(KHON2 News) - Unemployed folks living in federal housing are being asked to do community service or move out. It's a federal requirement that's been in affect for more than a decade, but there's a new push to enforce it here in Hawaii. Continue reading on KHON2.com...
(HawaiiNewsNow) - Queen Liliuokalani School in Kaimuki ceased to be a school this past year, when the Board of Education decided to close it. Education officials said the campus and its buildings would be used for a teacher resource center and storage. Read the article and see the news segment on Hawaii News Now.
"Lawmakers Listen" provides a unique opportunity for our community to have a face-to-face discussion with district legislators, House leadership and Chairs of key House Committees. Please join them on Thursday night (April 12, 2012) starting from 6 p.m. at Salt Lake Elementary School Cafeteria. Click here for more details.
(KITV News) - You don't need to look far to find what needs fixing on Farrington High School's campus. "You've got bottle caps up there," said Department of Education Public Works Administrator Duane Kashiwai as he peered up at the ceiling.
Granted the campus is old -- it celebrated its 75th birthday this year. Read more on KITV.com
(HawaiiNewsNow) - Half a billion dollars could start pumping into Hawaii's economy within months. The money from a state bond sale would pay for renovations at nearly every public school in Hawaii along with scores of other properties. Read more on HawaiiNewsNow.com
Please join Senator Wakai and Representative Johanson at Foster Village/Aliamanu/Aiea Town Hall Meeting on Wednesday, April 4, 2012, starting from 6 p.m. at Radford High School Cafeteria. Click here to view more details.
(Hawaii News Now) "With the site of next year's Pro Bowl still up in the air, lawmakers are tackling future plans for Aloha Stadium again. Ideas include building a brand new facility or creating a development around the existing one." Read more on HawaiiNewsNow.com
(Hawaii News Now) "Salt Lake District Park has only one maintenance person to take care of the facility, which includes a baseball field, a swimming pool and a gym. And that's why about 20 volunteers showed up Saturday with gardening gloves, rakes, weed whackers and dozens of garbage bags." Read more on HawaiiNewsNow.com
Watch the video on HawaiiNewsNow.com
Senator Glenn Wakai and Representative Linda Ichiyama hosted a 2 1/2 hour town hall meeting on July 6, 2011. The evening began with a power point presentation (see attached) by Senator Wakai and Representative Ichiyama going over this past legislative session. Topics ranged from the state budget, district capital improvement projects, to community activities and legislative initiatives. The night ended with a lively question and answer session. Thank you to Mrs. Ichiyama for making ono chili and hot dogs for those in attendance.
Senator Wakai and Representative Ichiyama - July 7, 2011 Town Hall Presentation
If you have used cooking oil, HI-5 beverage containers, scrap metal and appliances, newspaper, cardboards and other items left around your home, please bring it over to the next Aloha Aina Day at the Oahu Veterans Center (1298 Kukila St.) on Saturday, July 9, 2011, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Various organizations will be collecting used or unwanted materials. Many of them will be recycled and prevented from filling the landfills. Please see attached flyer for more specific details on what other items will be accepted. This is a great way to help yourself and, at the same time, help your community.
Aloha Aina Day Flyer.
(Honolulu Star-Advertiser) "Bookshelves languishing in a basement at the University of Hawaii were given a new life yesterday as they were packed into Matson containers destined for islands in the western Pacific."
Read "Donated Goods Head for Western Pacific" in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser
(Honolulu Star-Advertiser) "As the first session of the 26th Hawaii Legislature clunked to a close Thursday afternoon, Sen. Glenn Wakai (D, Salt Lake-Foster Village) tweeted: "We dodged a bunch of bullets - NO increase in the general excise tax, pension tax, soda tax or alcohol tax."
Read "Pension Tax Idea Galvanized Potent Voting Block" in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser
(Honolulu Star-Advertiser) "Today marks the 50th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy's historic address before Congress, during which he set forth his visionary and ambitious goal toward "landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth" - within a decade."
Read "Reach for the Stars from Hawaii" in the Honolulu Star-Advertiser
(Hawaii News Now) "Gov. Neil Abercrombie and Lt. Gov. Brian Schatz will talk with residents of Aiea and Pearl City during a Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. Thursday at the Pearl Ridge Elementary School cafeteria."
Read "Abercrombie, Schatz to Attend Town Hall Meeting" on KFVE