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WHEREAS, Hawaii is recognized as a global island leader in sustainability; and
WHEREAS, Hawaii exemplifies the urgent need for action on the global challenge to build more sustainable economies, as Hawaii's people depend on imports for roughly 95 percent of their energy and 85 percent of their food, at an estimated annual cost of more than $8 billion; and
WHEREAS, the Global Island Partnership (GLISPA), a partnership for all islands regardless of size or political status, works with island leaders around the world to conceive, launch, and implement inspiring and successful high-level commitments to island conservation and sustainable livelihoods; and
WHEREAS, GLISPA invited Hawaii to join the Partnership in September of 2013, and make a high-level international commitment to sustainability because of the State's track record and aspirations to build a more secure, sustainable, and resilient island economy, community, and environment; and
WHEREAS, when Governor Abercrombie accepted GLISPA's invitation at a Washington Place reception for GLISPA representative Ambassador Jumeau from the Seychelles, he said, "Hawaii will join the Global Island Partnership to share Hawaii's successes and learn from other islands," and agreed to invite Hawaii's elected chief executives, legislators, and other leaders to join him in a statewide commitment to sustainability; and
WHEREAS, Hawaii Green Growth is a voluntary partnership of state, county, federal, business, and nongovernmental leaders from many sectors, including clean energy, local food production, natural resource management, waste reduction, climate change mitigation and adaptation, planning, green jobs, and others, that is ready to support a shared statewide commitment to sustainability; and
WHEREAS, drawing from experience from other international commitments, key elements for an Aloha+ Challenge: A Culture of Sustainability -- He Nohona ‘Ae‘oia have been outlined, with principles and targets based on current state priorities and policies; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaii State Legislature has a proven track record of supporting sustainability across economic, social, and environmental sectors, including providing guidance to assure a sustainable future through the Hawaii 2050 Task Force and Sustainability Plan established in Act 8, Special Session Laws of Hawaii 2005, and establishing sustainability as a priority in the Hawaii State Plan under Chapter 226, Hawaii Revised Statutes; and
WHEREAS, the Hawaii State Planning Act defines sustainability and provides guiding principles for the Aloha+ Challenge, including:
(1) Respecting the culture, character, beauty, and history of the State's island communities;
(2) Striking a balance between economic, social, community, and environmental priorities;
(3) Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs; and
(4) Addressing the impacts of climate change and increasing climate change resilience; and
WHEREAS, the Governor, Mayors of all the Counties, and the Chair of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs have expressed their interest in accepting the Aloha+ Challenge; and
WHEREAS, leadership and support by the Hawaii State Legislature is critical for the success of implementing the Aloha+ Challenge; and
WHEREAS, a statewide commitment to the Aloha+ Challenge will help to:
(1) Increase strategic support from key county, state, and federal agencies, elected officials, and partner organizations, working together with the private sector, on a shared green growth agenda;
(2) Attract global and regional meetings to Hawaii to share Hawaii's green growth experience, such as Hawaii's proposal to host the World Conservation Congress in 2016;
(3) Expand regional collaboration on shared issues, such as invasive species, climate change, fisheries, and ocean resource management;
(4) Promote:
(A) Accountability and continuity for long-term implementation through agreed measures;
(B) A committed public-private partnership across the state; and
(C) Local, national, and international attention to support progress on Hawaii targets;
(5) Increase Hawaii's federal standing by supporting national sustainability initiatives and targets, such as the Federal Leadership in Environmental, Energy and Economic Performance (Executive Order 13514); and
(6) Strengthen Hawaii's partnerships with federal agencies, international organizations, and other islands, including the U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. State Department, President's Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, National Invasive Species Council, Global Island Partnership, and others; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, that this body endorses and supports the integrated approach and six ambitious targets of the Aloha+ Challenge to be achieved by 2030, which include:
(1) Clean Energy: 70 percent clean energy, including 40 percent from renewables and 30 percent from efficiency;
(2) Local Food: At least double the local food production with a goal of 20-30 percent of food consumed being grown locally;
(3) Natural Resource Management: Reverse the trend of natural resource loss mauka to makai by increasing watershed protection, community-based marine management, invasive species prevention and control, and restoration of native species;
(4) Waste Reduction: Reduce the solid waste stream prior to disposal by 50 percent, through source reduction, recycling, and bioconversion;
(5) Smart Sustainable Communities: Increase livability and resilience in the built environment through planning and implementation at the state and county levels; and
(6) Green Workforce: Increase local green jobs and education to implement these targets; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Hawaii State Sustainability Coordinator is requested to submit a report to the Legislature no later than 20 days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2015 on the launch of the Aloha+ Challenge, including recommendations for promoting action and tracking progress on the statewide sustainability targets; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor who in turn is requested to transmit a copy to the Director of each executive department, the Mayor of each county, and the Chair of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.
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Aloha+ Challenge