Honolulu, Hawaii



RE:    GOV. MSG. NOS. 594, 595, 596




Honorable Donna Mercado Kim

President of the Senate

Twenty-Seventh State Legislature

Regular Session of 2014

State of Hawaii




     Your Committee on Economic Development, Government Operations and Housing, to which was referred Governor's Message Nos. 594, 595, and 596, submitting for study and consideration the nominations of: 


Enhanced 911 Board


G.M. No. 594


for a term to expire 6-30-2016;


G.M. No. 595


for a term to expire 6-30-2016; and


G.M. No. 596


for a term to expire 6-30-2016,


begs leave to report as follows:


     Your Committee has reviewed the personal histories and statements submitted by the nominees and finds Roy Irei, Steven Schutte, and Jeff Riewer to possess the requisite qualifications to be nominated to the Enhanced 911 Board.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of Roy Irei from the Department of Accounting and General Services and seven individuals.


     Mr. Irei is currently the General Manager of T-Mobile USA and responsible for all aspects of T-Mobile USA's operations in Hawaii.  His accomplishments include taking the company from the third largest wireless phone company in 2001 to the number one wireless carrier in Hawaii in 2007.  He also holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from the University of Hawaii.


     In the past, Mr. Irei served as Chairman of the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board from 2004 to 2008, which successfully launched the enhanced 911 service within eighteen months statewide.


     Your Committee finds that Mr. Irei's past experiences, as well as his continuing commitment to public safety, will be great assets to the Board.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of Steven Schutte from the Department of Accounting and General Services and fourteen individuals.


     Mr. Schutte is currently the Government Account Executive for Verizon Wireless and represents Hawaii government agencies and nonprofit organizations and their employees.  Previously, he also served as Market Manager of T-Mobile Engineering and Operations for several years.  He holds a Bachelor's degree in Speech Communications from the University of Hawaii.


     In the past, Mr. Schutte served as Vice Chair of the Enhanced 911 Board from 2004 to 2005 and Chair from 2005 to 2007.  During his tenure, the Board successfully launched Phase II service, which enabled public-safety answering points to view the caller's phone number and an estimated location of the caller.


     Mr. Schutte indicated in his personal statement that the role of the Enhanced 911 Board is not only to provide guidelines and assistance to the public-safety answering points, but to have a fiduciary responsibility to the general public.


     Your Committee finds that Mr. Schutte's past experiences will be great assets to the Board.




     Your Committee received testimony in support of Jeff Riewer from the Department of Accounting and General Services and five individuals.


     Mr. Riewer is currently the Lead Network/Sales Support Manager and Enhanced 911 Coordinator for AT&T Wireless in Hawaii and is responsible for coordinating all Enhanced 911 scheduling, call testing, and datafill between AT&T Hawaii and Hawaii public-safety answering point personnel.  He has over fourteen years of experience in the wireless communications field as a Manager of Operations, Field Manager, Technical Manager, and Wireless Technician.  He holds Bachelors of Science in History and Political Science from the University of Montana.  He also has been attending Enhanced 911 Board meetings as a civilian volunteer for over two years.


     Mr. Riewer indicated in his personal statement that he believes his background and expertise in wireless networks will bridge any gaps between wireless network providers and public-service action points in the State.


     Your Committee finds that Mr. Riewer's past experiences, as well as his continuing commitment to technological advances in wireless networks, will be great assets to the Board.


     As affirmed by the records of votes of the members of your Committee on Economic Development, Government Operations and Housing that are attached to this report, your Committee, after full consideration of the background, experience, and qualifications of the nominees, has found the nominees to be qualified for the positions to which nominated and recommends that the Senate advise and consent to the nominations.


Respectfully submitted on behalf of the members of the Committee on Economic Development, Government Operations and Housing,



