H.C.R. NO.














requesting the Hawaii invasive species council to provide opportunities for various stakeholders to provide input regarding the control and eradication of invasive albizia trees.




     WHEREAS, trees of the genus Falcataria, commonly known as albizia, were first introduced to Hawaii at the turn of the 20th Century; and


     WHEREAS, since albizia trees are extremely fast-growing and prolific, these non-native species have become established in Hawaii to the detriment of both native plant species and public safety; and


     WHEREAS, because of albizia's rapid growth rate, these trees frequently block sunlight to surrounding plants, effectively starving and killing them; and


     WHEREAS, albizia trees are brittle and have weak root systems and, therefore, are more likely to break or fall in windy and rainy conditions than other trees of comparable size; and


     WHEREAS, the susceptibility of albizia trees to inclement weather conditions combined with a tendency to grow in dense stands make them an especially worrisome hazard in the event of a hurricane or other natural disaster when falling or fallen trees can endanger public safety and impede access routes; and


     WHEREAS, the Hawaii Invasive Species Council, an interagency collaboration housed within the Department of Land and Natural Resources, and the various island-based Invasive Species Committees funded by the Council are responsible for planning and carrying out invasive species control and eradication efforts throughout the State; and


     WHEREAS, while albizia trees are present throughout the State, their impact on the public and the environment in any given area differs based on local conditions; and


     WHEREAS, any control and eradication response to albizia must take into account the diverse interests and concerns of the residents of affected areas; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2014, the Senate concurring, that the Hawaii Invasive Species Council is requested to provide opportunities for various stakeholders to provide input regarding the control and eradication of invasive albizia trees through its partnerships with the various island-based Invasive Species Committees; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council is encouraged to solicit participation in this process from individuals as well as from organizations or agencies from both the public and private sectors in areas throughout the State that are affected by invasive albizia; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Concurrent Resolution be transmitted to the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Chairperson of the Board of Agriculture, Coordinator of the Hawaii Invasive Species Council, and the respective Chairs of the Big Island, Kauai, Maui, Molokai, and Oahu Invasive Species Committees.









Report Title: 

Albizia; Invasive Species Control and Eradication