H.B. NO.














relating to capital improvement projects for the benefit of the FORTY-FIRST representative district.





     SECTION 1.  The following sums, or so much thereof as shall be sufficient to finance the projects listed in this Act, are hereby appropriated out of the general revenues of the State of Hawaii for fiscal year 2015-2016:

     1.   To be expended by the department of education:

     A.   Ewa Beach elementary school, Oahu

          Equipment, design, and construction for air conditioning in all classrooms.

          Equipment                          $500,000

          Design                             $220,000

          Construction                     $3,280,000

          Total funding                    $4,000,000

     B.   Ewa Beach elementary school, Oahu

          Design and construction for electrical upgrades.

          Design                              $60,000

          Construction                       $575,000

          Total funding                      $635,000

     C.   Ewa Beach elementary school, Oahu

Equipment, design, and construction for four portable classrooms.

          Equipment                         $        

          Design                            $        

          Construction                      $        

          Total funding                     $        

     D.   Ewa elementary school, Oahu

Equipment, design, and construction for a new classroom building.

          Equipment                          $100,000

          Design                             $550,000

          Construction                     $7,350,000

          Total funding                    $8,000,000

     E.   Ewa elementary school, Oahu

          Plans, design, and construction for a parking lot.

          Plans                               $50,000

          Design                              $50,000

          Construction                     $1,000,000

          Total funding                    $1,100,000

     F.   Ewa elementary school, Oahu

          Equipment, design, and construction for an eight-classroom building.

          Equipment                          $100,000

          Design                             $700,000

          Construction                     $9,500,000

          Total funding                   $10,300,000

     G.   Ewa elementary school, Oahu

          Equipment, design, and construction for air conditioning in buildings C & D.

          Equipment                          $100,000

          Design                              $80,000

          Construction                       $600,000

          Total funding                      $780,000

     H.   Ewa Makai middle school, Oahu

          Design and construction for a shade covering the classroom courtyard; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.

          Design                             $150,000

          Construction                       $650,000

          Total funding                      $800,000

     I.   Ewa Makai middle school, Oahu

Design, construction, and equipment for a sixth grade wing.

          Design                             $550,000

          Construction                     $7,350,000

          Equipment                          $100,000

          Total funding                    $8,000,000

     J.   New Ewa high school, Oahu

          Land, design, construction, and equipment.

          Land                                 $1,000

          Design                              $80,000

          Construction                    $88,000,000

          Equipment                        $1,000,000

          Total funding                   $89,081,000

     K.   Ilima intermediate school, Oahu

          Design and construction for air conditioning of all classrooms and the administration building.

          Design                             $600,000

          Construction                     $9,680,000

          Total funding                   $10,280,000

     L.   James Campbell high school, Oahu

          Equipment, design, and construction for air conditioning for the entire school.

          Equipment                        $1,000,000

          Design                             $600,000

          Construction                    $10,400,000

          Total funding                   $12,000,000

     M.   James Campbell high school, Oahu

          Design and construction for electrical upgrade.

          Design                              $80,000

          Construction                       $900,000

          Total funding                      $980,000

     N.   James Campbell high school, Oahu

          Plans, design, construction, and equipment for improvements and upgrades for the athletic track and field complex; ground and site improvements; equipment and appurtenances.

          Plans                                $1,000

          Design                               $1,000

          Construction                       $997,000

          Equipment                            $1,000

          Total funding                    $1,000,000

     O.   Keoneula elementary school, Oahu

          Equipment, design, and construction for four portable classrooms.

          Equipment                           $50,000

          Design                              $75,000

          Construction                     $1,250,000

          Total funding                    $1,375,000

     P.   Keoneula elementary school, Oahu

          Equipment, design, and construction for six to eight classrooms.

          Equipment                         $        

          Design                            $        

          Construction                      $        

          Total funding                     $        

     2.   To be expended by the city and county of Honolulu:

          Ewa police substation, Oahu

          Plans, design, and construction for a police substation in Ewa.

          Plans                               $80,000

          Design                              $80,000

          Construction                     $8,000,000

          Total funding                    $8,160,000

     3.   To be expended by the department of transportation:

     A.   Fort Weaver road, Oahu                    

          Plans, design, and construction for sidewalk improvements for Fort Weaver road between Geiger road and Keoneula boulevard.

          Plans                               $50,000

          Design                              $50,000

          Construction                     $8,000,000

          Total funding                    $8,100,000

     B.   Fort Weaver road, Oahu

          Restriping of Fort Weaver road from Geiger road to

          Keoneula boulevard, to include intersection modification at the junction of Keaunui drive and Fort Weaver road.

          Plans                               $50,000

          Design                              $50,000

          Construction                     $5,000,000

          Total funding                    $5,100,000
     C.   Fort Weaver road, Oahu

          Upgrading utilities along Fort Weaver road to include relocation underground.

          Plans                              $100,000

          Design                              $50,000

          Total funding                      $150,000

     SECTION 2.  The sums appropriated for the respective capital projects set forth in section 1 shall be expended by the designated expending agency for the purposes of this Act.

     SECTION 3.  This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2015.








Report Title:

CIP; 41st Representative District



Appropriates funds for capital improvement projects for the benefit of the 41st Representative District. 




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