<!-- <i>Monday, December 17, 2012</i> <h3>Hawaii State Senate President Shan Tsutsui's Statement on the Passing of U.S. Senator Dan Inouye</h3> <p> <i>"Today, we have lost a true American hero. Senator Dan Inouye served the people of Hawaii and our country with great dignity and honor. A true statesman, his lifelong work has left an indelible mark on Hawaii and he leaves behind a legacy that we will never forget. We express our heartfelt condolences to the Inouye ohana and our thoughts and prayers are with them."</i> <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/Senate/Tsutsui/Documents/Tsutsui_Inouye Statement.pdf" target="blank">View the media statement.</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> --> <i>Thursday, November 8, 2012</i> <h3>Media Release</h3> <a href="/MemberFiles/Senate/Tsutsui/Documents/2012.11.07_Hawaii State Senate.pdf" target="blank"><img src="/MemberFiles/Senate/Tsutsui/Images/2012.11.07_Hawaii State Senate_Page_1.JPG" title="Click here to read the media release." width="154" height="200" border="0" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/></a> <br> Maui State Senator Shan S. Tsutsui (Sen. District 5) has once again been elected as the President of the Senate and will preside during the 27th Hawaii State Legislature, which will convene on January 16, 2013. Senator Donna Mercado Kim (Sen. District 14) will also continue to serve as Senate Vice President and Chair of the Senate Committee on Tourism and Government Operations and Special Committee on Accountability. Senator David Ige (Sen. District 16) will continue as Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, with Senator Michelle Kidani (Sen. District 18) serving as his Vice Chair. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/Senate/Tsutsui/Documents/2012.11.07_Hawaii State Senate.pdf" target="blank">Please click here to view the full media release.</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Thursday, September 27, 2012</i> <h3>Reexamining the Public Land Development Corporation</h3> <p> Recently, there has been widespread criticism of the newly formed Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) and growing concern for its seemingly broad scope and authority. As the Governor asks us all to have patience and allow the PLDC time and the opportunity to develop and operate under newly proposed governing rules, the situation calls for thoughtful scrutiny and examination. <br> <br> While intended to afford the State the ability to better utilize its existing lands, certain exemptions and powers have called into question the PLDC's ability to be not only effective, but also respectful of Hawaiian values and traditions while averting any real or even perceived fears of corruption. Although I will continue to monitor the actions of the PLDC, including the adoption of its rules, I will be introducing legislation in the 2013 legislative session to address the PLDC and its problems and shortcomings. I plan to propose separate bills, one to repeal Act 55, SLH 2011, which created the PLDC, as well as a bill to narrow the scope of the PLDC's authority and reduce or eliminate current exemptions from normal processes and procedures. Further analysis, including feedback from interested stakeholders and the community-at-large throughout the legislative session, will help to determine the future of the PLDC and ultimately shape the best outcome for the people of Hawaii. </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Thursday, August 16, 2012</i> <a href="/Memberfiles/Senate/Tsutsui/newsletters/2012_End_of_Session_Newsletter.pdf" target="blank"><h3>Senator Shan S. Tsutsui Legislative Update </h3></a> <a href="/MemberFiles/Senate/Tsutsui/Newsletters/2012_End_of_Session_Newsletter.pdf" target="blank"><img src="/MemberFiles/Senate/Tsutsui/Images/2012_End_of_Session_Newsletter.JPG" title="Click here to read the Newsletter" width="170" height="209" border="0"/></a> <br><br> </p> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, August 10, 2012</i> <h3>The Hawaii Broadband Initiative</h3> <p> On June 21, 2011, Governor Neil Abercrombie signed into law new legislation geared toward providing our residents universal access to affordable, ultra high-speed Internet. The Hawaii Broadband Initiative defines the standard for high-speed broadband and strives to grow our island state into a world leader in the digital economy through community driven partnerships between public and private entities. Press play to watch the Senate President voicing his support for the Hawaii Broadband Initiative in the following Public Service Announcements. <br><br> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/P2OerTs9U2g" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br><br> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/kzCOKphwEQ8" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br><br> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/QUbj9WIg1_w" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> <br><br> </p> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, August 10, 2012</i> <h3>A Profile in Courage</h3> <p> On August 4th, 2012, the Maui News ran an editorial favorably recognizing Senate President Shan S. Tsutsui's previously published viewpoint on the University of Hawaii's Athletics Director Jim Donovan. The article ran under the title "A Profile in Courage" and can be viewed <a href="http://www.mauinews.com/page/content.detail/id/563592/A-profile-in-courage.html?nav=9" target="_blank"> on MauiNews.com.</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Wednesday, August 8, 2012</i> <h3>Viewpoint: University of Hawaii Athletics Director Jim Donovan</h3> <i>By Senate President Shan S. Tsutsui (D-Wailuku, Waihee, Kahului, Paia, Lower Paia)</i> <br> <br> <p> <i>(Published by the Maui News on July 31, 2012)</i> - Over the past several years, I have had the distinct privilege to work and get acquainted with University of Hawaii Athletics Director Jim Donovan. I know Jim to be an honest, dedicated and caring person. I've seen him interact with UH sports fans, and more importantly, listen to them give him "sports advice." The patience that he displays gives the impression that the person he is conversing with is the most important fan to the university. Government needs more people like Jim, who are not too busy for the people that we serve. <br> <br> In the wake of the news of a falsified Stevie Wonder fundraising concert on Oahu, I am disappointed with the university's treatment of Jim and his associate Rich Sherriff. I find it hard to believe that Mr. Donovan and Mr. Sherriff were the only two top administrators working on an event of this magnitude. Is this part of the university's standard operating procedures in these situations? If so, the university should clearly articulate that to the public and media so we are not left to wonder. <br> <br> While it is too early to speculate as to the level of culpability, if any, on Jim's part in the loss of university funds, I hope that the administration will be extremely thoughtful regarding Jim's current and future tenure. I would urge the UH administration to not prematurely or unfairly judge Jim as a result of this incident. It is important that a proper investigation of the events is conducted and careful attention is paid to whether applicable procedures were appropriately followed. Even after all that has concluded, ultimately, the man should be judged based on the totality of his work and accomplishments while serving as the AD. <br> <br> Not too long ago, the university suffered great financial distress and public embarrassment at the hands of Jim's predecessor. In contrast, during Jim's tenure, his achievements have been long and his commitment has been vigorous. Simply put, Jim inherited a mess and now has the athletics program headed in the right direction. In his six short years, Jim has worked closely with the Legislature and the private sector to secure substantial funding for athletic facilities throughout the university; negotiated transition of UH football to the MWC when the WAC began to crumble; secured a partnership with ESPN for the Diamond Head Classic basketball tournament; and been involved in the hiring of numerous head coaches, bringing increased exposure, success and revenues to the university. If you ask Jim, he won't take credit for any of these accomplishments, but rather say, "there were many people who helped make it possible." How encouraging that he sees the importance of teamwork outside of sports, too. <br> <br> However, what I am most appreciative about is that when Jim first became the AD in 2007, he met with legislators and wanted our mana'o. In our first meeting, I asked about the possibility of having UH teams play on Maui, to which he responded, "That's a great idea, let me see what I can do." Jim understood that often Neighbor Island residents couldn't afford to fly to Oahu to see their favorite team and that kids on Oahu had opportunities that didn't exist here. Most conversations end there, but this one didn't, and since then we've had UH football, men's basketball, men's and wahine volleyball, and wahine softball teams all visit the Valley Isle. <br> <br> Given all of the positive work that Jim has done and the many things he has been able to accomplish, it is my hope that, absent a finding that he was somehow complicit in the fraudulent transaction, he will be restored to his position and we will continue to build on the good things that we have started. <br> <br> <a href="http://www.mauinews.com/page/content.detail/id/563470/UH-s-Donovan-receives-support.html" target="blank">Continue reading on MauiNews.com.</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Wednesday, August 1, 2012</i> <h3>Maui Memorial Medical Center's Medevac Blessing</h3> <p> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Tsutsui/Images/Tsutsui_Medevac_Blessing.jpg" target="_blank"> <img src="/MemberFiles/senate/Tsutsui/Images/Tsutsui_Medevac_Blessing_THUMB.jpg " title="On July 27th, 2012, Senator Tsutsui attended the ceremonial blessing of Maui Memorial Medical Center's new Bell 430 helicopter. This helicopter replaces the smaller Bell 222 helicopter that had been in service since September 2004." border="0" width="150" height="229" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/></a> <br> On July 27th, 2012, Senator Tsutsui attended the ceremonial blessing of Maui Memorial Medical Center's new Bell 430 helicopter. This helicopter replaces the smaller Bell 222 helicopter that had been in service since September 2004. Since operations began on June 1st, 6 patients have been successfully transported to the hospital from the islands of Maui, Molokai and Lanai. The Bell 222 will continue to be used as a backup, ensuring continuous emergency medical helicopter service for all Maui County Residents. </p> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>