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relating to pharmacy audits.
SECTION 1. Chapter 461, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§461- Pharmacy audit; procedures. (a) Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, when an audit of the records of a pharmacy is conducted by an agency or any entity that represents such agency, it shall be conducted in accordance with this section.
(b) The agency or entity conducting the initial on-site audit shall give the pharmacy notice at least one week prior to conducting the initial on-site audit for each audit cycle.
(c) Any audit that involves clinical or professional judgment shall be conducted by or in consultation with a pharmacist.
(d) Any clerical or record-keeping error, including but not limited to a typographical error, scrivener's error, or computer error, regarding a required document or record shall not in and of itself constitute fraud; provided that such claims may be subject to recoupment. No such claim shall be subject to criminal penalties without proof of intent to commit fraud. No recoupment of the cost of drugs or medicinal supplies properly dispensed shall be allowed if such error has occurred and been resolved in accordance with subsection (e); provided that recoupment shall be allowed to the extent that such error resulted in an overpayment, underpayment, or improper dispensing of drugs or medicinal supplies.
(e) A pharmacy shall be allowed at least thirty days following the conclusion of an on-site audit or receipt of the preliminary audit report to correct a clerical or record-keeping error or produce documentation to address any discrepancy found during an audit, including to secure and remit an appropriate copy of the record from a hospital, physician, or other authorized practitioner of the healing arts for drugs or medicinal supplies written or transmitted by any means of communication if the lack of such a record or an error in such a record is identified in the course of an on-site audit or noticed within the preliminary audit report.
(f) A pharmacy may use the records of a hospital, physician, or other authorized practitioner of the healing arts for drugs or medicinal supplies written or transmitted by any means of communication for purposes of validating the pharmacy record with respect to orders or refills of a legend or narcotic drug.
(g) A finding of an overpayment or underpayment may be a projection based on a number of patients served having a similar diagnosis or on the number of similar orders or refills for similar drugs; provided that recoupment of claims shall be based on the actual overpayment or underpayment unless the projection for overpayment or underpayment is part of a settlement as agreed to by the pharmacy. Notwithstanding any other provision in this section, the agency or entity conducting the audit shall not use the accounting practice of extrapolation in calculating recoupments or penalties for audits.
(h) Each pharmacy shall be audited under the same standards and parameters as other similarly situated pharmacies audited by the agency or entity.
(i) A pharmacy shall be allowed at least thirty days following the receipt of the preliminary audit report to produce documentation to address any discrepancy found during an audit.
(j) The period covered by an audit pursuant to this section shall not exceed two years from the date the claim was submitted to or adjudicated by an agency or entity.
(k) Any audit shall not be initiated or scheduled during the first seven calendar days of any month due to the high volume of prescriptions filled during that time unless otherwise consented to by the pharmacy.
(l) The preliminary audit report shall be delivered to the pharmacy within one hundred twenty days after the conclusion of the audit. A final audit report shall be delivered to the pharmacy within six months after receipt of the preliminary audit report or final appeal, as provided in subsection (n), whichever is later.
(m) The audit criteria set forth in this section shall apply only to audits of claims submitted for payment after July 1, 2015.
(n) Recoupments of any disputed funds shall only occur after final internal disposition of the audit, including the appeals process as set forth in subsection (o).
(o) Each agency or entity conducting an audit under this section shall establish an appeals process under which a pharmacy shall have at least thirty days from the delivery of the preliminary audit report to appeal an unfavorable preliminary audit report to the entity. If, following the appeal, the agency or entity finds that an unfavorable audit report or any portion thereof is unsubstantiated, the agency or entity shall dismiss the audit report or portion thereof without the necessity of any further proceedings.
(p) Each agency or entity conducting an audit shall provide a copy of the final audit report, after completion of any review process, to the respective agency that the entity represents, if applicable.
(q) This section shall not apply to any investigative audit that involves fraud, wilful misrepresentation, or abuse, including without limitation investigative audits or any other statutory provision that authorizes investigations relating to insurance fraud.
(r) For the purposes of this section:
"Agency" means a health care provider, insurance company, third-party payor, or the department of health.
"Entity" means an individual or organization that represents an agency."
SECTION 2. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 3. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2015.
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Report Title:
Pharmacy; Audit; Procedures
Establishes procedures for audits of pharmacies conducted by a health care provider, insurance company, third-party payor, department of health, or any entity that represents such companies, groups, or department.
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