Rep. Sylvia Luke, Chair |
Rep. Scott Y. Nishimoto, Vice Chair |
Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson, Vice Chair |
Rep. Ty J.K. Cullen |
Rep. Richard H.K. Onishi |
Rep. Mark J. Hashem |
Rep. Gregg Takayama |
Rep. Kaniela Ing |
Rep. James Kunane Tokioka |
Rep. Jo Jordan |
Rep. Justin H. Woodson |
Rep. Bertrand Kobayashi |
Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita |
Rep. Nicole E. Lowen |
Rep. Beth Fukumoto |
Rep. Dee Morikawa |
Rep. Gene Ward |
Friday, March 28, 2014 |
2:00 P.M. |
Conference Room 308 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
A G E N D A # 1
RELATING TO THE NURSING FACILITY SUSTAINABILITY PROGRAM. Amends Act 156, Session Laws of Hawaii 2012, as amended by Act 142, Session Laws of Hawaii 2013, to continue the Nursing Facility Sustainability Program by extending the sunset date of the Act, updating the referral dates in the statute, and appropriating funding out of the nursing facility sustainability program special fund for fiscal year 2014-2015. Exempts the nursing facility program special fund from central service expenses assessed under section 36-27, Hawaii Revised Statutes. Effective 6/30/2050.
RELATING TO HEALTH. Appropriates funds for direct health care services for the uninsured and underinsured, basic adult dental benefits for Medicaid enrollees, outreach and eligibility services at Federally Qualified Health Centers, health care homes, and behavioral health services at Federally Qualified Community Health Centers. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO HOUSING. Establishes a rental deposit loan program within the department of human services to assist low-income and homeless individuals and families in obtaining affordable rental housing. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO CHILD ABUSE. Establishes an Internet Crimes Against Children Fee for each felony or misdemeanor conviction. Specifies order of priority for collection of fees. Establishes an Internet Crimes Against Children Special Fund. Requires deposit of fees collected into the Special Fund. Appropriates funds. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO YOUTH. Requires the office of youth services to coordinate a five-year safe places for youth pilot program to establish a network of safe places where youth can access safety and services. Establishes the position of safe places for youth program coordinator. Allows youth in crisis under 18 years of age to consent to services in the safe places program. Makes an appropriation. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO HIGHER EDUCATION. Appropriates funds for a program coordinator and technical support staff member to complete the necessary planning required for an international flight training center and associated aeronautical training programs at the University of Hawaii at Hilo and Hawaii community college. Effective 07/01/2050.
RELATING TO THE UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII. Removes program execution exceptions provisions that are specific to the UH. Prohibits the sale or gift of land currently being used for the permanent campus of the UH-West Oahu without the prior consent of the Legislature. Appropriates moneys to fund positions in SEED, and to provide direct services relating to student affairs and higher education. Repeals the authority of UH to issue revenue bonds. Effective July 1, 2014.
RELATING TO CULTURAL EXCHANGES BETWEEN HAWAII AND PUERTO RICO. Establishes the Puerto Rican exchange commission to coordinate a cultural exchange program between Hawaii and Puerto Rico to honor and recognize the contributions of the Puerto Rican people and commemorate the arrival of the Puerto Ricans to Hawaii.
RELATING TO THE TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS TAX. Allocates $3,000,000 to the Special Land and Development Fund from the Transient Accommodations Tax revenues, of which an unspecified amount will be allocated to the Conservation and Resources Enforcement Special Fund. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO TOURISM STIMULUS INITIATIVES. Provides an income tax credit for qualified hotel construction and renovation for taxable years beginning in the period after December 31, 2014, through December 31, 2019. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT. Establishes an innovative business interaction program under the Hawaii tourism authority. Increases the transient accommodations tax revenues deposited into the tourism special fund for expenditures for the program. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII TOURISM AUTHORITY. Amends exemptions granted to the Hawaii tourism authority, under certain conditions, from the supervision of accounts by the comptroller, requirements for publication of consolidated financial statements, and approval of business and accounting forms. Effective 07/01/2050.
Persons wishing to offer comments should submit testimony at least 24 hours prior to the hearing. Testimony should indicate:
· Testifier's name with position/title and organization;
· The Committee(s) to which the comments are directed;
· The date and time of the hearing; and
· Measure number.
While every effort will be made to incorporate all testimony received, materials received on the day of the hearing or improperly identified or directed, may be distributed to the Committee after the hearing.
Submit testimony in ONE of the following ways:
PAPER: 2 copies (including an original) to Room 306 in the State Capitol;
FAX: For testimony less than 5 pages in length, transmit to 1-800-535-3859 (for Neighbor Islander without a computer to submit testimony through the website); or
WEB: For testimony less than 10MB in size, transmit from
Testimony submitted will be placed on the legislative website after the hearing adjourns. This public posting of testimony on the website should be considered when including personal information in your testimony.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6200 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" website at or call 536-2100.
________________________________________ Rep. Sylvia Luke Chair |