Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey, Chair |
Rep. Derek S.K. Kawakami, Vice Chair |
Rep. Della Au Belatti |
Rep. Chris Lee |
Rep. Tom Brower |
Rep. Mark M. Nakashima |
Rep. Romy M. Cachola |
Rep. Marcus R. Oshiro |
Rep. Richard Creagan |
Rep. Clift Tsuji |
Rep. Cindy Evans |
Rep. Ryan I. Yamane |
Rep. Sharon E. Har |
Rep. Bob McDermott |
Rep. Ken Ito |
Rep. Cynthia Thielen |
Wednesday, February 19, 2014 |
2:00 PM |
Conference Room 325 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
The following measure(s) were previously heard on January 22, 2014.
RELATING TO TRANSIENT ACCOMMODATIONS. Clarifies that an association's duty to report to the department of taxation is limited to the relevant information an association actually receives from a transient accommodation operator. Limits the fines imposed on an association while also holding an owner or operator of a transient accommodation accountable for failure to report.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on February 12, 2014.
RELATING TO PUBLIC AGENCY MEETINGS. Requires that an internet web address be included on a meeting notice for instructions on submitting testimony for a meeting; allows boards and commissions to provide notice of a meeting by first class mail or electronic means, including electronic mail and text messaging; requires boards and commissions to provide instructions and contact information for persons to request to be included on the list for notification of meetings to be sent via postal mail or electronic means; and specifies that any person who fails to properly send meeting notices by postal mail or electronic means or fails to send meeting notices in a timely manner shall be subject to penalties.
RELATING TO PRIVATE GUARDS. Amends various provisions relating to private guards and individuals acting in a guard capacity by: reducing the continuing education requirement to four hours every two years; delaying the continuing education requirement to prior to the June 30, 2016, renewal cycle; and making permanent the registration and licensure requirements for private guards and individuals acting in a guard capacity by repealing the sunset date of Act 208, Session Laws of Hawaii 2010.
RELATING TO CONTINUING EDUCATION FOR MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS. Requires licensed marriage and family therapists to complete a minimum of forty-five hours of continuing education courses, including six hours in ethic courses, during each licensing renewal period, for the period beginning January 1, 2017, and thereafter.
RELATING TO OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY PRACTICE. Improves the regulation of occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants by establishing an occupational therapy program and licensing requirements for occupational therapists and occupational therapy assistants.
RELATING TO TRAVEL INSURANCE. Establishes a limited lines travel insurance producer license for producers selling, soliciting, or negotiating travel insurance through a licensed insurer. Authorizes travel retailers to offer the insurance if registered by a limited lines travel insurance producer.
RELATING TO REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS. Requires arbitration awards under chapter 466K, Hawaii Revised Statutes, to be open to the public. Requires real estate appraisers, acting as arbitrators, to record arbitration awards, the records of the awards, if separately issued, and any supplementary, dissenting, or explanatory opinions with the bureau of conveyances within ninety days of the determination of the award and its notification to the parties. Clarifies that failure to comply is a violation of real estate appraiser license or certification requirements.
RELATING TO MORTGAGE SERVICERS. Changes the annual license renewal date for mortgage servicers from June 30 to December 31 of each calendar year.
RELATING TO SECURE AND FAIR ENFORCEMENT FOR MORTGAGE LICENSING ACT. Adds definitions for clarity. Requires a mortgage loan originator company to be open during specified regular business hours to the public and for examination or investigation by the commissioner. Deletes exemptions for individuals facilitating mortgage loans for their family members and family property. Clarifies that a branch manager may not oversee more than one branch office or principal place of business. Excludes certain information included in NMLS from confidentiality provisions of the law.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Clarifies fiduciary duties of condominium association boards. Requires association approval of charges and penalties.
RELATING TO CONDOMINIUMS. Require resident managers to keep a record of the email addresses of condominium association members.
RELATING TO THE REMOVAL OF CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION DIRECTORS. Clarifies that condominium association boards may only fill board vacancies to serve until the next annual or duly noticed meeting.
RELATING TO FORECLOSURES. Specifies parties other than unit owners who may be served notice by publication and posting of nonjudicial foreclosure.
RELATING TO FRANCHISES. Voids provisions in a franchise that restricts the resolution of claims arising to foreign forums.
RELATING TO THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Amends the Uniform Commercial Code to require that exclusions or modifications of express warranties for the sale of goods in consumer contracts be printed in bold type at the beginning of the warranty.
RELATING TO SALE OF GRAFFITI MATERIALS. Requires all persons offering aerosol spray paint containers for sale to restrict public access to the containers so that access to them cannot be gained without employee assistance. Effective July 1, 2014.
RELATING TO THE STATE FIRE COUNCIL. Authorizes the State Fire Council to: (1) Establish procedures for statewide qualifications, testing, and certification for individuals who conduct maintenance testing of fire protection systems; and (2) Implement a statewide system to promote the effective use of fire and life safety resources.
RELATING TO PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION BENEFITS. Ensures personal injury protection benefits remain consistent with prepaid health care plans by clearly specifying requirements for the reimbursement of drugs, supplies, and materials.
RELATING TO GIFT CARDS. Requires an issuer of a gift card to hold in trust the moneys received in payment for the card. Effective January 1, 2015.
RELATING TO CONSUMER PROTECTION. Prohibits (1) using computer software to circumvent online ticket purchase processes for the purpose of ticket scalping; and (2) selling or offering to sell event tickets for more than the face value of the tickets, excluding taxes and reasonable service charges. Makes violations unfair or deceptive practices in the conduct of trade or commerce. (HD1)
As this is a decision making meeting only, no public testimony will be accepted.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6160 at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 586-6196.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" website at or call 536-2100.
________________________________________ Rep. Angus L.K. McKelvey Chair |