H.B. NO. |
1417 |
relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of THE FORTY-SECOND REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT.
SECTION 1. The director of finance is authorized to issue general obligation bonds in the sum of $199,330,000 or so much thereof as may be necessary and the same sum or so much thereof as may be necessary is appropriated for fiscal year 2015-2016 for the purpose of financing capital improvement projects for the fortieth representative district, as follows:
1. To be expended by the department of education:
A. Barbers Point elementary school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for air-conditioning of entire school.
Plans and design $ 385,000
Construction 3,465,000
Total funding $ 3,850,000
B. East Kapolei elementary school, Oahu
Construction of a new school.
Construction $5,000,000
Total funding $5,000,000
C. East Kapolei middle school, Oahu
Construction of a new school.
Construction $90,000,000
Total funding $90,000,000
D. Kapolei middle school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for new bus lanes and drop-off zones; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.
Plans and design $ 150,000
Construction 850,000
Total funding $ 1,000,000
E. Kapolei middle school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for additional parking.
Plans and design $ 100,000
Construction 900,000
Total funding $ 1,000,000
F. Kapolei middle school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for re-roofing of buildings A, C, F, G, and H; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.
Plans and design $ 850,000
Construction 4,250,000
Total funding $ 5,100,000
G. Kapolei middle school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for shelter in place for library and buildings A, C, E, F, G, H, and I.
Plans and design $ 132,000
Construction 1,188,000
Total funding $ 1,320,000
H. Kapolei high school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for SPED trailer 3.
Plans and design $ 100,000
Construction 615,000
Total funding $ 715,000
I. Kapolei high school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for shelter in place for administration and buildings B, D, G, and H.
Plans and design $ 200,000
Construction 900,000
Total funding $ 1,100,000
J. Makakilo elementary school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for air-conditioning of entire school.
Plans and design $ 385,000
Construction 3,465,000
Total funding $ 3,850,000
K. Makakilo elementary school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for Americans with Disability Act-compliant transition accessibility.
Plans and design $ 150,000
Construction 895,000
Total funding $ 1,045,000
L. Makakilo elementary school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for additional parking at rear of campus; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.
Plans and design $ 70,000
Construction 250,000
Total funding $ 320,000
M. Makakilo elementary school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for renovations to cafeteria flooring; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.
Plans and design $ 30,000
Construction 150,000
Total funding $ 180,000
N. Mauka Lani elementary school, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction for air-conditioning of entire school.
Plans and design $ 385,000
Construction 3,465,000
Total funding $ 3,850,000
2. To be expended by the department of accounting and general services:
A. Kapolei community development
corporation heritage center, Oahu
Construction of a multi-purpose facility.
Construction $500,000
Total funding $500,000
3. To be expended by the University of Hawaii:
A. University of Hawaii- West Oahu, Oahu
Construction of a science, technology, and creative media facility.
Construction $21,500,000
Total funding $21,500,000
4. To be expended by the department of transportation:
A. H-1 freeway near Makakilo, Oahu
Construction of an addition or modification of freeway access from Makakilo to Palailai IC.
Construction $7,000,000
Total funding $7,000,000
B. Kalaeloa Barbers Point Harbor, Oahu
Construction of fuel pier facility improvements.
Construction $50,000,000
Total funding $50,000,000
5. To be expended by the Hawaii community development authority:
A. Kalaeloa, Oahu
Plans and design, and construction of the Kalaeloa Enterprise streetlighting project.
Plans and design $400,000
Construction 1,6000,000
Total funding $2,000,000
SECTION 2. The appropriation made for the capital improvement project authorized by this Act shall not lapse at the end of the fiscal biennium for which the appropriation is made; provided that all moneys from the appropriation unencumbered as of June 30, 2018, shall lapse as of that date.
SECTION 3. The sums appropriated shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2015.
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Report Title:
CIP; 42nd Representative District
Authorizes issuance of general obligation bonds and appropriates moneys for capital improvement projects in the 42nd representative district.
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