H.B. NO.



H.D. 3


S.D. 2














     SECTION 1.  Chapter 286, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:

     "§286-    Number plates for mopeds; registration.  (a)  The director shall cause to be produced number plates and tags or emblems for the registration of mopeds operated in the State.

     (b)  The director shall number and register the moped in the owner's name in a permanent record or book to be kept by the director for this purpose, and shall furnish the owner thereof with a receipt showing upon its face the license number issued for the moped.  The registration fee shall be $50 per year.  The director shall also furnish the owner, upon the original registration of the moped, one plate with the registration number marked thereon.  Upon the payment of a registration fee for each year, a tag or emblem bearing a serial number and the month and year of expiration shall be provided to the owner.  Transfer of current number plates, tag, or emblem, except as authorized by this chapter, is punishable by a fine of not more than $50 for each offense.

     (c)  Upon an original registration the director shall fix, and shall charge to the owner, a fee equal to the cost of the number plate and tag or emblem plus the administrative cost of furnishing the plate and tag or emblem and effecting the registration.  Upon the issuance of a new series of number plates, the director shall charge the owner a fee equal to the costs of the number plate plus the administrative cost of furnishing the plate.  Upon issuing a tag or emblem, the director shall charge the owner a fee of 50 cents.  The owner shall securely fasten the number plate on the rear of the moped at a location provided by the manufacturer or in the absence of such a location upon the bumper of the moped and in conformance with section 291-31, in such a manner as to prevent the plate from swinging.  The number plate shall at all times be displayed entirely unobscured and be kept reasonably clean.

     (d)  Upon the issuance of the tag or emblem, the owner shall affix the tag or emblem to the top right portion of the rear number plate."

     SECTION 2.  Section 286-21, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

     "§286-21  Vehicles and mopeds without required equipment or in unsafe condition.  No person shall drive or cause to move on any highway any motor vehicle, moped, trailer, semitrailer, or pole trailer, or any combination thereof, unless the equipment thereon is in good working order and adjustment as required in this part [so as not to] and does not endanger the driver or other occupant or any person upon the highway."

     SECTION 3.  Section 286-22, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a), (b), and (c) to read as follows:

     "(a)  The chief of police or any police officer of any county may, at any time when the chief of police or police officer has reasonable cause to believe that a vehicle or moped is unsafe or not equipped as required by law, require the owner or driver of the vehicle or moped to submit the vehicle or moped to an inspection or make the necessary corrections or repairs.

     (b)  If the vehicle or moped is found to be in an unsafe condition or if any required part or equipment is not present or if any required part or equipment is present but not in proper repair, the officer shall issue a citation to the owner or driver stating the reasons that the vehicle or moped is deemed unsafe or is not equipped as required and shall require that a new certificate of inspection as provided in section 286-26 be obtained within five days or that the defect be cured.

     (c)  If upon inspection, the chief of police or any police officer determines that any vehicle or moped is in such unsafe condition as to constitute a menace to the public or is not equipped as required and cannot reasonably be restored to a safe condition as required in this part, the chief of police or police officer shall remove the sticker which signifies the certificate of inspection and inform the director of finance who shall [forthwith] immediately suspend the registration of the vehicle or moped and give notice of the suspension to its owner.  Whenever the director of finance has suspended the registration of any vehicle or moped under this part, the owner of the vehicle or moped shall immediately surrender and forward to the director of finance the certificate of registration and the license plates last issued upon registration of the vehicle for the current year."

     SECTION 4.  Section 286-23, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:

     "(b)  No person shall operate any vehicle or moped after receiving a citation with reference thereto as provided in section 286-22(b), except that if the driver is authorized to do so by the police officer, the driver may return the vehicle or moped to the driver's residence or place of business or the residence or place of business of the owner of the vehicle[,] or moped, or to an automotive repair shop, if within a distance of twenty miles, until a certificate of inspection is obtained or the necessary corrections or repairs are made."

     SECTION 5.  Section 286-25, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:

     "§286-25  Operation of a vehicle or moped without a certificate of inspection.  Whoever operates, permits the operation of, causes to be operated, or parks any vehicle or moped on a public highway without a current official certificate of inspection, issued under section 286-26, shall be fined not more than $100."

     SECTION 6.  Section 286-26, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsections (a), (b), (c), (d), and (e) to read as follows:

     "(a)  The following vehicles shall be certified as provided in subsection (e) once every year:

     (1)  Trucks, truck-tractors, semitrailers, and pole trailers having a gross vehicle weight rating of more than 10,000 pounds;

     (2)  Buses;

     (3)  Rental or U-drive motor vehicles two years of age or older; [and]

     (4)  Taxicabs[.]; and

     (5)  Mopeds.

Ambulances shall be certified as provided in subsection (e) once every six months.

     (b)  All other vehicles, including motorcycles, mopeds, trailers, semitrailers, and pole trailers having a gross vehicle weight rating of 10,000 pounds or less, and antique motor vehicles as defined in section 249-1, except those in subsections (c) and (d), shall be certified as provided in subsection (e) every twelve months; provided that any vehicle to which this subsection applies, except a moped, shall not require inspection within two years of the date on which the vehicle was first sold.

     (c)  Any vehicle or moped that has been involved in an accident shall be certified as provided in subsection (e) before it is operated again if:

     (1)  It is determined by a police officer or an insurer that the vehicle's or moped's equipment has been damaged so as to render the vehicle or moped unsafe; or

     (2)  It is rebuilt or restored.

     (d)  Every vehicle or moped shall be certified prior to the issuance of a temporary or permanent registration by the director of finance and prior to the transfer of any registration; provided that this requirement shall not apply to a subsequent transfer of registration in a vehicle or moped that carries a current certificate of inspection.

     (e)  Upon application for a certificate of inspection to be issued for a vehicle[,] or moped, an inspection as prescribed by the director under subsection (g) shall be conducted on the vehicle[,] or moped, and if the vehicle or moped is found to be in a safe operating condition, a certificate of inspection shall be issued upon payment of a fee to be determined by the director.  The certificate shall state the effective date, the termination date, the name of the issuing insurance carrier, and the policy number of the motor vehicle insurance identification card for the inspected motor vehicle as specified by section 431:10C-107 or state the information contained in the proof of insurance card as specified by section 431:10G-106.  A sticker, authorized by the director, shall be affixed to the vehicle or moped at the time a certificate of inspection is issued.  An inspection sticker which has been lost, stolen, or destroyed shall be replaced without reinspection by the inspection station that issued the original inspection sticker upon presentation of the [vehicle's] current certificate of inspection; provided that the current certificate of inspection and inspection sticker shall not have expired at the time the replacement is requested.  The director shall adopt rules to determine the fee for replacement of lost, stolen, or destroyed inspection stickers."

     SECTION 7.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 8.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2030.

Report Title:

Mopeds; Registration; Safety Inspections



Requires registration, inspections, and number plates for mopeds.  Effective 7/1/2030.  (SD2)




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