S.B. NO.














relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE twenty-third SENATORIAL DISTRICT.





     SECTION 1.  The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $112,166,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary, and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2015-2016 for the purpose of capital improvement projects for the twenty-third senatorial district, as follows:

1.   Ahuimanu elementary school

     A.   Drainage.

          Total funding                              $3,000,000

2.   James Castle high school

     A.   Mitigate flooding between buildings E and F.

          Total funding                                $200,000

3.   Ben Parker elementary school

     A.   Design and construct elevator to service buildings C, D, and H.

          Total funding                                $500,000

4.   Heeia elementary school

     A.   Design and construction of drainage.

          Total funding                              $5,000,000

5.   Kaneohe elementary school

     A.   Extend lower parking lot, relocate basketball court, and other lot improvements.

          Total funding                                $500,000

6.   Kapunahala elementary school

     A.   Two portable classrooms (physical education and speech therapy).

          Total funding                              $1,000,000

7.   King intermediate school

     A.   Building C restroom repairs.

          Total funding                                $250,000

8.   Puohala elementary school

     A.   Slope stabilization and erosion control.

          Total funding                                $500,000

9.   Waiahole elementary school

     A.   New air conditioning unit for the library/administration building.

          Total funding                                $500,000

10.  Hauula elementary school

     A.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $4,500,000

11.  Kaaawa elementary school

     A.   New and/or renovation of administration/library/cafeteria/ teacher workroom.

          Total funding                              $9,575,000

     B.   Eight classroom buildings.

          Total funding                             $10,000,000

     C.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $3,500,000

     D.   Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition accessibility.

          Total funding                                $375,000

     E.   Administration portable.

          Total funding                                $800,000

12.  Kahuku elementary school

     A.   Covered entrance to school for student drop off and space for assemblies.

          Total funding                              $1,500,000

     B.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $3,500,000

     C.   Electrical upgrade.

          Total funding                                $465,000

13.  Kahuku high and intermediate school

     A.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                             $10,000,000

     B.   Drainage improvements.

          Total funding                              $5,000,000

     C.   Replace football bleachers with aluminum bleachers.

          Total funding                              $2,000,000

     D.   Expand dining room.

          Total funding                              $2,000,000

     E.   New gymnasium.

          Total funding                              $6,000,000

     F.   SPED trailer.

          Total funding                                $700,000

     G.   Master plan implementation.

          Total funding                             $14,000,000

14.  Laie elementary school

     A.   Create a cooking kitchen in the current cafeteria.

          Total funding                              $1,000,000

     B.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $4,500,000

     C.   Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition accessibility.

          Total funding                                $375,000

     D.   Building B parking lot drainage improvement.

          Total funding                                $275,000

     E.   Handicap ramp for P5.

          Total funding                                 $50,000

15.  Sunset Beach elementary school

     A.   Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition accessibility.

          Total funding                                $375,000

     B.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $3,500,000

     C.   Cesspool removal.

          Total funding                                $300,000

     D.   Cafeteria drainage improvement.

          Total funding                                $150,000

16.  Kahaluu elementary school

     A.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $3,500,000

     B.   Administration building.

          Total funding                              $8,000,000

     C.   Cesspool removal.

          Total funding                                $219,000

17.  Waiahole elementary school

     A.   Extend covered walkway from P27 to P28.

          Total funding                                 $50,000

     B.   New air conditioning in office.

          Total funding                                 $10,000

     C.   SPED trailer.

          Total funding                                $350,000

     D.   Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition accessibility.

          Total funding                                $375,000

     E.   Air condition school.

          Total funding                              $3,500,000

18.  Waialua high and intermediate school

     A.   Purchase sound system for gymnasium.

          Total funding                                 $52,000

     B.   Replace lighting and exhaust fans.

          Total funding                                $220,000

     SECTION 2.  The appropriations made for the capital improvement projects authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal year for which the appropriations are made; provided that all moneys from the appropriations that are unencumbered as of June 30, 2018, shall lapse as of that date.

     SECTION 3.  The sums appropriated for the respective capital improvement projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the appropriate expending agency for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2015.








Report Title:

CIP; 23rd Senatorial District



Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects in the 23rd senatorial district.




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