H.B. NO.














relating to Waste.





SECTION 1.  (a)  There is established within the department of health for administrative purposes, a sewage runoff task force.

     (b)  The task force shall examine:

     (1)  The levels of sewage contamination in coastal areas as a result of runoff; and

     (2)  Methods of reducing sewage contamination.

     (c)  The following individuals or their designees shall serve as members of the task force:

     (1)  The director of health, who shall serve as the chair of the task force;

     (2)  The chairperson of the board of land and natural resources; and

     (3)  The mayor of each county.

     (d)  Members shall not be compensated but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred, including travel expenses, in carrying out their duties.  The department of health shall provide all necessary administrative, professional, technical, and clerical support required by the task force.

     (e)  The task force shall report its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2017.

     (f)  The task force shall be dissolved on June 30, 2017.

     SECTION 2.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $         or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2016-2017 for the administrative and operating expenses of the sewage runoff task force.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of health for the purposes of section 1.

     SECTION 3.  (a)  There is established within the department of health for administrative purposes, a sewage infrastructure review task force.

     (b)  The task force shall examine the sewage infrastructure in each county.  As a part of its examination, the task force shall review:

     (1)  The sustainability of infrastructure;

     (2)  The scope of infrastructure;

     (3)  The capacity of infrastructure;

     (4)  Any history of infrastructure failure or overload;

     (5)  Other problems relating to infrastructure; and

     (6)  Methods to improve infrastructure.

     (c)  The following individuals or their designees shall serve as members of the task force:

     (1)  The director of health, who shall serve as the chair of the task force;

     (2)  The chairperson of the board of land and natural resources; and

     (3)  The mayor of each county.

     (d)  Members shall not be compensated but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred, including travel expenses, in carrying out their duties.  The department of health shall provide all necessary administrative, professional, technical, and clerical support required by the task force.

     (e)  The task force shall report its findings and recommendations, including any proposed legislation, to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular session of 2017.

     (f)  The task force shall be dissolved on June 30, 2017.

     SECTION 4.  There is appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii the sum of $         or so much thereof as may be necessary for fiscal year 2016-2017 for the administrative and operating expenses of the sewage infrastructure review task force.

     The sum appropriated shall be expended by the department of health for the purposes of section 3.

     SECTION 5.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2016.







Report Title:

Waste; Sewage Runoff; Sewage Infrastructure; Task Forces; Appropriation



Establishes a sewage runoff task force in DOH to examine levels of sewage contamination in coastal areas as a result of runoff.  Establishes a sewage infrastructure review task force in DOH to examine the sewage infrastructure in each county. Makes an appropriation for each task force.




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