing the city and county of Honolulu's transit-oriented development zoning ordinances and planning efforts as a baseline, the transit-oriented development advisory group shall collaborate with the office of planning to develop a unified action plan for the implementation of transit-oriented development on a statewide level.
(c) The transit-oriented development advisory group shall be comprised of the following members:
(1) The director of the office of planning, or the director's designee;
(2) The comptroller, or the comptroller's designee;
(3) The chairperson of the board of agriculture, or the chairperson's designee;
(4) The superintendent of education, or the superintendent's designee;
(5) The chairperson of the Hawaiian homes commission, or the chairperson's designee;
(6) The chairperson of the board of land and natural resources, or the chairperson's designee;
(7) The director of public safety, or the director's designee;
(8) The director of transportation, or the director's designee;
(9) The executive director of the Hawaii community development authority, or the director's designee;
(10) The executive director of the Hawaii housing finance and development corporation, or the director's designee;
(11) The executive director of the Hawaii public housing authority, or the director's designee;
(12) The chairperson of the stadium authority, or the chairperson's designee;
(13) The president of the University of Hawaii system, or the president's designee;
(14) One member of the senate appointed by the president of the senate;
(15) One member of the house of representatives appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives;
(16) A representative from the city and county of Honolulu department of planning and permitting; and
(17) Any other entity as determined by the office of planning.
(d) The transit-oriented development advisory group shall convene periodically as determined by the office of planning. All meetings by the advisory group shall be open to the public.
(e) The members of the transit-oriented development advisory group shall receive no compensation but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses, including travel expenses, incurred in the performance of their duties as members of the committee.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2016.
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Report Title:
Statewide Community Planning; Transit-oriented Development; Transit-oriented Development Advisory Group
Establishes a transit-oriented development advisory group to develop, in collaboration with the office of planning, a unified action plan for the implementation of transit-oriented development on a state level.
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