H.B. NO. |
1852 |
relating to Water pollution.
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the clean water state revolving fund loan program in the department of health assists in financing the construction of water pollution control projects necessary to prevent contamination of groundwater and coastal resources, and to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the State. To achieve these purposes, the program provides low interest loans to state and county agencies to construct water pollution control projects.
The legislature further finds the areas of the State that are more likely to have cesspools would be greatly served by wastewater treatment works. Additionally, while the State or counties may not place a priority on providing water pollution control facilities to areas with prominent cesspool usage, some residents of these areas are willing to work together to plan, design, and construct wastewater treatment works. However, wastewater treatment works can have significant costs, and because the clean water state revolving fund loan program only provides loans to state and county agencies, interested groups of residents cannot access this funding mechanism to plan, design, and construct wastewater treatment works in their area.
The purpose of this Act is to make nonprofit organizations eligible to receive loans from the clean water state revolving fund loan program.
SECTION 2. Chapter 342D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to part V to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§342D- Revolving fund; nonprofit loan conditions. (a) The director may make and condition loans pursuant to section 342D-84 to a nonprofit organization recognized under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, for the planning, designing, or constructing of a wastewater treatment works. A loan shall contain the following conditions:
(1) Reasonable assurances that the nonprofit organization will provide for the proper and efficient operation and maintenance of the wastewater treatment works after its construction;
(2) Reasonable assurances by the nonprofit organization that an impact fee structure will be instituted to ensure that new developments pay their appropriate share of the costs of the wastewater treatment works;
(3) The loan is made with no interest;
(4) Annual payments of loan principal will be made, with repayment beginning not later than one year after project completion;
(5) The loan be fully amortized not later than thirty years after project completion; and
(6) Any other provisions required by federal or state law or deemed necessary or convenient by the director.
(b) The director may hold individual members of the nonprofit organization that received the loan separately and jointly liable for the nonpayment or default of the loan.
(c) No loan of funds from the revolving fund shall be made unless the loan recipient pledges a dedicated source of revenue for the repayment of the loans. This pledge may be a lien against the property that the wastewater treatment works is built upon.
(d) The director shall adopt rules, pursuant to chapter 91, necessary for the purposes of this section."
SECTION 3. Section 342D-83, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§342D-83 Revolving fund; establishment, purposes, coordination. (a) There is established in the state treasury a fund to be known as the water pollution control revolving fund to be administered by the director. The revolving fund shall be administered, operated, and maintained to remain available in perpetuity for its stated purpose.
(b) The purpose of the revolving fund is to provide financial assistance to eligible parties for projects or activities to:
(1) Enable counties and state agencies to plan,
design, and construct publicly owned wastewater treatment works in accordance
with [Title] title 33 United States Code sections 1381 to 1387;
(2) Enable eligible parties to implement management
programs established under [Title] title 33 United States Code
section 1329; [and]
(3) Enable eligible parties to implement conservation
and management plans established under [Title] title 33 United
States Code section 1330[.]; and
(4) Enable nonprofit organizations recognized under section 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, to plan, design, and construct wastewater treatment works."
SECTION 4. Section 342D-87, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Revolving fund; state or county financing conditions. (a) The
following conditions shall apply to each project receiving water pollution
control financing under this part:
(1) The project shall conform with the state water
quality management plan developed under [Title] title 33 United
States Code section 1285(j), 1288, 1313(e), 1329, or 1330;
(2) The project shall be certified by the director as entitled to priority over other eligible projects on the basis of financial and water pollution control needs;
(3) In the case of wastewater treatment works construction projects, the application or agreement for the loan shall contain:
(A) Reasonable assurances that the applicant will provide for the proper and efficient operation and maintenance of the treatment works after its construction;
(B) Reasonable assurances by the applicant that an impact fee structure will be instituted to ensure that new developments pay their appropriate share of the costs of the wastewater treatment works, as determined by the counties; and
(C) [Such] Any other provisions
required by federal or state law or deemed necessary or convenient by the
(4) The county or state agency receiving these funds
for a construction project shall require the installation of the low flow water
fixtures and devices for faucets, hose bibbs, showerheads, urinals, and toilets
in all new construction projects; provided that the fixtures and devices shall
be approved by the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Officials and shall comply with applicable American National Standards
Institute standards and [such] any other standards as may be
required by the respective county for all new residential and public buildings;
(5) The county receiving these funds shall take specific steps to reduce polluted runoff into state waters through educational and regulatory programs.
(b) The use of federal funds and state
matching funds in the revolving fund shall be in conformance with [Title]
title 33 United States Code sections 1381 to 1387.
(c) The director may make and condition loans
from the revolving fund [which] that shall:
(1) Be made at or below market interest rates;
(2) Require periodic payments of principal and interest with repayment commencing not later than one year after completion of the project for which the loan is made; and
(3) Be fully amortized not later than twenty years after project completion.
(d) No loan of funds from the revolving fund shall be made unless the loan recipient pledges a dedicated source of revenue for the repayment of the loans. This pledge may be a county's full faith and credit (a general obligation payable from its general fund), special assessments, revenues from an undertaking, system, or improvements, including user charges, or any other source of revenue.
(e) This section shall not apply to loans provided to nonprofit organizations for the designing, planning, or construction of wastewater treatment works."
SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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Report Title:
Water Pollution Control Revolving Fund; Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Program; Nonprofit Organizations
Clarifies that nonprofit organizations may receive a loan from the water pollution control revolving fund to enable the planning, designing, and construction of wastewater treatment works. Establishes certain terms for these loans.
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.