Constituents are invited to a Community Town Hall Meeting on Thursday, May 30th, at 6:00-7:30pm, at Kea‘au Community Center (16-192 Pili Mua St. Keaau, HI 96749).
Senator Ruderman will share the State legislation passed this session and discuss priorities for future legislation. Constituents will have the opportunity to share their views and learn more about how to get involved in the legislative process.
Light refreshments will be provided. For more information or to submit questions/concerns in advance please call Senator Ruderman's Office at (808) 586-6890 or email
Click here to view the flyer
This year marks the 10th anniversary of Education week, organized by the Hawai‘i State Senate Committee on Education, and Hawai‘i State Senators are once again taking the event to the classroom with the "Ask Your Senator" project, to find out what our future leaders want to know about their State.
The concept behind the "Ask Your Senator" project is open dialogue between students from across the State and their lawmakers. A request for questions from students was sent to all public schools in District 2 earlier this month.
As part of his response, Senator Ruderman shared how he felt when he was elected into office, "It was very exciting. I was also very humbled by the support of my district and I'm very proud to represent the people of Puna..."
This project provides an opportunity for students to lead the discussion, through student-driven and student-oriented questions.
On April 11, 2013, Senator Ruderman brought attention to a rapidly growing threat to public safety, infrastructure, and native forests at the Hawai‘i Island Delegation meeting at the State Capitol. Dr. R. Flint Hughes, Ecosystem Ecologist with the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, and Ms. Springer Kaye, Manager with the Big Island Invasive Species Committee, presented to Big Island State Senators and Representatives on the issue of Albizia. The presentation focused on the economic, societal, and ecological threats posed by this invasive weed tree and what can be done to stop it.
The fact that Albizia is the "fastest-growing tree: found to have grown 35 feet in 13 months- or about 1.1 inches per day" awed the legislators. Originally from Indonesia, moist forests are the Albizia's preferred setting, thus it's prevalence in Puna and Hilo. Dr. Hughes explained "these large trees pose a hazard to public and private infrastructure because of brittle wood and weak structure." Ms. Kaye elaborated that "protecting homes, power lines, and roadways from the danger of falling limbs is very expensive" and gave the example of the $1 million spent per mile to remove 1,500 albizia trees in Kauai by the Department of Transportation. In this case, the trees were back within a few years because surrounding Albizia on private property reseeded the open soil.
But the news wasn't all bad - Dr. Hughes and Ms. Kaye shared a recent community-led effort to tackle Albizia that seems to be working. In the area of Pi‘ihonua, above Hilo Hospital, a simple "hack and squirt" control effort, where incisions are made around the trunk of the tree and a few drops of Milestone herbicide is administered, is killing Albizia safely. So far, this method seems to be the best effort because it causes the tree to gradually drop its branches, is cheap, and can be done by almost anyone.
Senator Ruderman's Senate Resolution 41 (SR41) and Senate Concurrent Resolution 74 (SCR74), both urge the Invasive Species Council to develop and implement a comprehensive interagency plan for the control and eradication of Albizia throughout the state; starting with the island of Hawaii, and to partner to utilize Albizia trees that are removed and urging the department of agriculture to investigate biocontrol agents for the control of Albizia. SR41 has passed in the Senate and SCR74 has the support of both the DLNR and DOA and is now headed to the House Finance Committee. Senator Ruderman hopes this legislation will spearhead collaboration to protect our communities against the threats of Albizia.
The Senate of the State of Hawai‘i is always proud to recognize young people who embody the highest standards of character and serve as role models for others. Hana Wilbourn is such a person, having been selected as Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island - Kea‘au Clubhouse, 2013 Youth of the Year Honoree.
The Boys and Girls Club's Youth of the Year program has brought hope and opportunity to hardworking and deserving young people who have overcome enormous obstacles. The organization's premier character and leadership program, Youth of the Year is a comprehensive, nationwide program that identifies and recognizes outstanding young people, 14-18 years of age for behavior that warrants celebration. It promotes and celebrates Club members' service to the Club, community and family; academic performance, ethical values, life goals, poise and public speaking ability. The program is an effective year-round tool for fostering young people's personal growth and leadership qualities.
Local Clubs in Hawai‘i recognize Youths of the Month, followed by the selection of their Club Youth of the Year. These individuals participate in a statewide competition, the winner moves on to the regional competition. Five regional candidates will then compete for the National Youth of the Year honor.
The Senate of the Twenty-Seventh Legislature of the State of Hawai‘i, Regular Session of 2013, hereby commends Hana Wilbourn for her outstanding character, congratulates her on achieving Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island - Kea‘au Clubhouse Youth of the Year Honoree and extends its best wishes for excellence and success in all future endeavors.
The Senate Committees on Energy and Environment (ENE) and Water and Land (WTL) have rescheduled their hearing on SCR123/SR86 to Thursday, April 4, 2013 at 2:45pm in Conference Room 225. Click here to view the hearing notice.
The Senate Committees on Tourism and Hawaiian Affairs (THA) and Transportation and International Affairs (TIA) are holding a public hearing on SCR83/SR49 and SCR143/SR103 on Monday, April 1, 2013 at 3:00pm in Conference Room 224. Click here to view the hearing notice.
The Senate Committees on Human Services (HMS), Tourism and Hawaiian Affairs (THA), and Water and Land (WTL) are holding a public hearing on SCR137/SR98 on Monday, April 1, 2013 at 2:45pm in Conference Room 224. Click here to view the hearing notice.
The Senate Committee on Ways and Means (WAM) has deferred their decision making on various measures to Monday, April 1, 2013 at 10:05am in Conference Room 211. Click here to view the hearing notice.
The Senate Committees on Ways and Means (WAM) and Economic Development, Government Operations, and Housing (EGH) have deferred their decision making on HB964 HD1 to Monday, April 1, 2013 at 10:05am in Conference Room 211. Click here to view the hearing notice.
The Senate Committees on Energy and Environment (ENE) and Water and Land (WTL) are holding a public hearing on SCR123 and SR86 tomorrow, Thursday, March 28, 2013 at 2:45 p.m. in Conference Room 225. Click here to view the hearing notice.
Born in 1906, from the early days of flight, to the Mars Mission Rover landing, Saramae Landers has seen modern history in the making and we honor her in a journey through time celebrating 107 incredible years of Aloha!
As April is Saramae's celebration month, the festivities will begin on Kauai with a relaxing Hawaiian lunch the weekend of April 6th and will continue on the big island of Hawai‘i as we applaud Saramae's 107th birthday with a magnificent celebration at the Palace Theater on Wednesday, April 10th, 2013!
Leilehua Yuen, the theater's award winning storyteller, will be making full use of the theater's perfect acoustics in sharing ancient tales and chants, bringing them to life without amplification. Manu Josiah, Leilehua's husband and longtime companion, will share the stage playing traditional and modern Hawaiian musical instruments. The Palace Theater's vintage pipe-organ will be brought to life under the hands of Rick Mazurowski, hearkening back to the days of silent movies.
The public is invited to attend the Palace Theater celebration.
Sen. Russell Ruderman said, "I want to congratulate Saramae Landers and wish her continued inspirational longevity. This is a celebration of someone that is loved and greatly admired. With her recent accomplishments and new hobbies, she has a busier social life than I do. Happy 107th birthday!"
Tickets to the Palace Theater event are available at the box office, tickets are $5, and keiki are free.
Palace Theater Box Office hours are 10AM to 3PM Monday - Friday (except holidays).
Tuesday, January 22 at 4pm
Aupuni Center, 101 Pauahi Street, Hilo
Thursday, January 31 at 5pm
Kea‘au Community Center, 16-186 Pili Mua Street, Kea‘au
View the flyer for more information.
In all the excitement over filling Sen. Inouye's seat, there's been little attention paid to a newly elected state senator. The Weekly asked Sen. Russell Ruderman how it came to pass that, after decades of grassroots environmental activism on the Big Island, he tried for the newly created Puna District seat and his first elected office. Visit the Honolulu Weekly's site to read more
Click here to view the Public meeting on Keaau-Pahoa Road Roundabout
Click here to view the notification
Senator Russell Ruderman (District 2 - Puna and Kau) invites the public to attend legislative workshops being held on the Big Island to learn about the legislature, how to get involved in the legislative process and how state laws get passed. The workshops are being held by the Hawaii State Legislature's Public Access Room (PAR), a division of the Hawaii State Legislature's non-partisan Legislative Reference Bureau.
PAR will be holding a series of free workshops on the Big Island next week. Senator Ruderman will be attending the Monday, December 10th workshop being held at the Mountain View Public Library, which begins at 6 p.m.
"I encourage everyone to learn about the legislative process and get involved by getting their voices heard," said Senator Ruderman. "The workshops provide the perfect opportunity for citizens to learn, among many things, how to navigate around the legislative website and track bills that pique their interest."
Other PAR workshops on the Big Island:
Tues Dec 11 | 5:30 p.m. | Hilo Public Library |
Wed Dec 12 | 12 noon | North Kohala Public Library |
Wed Dec 12 | 6 p.m. | Waimea Thelma Parker Library |
Thurs Dec 13 | 6 p.m. | Naalehu School Cafeteria |
Sat Dec 15 | 12 noon | Kailua-Kona Civic Center's Liquor Control Conference Room |