SECTION 1. S.B. No. 2077, S.D. 1, H.D. 2, C.D. 1, section 2, is amended by amending paragraphs (6) and (8) of the proposed new subsection -3(c), Hawaii Revised Statutes, on page 6, lines 18-19, and page 7, line 5, to clarify that an employee shall qualify for the special retirement benefit, if the employee:
(1) Became a class H member prior to July 1, 2012, and has at least twenty-five years of credited service, irrespective of age, rather than thirty years of credited service and is at least fifty years of age; or
(2) Became a class H member after June 30, 2012, has at least twenty-five, rather than thirty, years of credited service, and is at least fifty-five years of age.
SECTION 2. S.B. No. 2077, S.D. 1, H.D. 2, C.D. 1, subsection (b) of section 3 is amended as follows:
1. By amending paragraph (1) to read:
"(1) For retired employees based on the self plan with at least nine years but fewer than twelve years of service, a monthly contribution equal to one-half of the base medicare or non-medicare monthly contribution set forth under section 87A-33(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes; provided that retired employees who were hired after June 30, 1996, but before July 1, 2001, with dependent-beneficiaries, as that term is defined in section 87A-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, shall be eligible for a monthly contribution equal to one-half of the base medicare or non-medicare monthly contribution for two-party or family plans, as applicable, set forth in section 87A-33(b), Hawaii Revised Statutes;"
2. By amending paragraph (4) to read:
"(4) Upon the death of a retired employee hired after June 30, 1996, but before July 1, 2001, for the dependent-beneficiary who becomes eligible as an employee-beneficiary, a monthly contribution equal to paragraphs (1), (2), or (3), as applicable; and upon the death of a retired employee hired after June 30, 2001, for the dependent-beneficiary who becomes eligible as an employee-beneficiary, a monthly contribution equal to one-half of paragraphs (1), (2), or (3), as applicable."
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( ) Carried
( ) Failed to Carry
( ) Withdrawn