H.C.R. NO. |
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urging the department of land and natural resources to manage wildlife to sustain game populations, provide greater public access to Land for hunting, and improve management to support hunting.
WHEREAS, the Department of Land and Natural Resources and its Division of Forestry and Wildlife have not adopted a plan for wildlife management that addresses game as a resource for food and recreation; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that active game management to produce game for subsistence and recreational hunting should be a goal of wildlife management; and
WHEREAS, interpretations of wildlife management vary considerably among biologists and other wildlife experts but the following three concepts are common among definitions of wildlife management:
(1) Efforts directed toward wild animal populations;
(2) Relationship of habitat to wild animal populations; and
(3) Manipulation of habitats or populations to meet some specified societal goal; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature affirms that managing game for subsistence and recreational hunting is a goal of wildlife management; and
WHEREAS, the Department of Land and Natural Resources and its Division of Forestry and Wildlife are responsible for conducting habitat and wildlife population inventories and evaluations, determining public priorities for wildlife resources, and directing management efforts to pursue goals that recognize public priorities, including priorities regarding the manipulation of habitat and wildlife populations; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that many people confuse game management with wildlife preservation; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature finds that conservation is an effort to maintain and use natural resources wisely with the goal of ensuring that those resources remain available for future generations; and
WHEREAS, the wise use of resources may vary from actively managing wildlife populations by hunting to protecting and preserving populations and habitats; and
WHEREAS, in situations where wildlife populations are in danger of extinction, the preservation of wildlife and habitat can require leaving natural systems undisturbed by humans; and
WHEREAS, game management is also a component of conservation and usually involves controlling, directing, or manipulating wildlife populations or their habitats; and
WHEREAS, wildlife managers often seek to increase, decrease, or stabilize wildlife populations so that wildlife may be removed on a regular and continuing basis; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-eighth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2016, the Senate concurring, that the Department of Land and Natural Resources and its Division of Forestry and Wildlife are urged to actively manage wildlife to sustain game populations; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Land and Natural Resources and its Division of Forestry and Wildlife are also urged to provide greater public access to land for hunting; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Land and Natural Resources and its Division of Forestry and Wildlife are further urged to improve evaluation and management efforts on each island to support hunting; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, and the Mayor of each county.
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Urging DLNR to support hunting.