Rep. Della Au Belatti, Chair |
Rep. Dee Morikawa, Vice Chair |
Rep. Mele Carroll |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Richard Creagan |
Rep. Marcus R. Oshiro |
Rep. Mark J. Hashem |
Rep. Justin H. Woodson |
Rep. Jo Jordan |
Rep. Lauren Kealohilani Matsumoto |
Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey, Chair |
Rep. Derek S.K. Kawakami, Vice Chair |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. Chris Lee |
Rep. Tom Brower |
Rep. Mark M. Nakashima |
Rep. Romy M. Cachola |
Rep. Marcus R. Oshiro |
Rep. Richard Creagan |
Rep. Clift Tsuji |
Rep. Cindy Evans |
Rep. Ryan I. Yamane |
Rep. Sharon E. Har |
Rep. Bob McDermott |
Rep. Ken Ito |
Rep. Cynthia Thielen |
8:30 AM |
Conference Room 329 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
RELATING TO THE HAWAII HEALTH CONNECTOR. Proposed HD1: Reduces the membership of the connector board of directors from fifteen to ten members and changes the composition and voting status of the board. Creates the consumer, patient, business, and health care advisory group; health insurers advisory group; and the insurance producers advisory group to advise the Connector board of directors. Creates the Connector Oversight Council to review the financial and operational plans of the Connector. Establishes a sustainability fee to be collected through June 30, 2018, to support operations of the Connector, and establishes a special fund. Effective July 1, 2112. (SB240 HD1 PROPOSED)
RELATING TO HEALTH CARE TRANSFORMATION. Proposed HD1: Establishes the Office of Health Care Transformation within the State Health Planning and Development Agency. Changes the name of the State Health Planning and Development Agency to the Hawaii Health Care Planning and Policy Authority. Establishes the Health Care Transformation Special Fund. Establishes and appropriates fund for the state innovation waiver task force to develop a plan for applying for a state innovation waiver under the PPACA. Makes an appropriation. Effective July 1, 2050. (SB2827 HD1 Proposed)
RELATING TO THE HAWAII HEALTH AUTHORITY. Replaces the position of executive director of the Hawaii health authority with a chair position. Appropriates an unspecified amount for operating expenses of the authority. Effective 01/01/2050. (SD2)
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony should indicate:
· Testifier's name with position/title and organization;
· The Committee(s) to which the comments are directed;
· The date and time of the hearing; and
· Measure number.
While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may be distributed to the Committee after the hearing.
Submit testimony in ONE of the following ways:
PAPER: 8 copies (including an original) to Room 310 in the State Capitol;
FAX: For testimony less than 5 pages in length, transmit to 808-586-6281 (Oahu) or 1-800-535-3859 (for Neighbor Islander without a computer to submit testimony through the website); or
WEB: For testimony less than 10MB in size, transmit from
Testimony submitted will be placed on the legislative website. This public posting of testimony on the website should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-9425 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" website at or call 536-2100.
________________________________________ Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey Chair |
________________________________________ Rep. Della Au Belatti Chair |