S.B. NO. |
2568 |
SECTION 1. (a) This Act is intended to produce cost-savings for law enforcement agencies and the courts by requiring a person, when being issued a citation in lieu of arrest, to provide the address of a current residence or facility where the person may be found. It is the legislature's intent to:
(1) Ease the effort that law enforcement agencies must make to find a person who does not appear in court when required; and
(2) Reduce the waste of the court's time and resources caused when the person does not appear.
(b) The purpose of this Act is to improve criminal procedure by:
(1) Authorizing the issuance of a citation in lieu of arrest when the detained person resides at a specific address or stays nightly in a homeless facility; and
(2) Allowing the court, as a condition of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release, to require a defendant without a current residence to stay nightly in a homeless facility.
SECTION 2. Section 803-6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§803-6 Arrest, how made[.];
citation in lieu of arrest. (a) At or before the time of making an
arrest, the person shall declare that the person is an officer of justice, if
such is the case. If the person has a warrant the person should show it; or if
the person makes the arrest without warrant in any of the cases in which it is
authorized by law, the person should give the party arrested [clearly to
understand] a clear understanding for what cause the person
undertakes to make the arrest[,] and shall require the party arrested to
submit and be taken to the police station or judge. This done, the arrest is
(b) In any case in which it is lawful for a
police officer to arrest a person without a warrant for a misdemeanor, petty
misdemeanor or violation, the police officer may, but need not, issue a
citation in lieu of the requirements of [[]subsection[]] (a), if
the police officer finds and is reasonably satisfied that [the person]:
(1) [Will] The person will appear in
court at the time designated;
(2) [Has] The person has no outstanding
arrest warrants [which] that would justify the person's detention
or give indication that the person might fail to appear in court; [and]
(3) The person currently resides at a specific address or stays nightly in a homeless facility; and
[(3)] (4) [That the] The
offense is of such nature that there will be no further police contact on or
about the date in question[,] or in the immediate future.
(c) The citation shall contain:
(1) The name of the offender and [current]
the address of the [offender;] offender's current residence or
a homeless facility at which the offender stays nightly;
(2) The last four digits of the offender's social security number;
(3) A description of the offender;
(4) The nature of the offense;
(5) The time and date of the offense;
(6) A notice of time and date for court appearance;
(7) The signature and badge number of the officer;
(8) The signature of the offender agreeing to court appearance;
(9) Any remarks; and
(10) A notice directing the offender to appear at the time and place designated to stand trial for the offense indicated and a notice that failure to obey the citation may result in a fine or imprisonment, or both.
(d) Where a citation has been issued in lieu of the requirements of subsection (a), the officer who issues the summons or citation may subscribe to the complaint:
(1) Under oath administered by any police officer whose name has been submitted to the prosecuting officer and who has been designated by the chief of police to administer the oath; or
(2) By declaration in accordance with the rules of court.
(e) If a person fails to appear in answer to
the citation[;] or if there is reasonable cause to believe that the
person will not appear, a warrant for the person's arrest may be issued. A knowing
failure to appear in answer to the citation may be punished by a fine of not
more than $1,000 or imprisonment of not more than thirty days or both."
SECTION 3. Section 804-7.1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§804-7.1 Conditions of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release. Upon a showing that there exists a danger that the defendant will commit a serious crime or will seek to intimidate witnesses, or will otherwise unlawfully interfere with the orderly administration of justice, the judicial officer named in section 804-5 may deny the defendant's release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release.
Upon the defendant's release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release, however, the court may enter an order:
(1) Prohibiting the defendant from approaching or communicating with particular persons or classes of persons, except that no such order should be deemed to prohibit any lawful and ethical activity of defendant's counsel;
(2) Prohibiting the defendant from going to certain described geographical areas or premises;
(3) Prohibiting the defendant from possessing any dangerous weapon, engaging in certain described activities, or indulging in intoxicating liquors or certain drugs;
(4) Requiring the defendant to report regularly to and remain under the supervision of an officer of the court;
(5) Requiring the defendant to maintain employment[,]
or, if unemployed, to actively seek employment[,] or attend an
educational or vocational institution;
(6) Requiring the defendant to comply with a specified curfew;
(7) Requiring the defendant to seek and maintain mental health treatment or testing, including treatment for drug or alcohol dependency, or to remain in a specified institution for that purpose;
(8) Requiring the defendant to remain in the jurisdiction of the judicial circuit in which the charges are pending unless approval is obtained from a court of competent jurisdiction to leave the jurisdiction of the court;
(9) Requiring the defendant, if having no current residence, to:
(A) Stay nightly in a specified homeless facility; and
(B) Consent to the release of information by the homeless facility regarding the presence or absence of the defendant at the facility during the nights the defendant is directed to stay at the specified homeless facility to the court, police department, and the prosecuting attorney;
[(9)] (10) Requiring the defendant to
satisfy any other condition reasonably necessary to [assure] ensure
the appearance of the person as required and to [assure] ensure the
safety of any other person or community; or
[(10)] (11) Imposing any combination of
conditions listed above.
The judicial officer may revoke a defendant's bail upon proof that the defendant has breached any of the conditions imposed."
SECTION 4. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $ or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2016-2017 to implement this Act commencing January 1, 2017.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the judiciary for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on January 1, 2017; provided that part III shall take effect on July 1, 2016.
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Report Title:
Citation In Lieu Of Arrest; Release Conditions; Appropriation
Authorizes a police officer to issue a citation in lieu of making an arrest if the person resides at a specific address or stays nightly in a homeless facility. Allows the court, as a condition of release on bail, recognizance, or supervised release, to require a defendant without a current residence to stay nightly in a homeless facility. Appropriates general funds to the judiciary for implementation. Effective 01/01/2017.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.