H.B. NO. |
2086 |
Relating to transportation.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that Hawaii's high dependence on the personal automobile and imported fossil fuels costs our economy billions of dollars each year, increases household transportation costs for Hawaii's families, decreases access to job opportunities for low income individuals, leads to increased traffic congestion that costs Hawaii's residents both time and money, and degrades our quality of life.
The legislature further finds that increasing multi-modal transportation options in Hawaii's communities decreases travel distances, decreases transportation energy use, makes more efficient use of limited public rights of way, and promotes greater active transportation and healthier communities. Establishment of mode share targets and plans to increase the use of various modes of transportation will help increase the availability and utilization of non-automobile modes of transportation, reduce transportation energy use, and reduce household transportation costs while increasing mobility and transportation equity for Hawaii residents.
The purpose of this Act is to update the statewide transportation plan process pursuant to chapter 279A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to include the creation of a Hawaii household transportation survey and to direct the counties and department of transportation to create mode share targets and plans to be included in the statewide transportation plan.
SECTION 2. Section 279A-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§279A-2 Statewide
transportation plan. (a) The state department of transportation shall
prepare a new statewide transportation plan and shall submit said plan to the
legislature in its [1978] 2020 session. The legislature shall
adopt the plan by resolution. The plan shall be directed toward the ultimate
development of a balanced, multi-modal statewide transportation system that
serves clearly identified social, economic, and environmental objectives. The
statewide transportation plan shall include the following system components:
(1) The national system of interstate and defense highways, and highways within the state highway system;
(2) Airports;
(3) Harbors and water-borne transit;
(4) Surface mass transit systems; [and]
(5) Major county roads[.]; and
(6) State and county bicycle facilities.
The department of transportation shall pay particular attention to the interfacing of the various modes of transportation.
(b) The statewide transportation plan shall:
(1) Include projected transportation needs for a six-year period and a schedule of priorities for the construction, modification, and maintenance of various segments of the statewide plan that involve either state-operated systems or county-operated systems that may require state financial assistance for a twenty-year period; and
(2) Comply with county transportation-related plans; county general plans; and all community, development, or community development plans adopted pursuant to the county general plan, to the extent that compliance does not affect the receipt of federal funds.
(c) Both the six-year and twenty-year estimates shall be updated annually.
(d) The department of transportation shall create a statewide household transportation survey to gather information on travel behavior statewide including transportation methods for both commute and non-commute trips. At a minimum, the survey shall include trip information on the use of the following modes of transportation:
(1) Car, truck, or van including single occupant and carpool;
(2) Public transportation;
(3) Walking;
(4) Bicycle;
(5) Moped and motorcycle; and
(6) Taxicab and rideshare.
The department shall work with the counties and metropolitan planning organizations to conduct the survey every two years, beginning in 2017.
(e) Each county shall develop transportation mode share plans that include mode share targets based on the metrics established by the state department of transportation through data collected in the statewide household transportation survey. Mode share targets may include sub-county targets, such as for urban districts. Mode share targets for both commute and non-commute trips shall include:
(1) 'Fewer than' mode share targets for car, truck, or van and single occupant modes of transportation; and
(2) 'Greater than' mode share targets for public transportation, walking, and bicycle modes of transportation.
Mode share targets shall seek to increase non-automobile modes of transportation in order to reduce travel distances, transportation energy use, and household transportation costs and increase mobility and transportation equity for the residents of each county.
Each county mode share plan shall:
(1) Create mode share targets for the next twenty-five years in five-year increments beginning in 2025;
(2) Delineate the transportation infrastructure, transportation and land use policies, and programs and strategies necessary to achieve the county's mode share targets; and
(3) Be completed and submitted to the state department of transportation by December 31, 2018 and every five years thereafter.
(f) Beginning in 2025, and every five years thereafter, the statewide transportation plan shall include the county specific mode share targets created pursuant to subsection (e)."
SECTION 3. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2016.
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Report Title:
Statewide Transportation Plan; Modes of Transportation
Amends the statewide transportation plan to include bicycle facilities as part of the transportation system components. Requires the Department of Transportation to develop a survey on travel behavior. Requires each county to develop transportation mode sharing plans and to update these plans every five years beginning in 2025.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.