S.B. NO. |
2162 |
S.D. 1 |
MĀHELE 1. Ua noi‘i a ‘ike ka ‘aha‘ōlelo e pono e paipai a e ho‘oholo mua ‘ia ka ho‘ohana me ka hō‘i‘o ‘ia o ka ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i ma muli o ka ‘atikala X māhele 4 o ke kumukānāwai o ka Moku‘āina ‘o Hawai‘i nāna i ho‘ākāka "na ka Moku‘āina nō e ho‘opaipai i ke a‘o i ka ‘ike mo‘omeheu, mō‘aukala a me ka ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i." A laila ho‘i, hō‘oia ka ‘atikala XV, māhele 4 o ke kumukānāwai o ka Moku‘āina ‘o Hawai‘i "‘o ka ‘Ōlelo Haole a me ka Hawai‘i nā ‘ōlelo kūhelu o Hawai‘i."
Ma ka makahiki 2015, ua ‘āpono ka ‘aha‘ōlelo i ka H.C.R. Helu 217 H. D. 1, S. D. 1, e noi ana i ka ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo e ho‘onoho i kōmike noi‘i no ka noi‘i ‘ana i ka ho‘okumu ‘ana i mau kumuwaiwai ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i no ko ka Moku‘āina ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo. Ho‘opa‘a ‘ia ma ka hō‘ike a ia kōmike noi‘i, "Mau nō ke kūlana ‘ane halapohe o ka ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i i loko na‘e o kekahi mau kekeke ho‘oikaika ho‘ōla kūpa‘a me ka māhuahua ‘ana mai o kekahi heluna kānaka ho‘opuka ‘ōlelo". Ho‘omaopopo a ‘ike ka ‘aha‘ōlelo ē ‘o nā mana‘o i hāpai ‘ia e ke kōmike noi‘i ma kona hō‘ike ‘o ia ka mea e kōkua ai i ka ho‘okumu ‘ana i mau kūmole hikialoa a i papahana e ho‘okawowo ai i mau kānaka mākaukau ma ka ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i.
‘O ka ho‘opa‘a ‘ana i ha‘awina kālā ke kumu o kēia Kānāwai no ka ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo nāna e ho‘okō i nā mana‘o i hāpai ‘ia e ke kōmike noi‘i no ka ho‘okumu ‘ana, me ka hana like ‘ana me ka ‘ōnaehana o ke Kulanui o Hawai‘i i nā kumuwaiwai no ka ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo o ka Moku‘āina ‘o Hawai‘i.
MĀHELE 2. E ho‘oka‘awale ‘ia mai loko mai o ka waihona kālā kūmau o ka Moku‘āina ‘o Hawai‘i ka huinanui he $500,000 a ‘o ia ‘ano heluna e like me ka lawa e pono ai no ka makahiki kālā 2016 - 2017 no ka ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo, me ka hana like pū ‘ana me ka ‘ōnaehana o ke Kulanui o Hawai‘i no ka ho‘okumu ‘ana i mau kumuwaiwai ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i no ko ka Moku‘āina ‘o Hawai‘i ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo.
Na ka ‘oihana ho‘okolokolo e ho‘oka‘a i ka huinanui i ho‘oka‘awale ‘ia no nā pahuhopu o kēia kānāwai.
SECTION 3. The legislature finds that the State must encourage and advance the use and utility of the Hawaiian language because article X, section 4, of the Hawaii State Constitution provides that "[t]he State shall promote the study of Hawaiian culture, history and language". In addition, article XV, section 4, of the Hawaii State Constitution affirms that "English and Hawaiian shall be the official languages of Hawaii".
In 2015, the legislature adopted H.C.R. No. 217, H.D. 1, S.D. 1, requesting the judiciary to convene a task force to examine establishing Hawaiian language resources for the State of Hawaii judiciary. The task force's report states that the Hawaiian language "remains highly endangered even after decades of dedicated revitalization efforts and an ever-growing population of speakers". The legislature finds that the recommendations made by the task force in its report can help to establish long-term Hawaiian language resources and capacity building to train experts in the Hawaiian language.
The purpose of this Act is to make an appropriation to the judiciary to implement the recommendations of the task force to establish, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii system, Hawaiian language resources for the State of Hawaii judiciary.
SECTION 4. There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $500,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2016-2017 for the judiciary, in collaboration with the University of Hawaii system, to establish Hawaiian language resources for the State of Hawaii judiciary.
The sum appropriated shall be expended by the judiciary for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 5. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2016.
Report Title:
Hawaiian Language; Hawaiian Language Web; Appropriation
Appropriates funds to establish long-term Hawaiian language resources for the judiciary. (SD1)
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