H.C.R. NO.














requesting that the state repair and strongly consider installing water fountains in the state capitol reflecting pools to effectively clean THE POOLS, reduce costs, and enhance the historic value of the capitol district.




     WHEREAS, the State Capitol reflecting pools have long been plagued by persistent algae growth and have become stagnant because of inadequate water circulation and no filtration; and


WHEREAS, it has been reported that it costs $100,000 annually for state workers to continually clean the pools and that it would take approximately $15,200,000 to fix the reflecting pools; and


WHEREAS, the construction of water fountains in the reflecting pools would make the pools essentially self-cleaning by circulating the now-stagnant water and have the added benefits of reducing algae growth, lessening foul odors, and saving money on cleaning expenditures, which could be reinvested to repair and improve the reflecting pools or be used to fund other needs such as restoring staff and long-term care services at Leahi Hospital and Maluhia long term care facility; and


WHEREAS, adding dynamic water fountain shows would enliven the State Capitol and maximize its exposure to a worldwide audience; and


WHEREAS, the implementation of biweekly, evening water shows at the State Capitol will draw visitors and strengthen the State's tourism industry, and, according to the State Historic Preservation Division, provide an opportunity for more members of the public and tourists to explore and appreciate the history and architecture of the historic Capitol District; and

WHEREAS, according to the State Historic Preservation Division, the installation of water fountains in the reflecting pools can probably be executed in a manner that will not affect the historic character and integrity of the State Capitol and may be less intrusive than altering the existing pools beyond the original design intent; and


     WHEREAS, the Department of Accounting and General Services is charged under section 26-6(b)(6), Hawaii Revised Statutes, with the maintenance of public buildings, including the State Capitol reflecting pools; and


WHEREAS, in 2011, a Department of Accounting and General Services property condition report on the reflecting pools reported that existing and projected issues with water circulation, aeration, corrosion, algae, water clarity, and maintenance could be addressed by adding water fountain jets and a reverse osmosis filtration system, among other options; and


     WHEREAS, computerized, three-dimensional simulation models of the State Capitol reflecting pools with the proposed water fountains show a finished product with a modern, stylish, and tasteful appearance; and


WHEREAS, the restoration of the State Capitol reflecting pools with new water fountains would have long-term financial, environmental, and aesthetic benefits, and fully reflect Hawaii's spirit of aloha, beauty, and pride; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, the Senate concurring, that the Department of Accounting and General Services is requested to repair the State Capitol reflecting pools and to strongly consider installing new water fountains to effectively clean the pools, reduce costs, and enhance the historic value of the Capitol District; and
     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Accounting and General Services is requested to submit a report of its progress in repairing the State Capitol reflecting pools and its consideration of installing water fountains, including any recommendations for proposed legislation, to the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening the Regular Session of 2017; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the State Comptroller, Administrator of the State Historic Preservation Division, and building manager of the State Capitol Building.









Report Title: 

State Capitol Reflecting Pools; Department of Accounting and General Services; Water Fountains