Rep. Mele Carroll, Chair |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi, Vice Chair |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. Dee Morikawa |
Rep. Richard Creagan |
Rep. Marcus R. Oshiro |
Rep. Mark J. Hashem |
Rep. Justin H. Woodson |
Rep. Jo Jordan |
Rep. Beth Fukumoto |
9:30AM |
Conference Room 329 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT. Requires that all child support payments go directly to an adult child if the adult child is presently enrolled as a full-time student in, or has been accepted into and plans to attend as a full-time student for the next semester, a post-high school university, college, or vocational school.
RELATING TO QUALIFIED COMMUNITY REHABILITATION PROGRAMS. Amends the exemption from the civil service laws for contracts for personal services, building, custodial, and grounds maintenance services with qualified community rehabilitation programs at a cost of no more than $850,000 by specifying that the $850,000 maximum applies per contract.
RELATING TO PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS. Adds homelessness, receipt of public assistance, and receipt of unemployment benefits as basis under which discrimination in public accommodations is prohibited.
RELATING TO YOUTH. Requires the office of youth services to coordinate a five-year safe places for youth pilot program to establish a network of safe places where youth can access safety and services. Establishes the position of safe places for youth program coordinator. Establishes rules to allow minors to consent to enter the safe places program and provide immunity from liability to safe place providers and other related service providers. Makes appropriation.
RELATING TO PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES. Establishes and appropriates funds for the medicaid buy-in program for workers with disabilities. Effective 7/1/14.
RELATING TO YOUTH. Establishes the resources for enrichment, athletics, culture, and health (R.E.A.C.H.) program in the office of youth services to provide a standardized framework and funding for after-school programs in public middle and intermediate schools. Establishes a revolving fund to receive fees and other moneys to supplement the costs of administering and operating the program. Appropriates funds for establishing the R.E.A.C.H. program to provide funding for after-school programs in middle and intermediate public schools. Establishes one full-time equivalent (1.0 FTE) position to support the program and appropriates funds for that position.
RELATING TO YOUNG ADULT OFFENDERS. Establishes the young adult rehabilitation special fund. Exempts young adult defendants from a sentence of life sentence without the possibility of parole except where required for murder or attempted murder. Prohibits young adult defendants from being transported out of state to serve sentences. Establishes within the department of public safety the temporary young adult rehabilitation advisory group. Makes appropriation.
RELATING TO CHILD SUPPORT. Requires adult children to annually demonstrate educational enrollment to continue receiving child support.
RELATING TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. Makes the commission of an act of physical abuse in the presence of a family or household member who is a minor under the age of fourteen a class C felony.
RELATING TO SEXUAL ASSAULT. Removes the statute of limitations for criminal and civil actions arising from sexual assault in the first and second degrees and continuous sexual assault of a minor under the age of fourteen years.
MAKING AN APPROPRIATION FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE PROGRAMS. Appropriates funds for purchase of service contracts for domestic violence programs. Effective July 1, 2014.
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony should indicate:
· Testifier's name with position/title and organization;
· The Committee(s) to which the comments are directed;
· The date and time of the hearing; and
· Measure number.
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________________________________________ Rep. Mele Carroll Chair |