Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Upcoming Town Meeting to Feature Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell

A community town meeting to take place on Thursday, March 21, 2013 at the Pearl Ridge Elementary School cafeteria will feature Mayor Kirk Caldwell, who will discuss his priorities as Mayor, including issues such as the timely construction of rail, traffic congestion, and improvements to the sewer system. The meeting will be held from 7:00-8:30pm. Call Representative Takayama's office at 586-6340 for more information.

Read more in the March 2013 Community Report

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Congratulations to the Aiea Public Library for Breaking Ground on their New Facility

State legislators and community leaders celebrated breaking ground for the new Aiea Public Library. The ceremony took place on March 16, 2013 to mark the start of the new facility being built at the old Aiea sugar mill. The library is scheduled for completion in November of this year.

Read more in the March 2013 Community Report

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Funds Released for District 14

Governor Abercrombie has released capital improvement project (CIP) funds for two District 14 projects.

• $700,000 for Phase IV of the Kalihi Valley Homes project, which will include site and dwelling improvements.

• $221,570 for upgrading Aiea Intermediate school's fire alarm system.
Read more in the March 2013 Community Report

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Senate President Introduces UH Bills that Respond to Issues Raised in the Failed UH Concert

Senate President Donna Mercado Kim is proposing six bills in her legislative package that directly impact the University of Hawaii. The bills are based on findings and recommendations from the Senate Special Committee on Accountability's informational briefings to review the oversight, accountability, and transparency of the operational and financial management of the University of Hawaii System, chaired by Senator Kim in September and October 2012.

"The discussion and call for University of Hawaii flexibility and autonomy has been around since the 1980s. Over the past three decades the Executive and Legislative branches of the State of Hawaii have worked together to provide the University of Hawaii with more flexibility and autonomy. However, that autonomy and self governance has evolved to a point where the Senate feels that, in the interest of statewide concern, the University of Hawaii needs to be held more accountable and operate in full transparency," explained Senate President Donna Mercado Kim.

The proposed bills range in topics from procurement for construction projects, to revising the number of University General Counsels, having the Board of Regents undergo annual training on board policies and procedures, requiring the Board of Regents to file annual disclosures of financial interest which would become public record, clarifying how the members of the Board of Regents are selected by the Governor, and revising the makeup of the Board of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH).

For reference purposes, the bills are:

SB 1383 - Repeals the President of the University of Hawaii's authority to serve as the Chief Procurement Officer for construction contracts.

SB 1384 - Limits the Board of Regents to appointing one University General Counsel.

SB 1385 - Requires the Board of Regents to undergo annual training and certification.

SB 1386 - Requires the Board of Regents to file annual disclosure of financial interest.

SB 1387 - Gives the Governor the authority to reject the list of nominees to the Board of Regents presented by the Regents Candidate Advisory Council.

SB 1388 - Reduces the number of members of the Board of Directors of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii (RCUH) and removes the authority of the President of the University to also serve as the President of RCUH.

 View the media release.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Lawmakers Take Action in the Fight Against the Flu

With the flu season well underway, Senate President Donna Mercado Kim received her flu shot vaccination this afternoon at the State Capitol. HMSA, with its partner CVS-Longs, and Kaiser Permanente offered vaccinations for their working members at the State Capitol today. The event was coordinated through the offices of Senate President Donna Mercado Kim, Vice Speaker John Mizuno, and Representative Dee Morikawa.

The flu season officially begins on October 1st of each year, and continues through mid-May of the following year. To learn more about how to protect yourself against the flu visit the Department of Health's website at:

Friday, December 28, 2012

Senator Donna Mercado Kim Selected as Senate President

Senate Vice President Donna Mercado Kim (Sen. District 14) has been selected as the President of the Senate and will preside during the 27th Hawaii State Legislature, which will convene on January 16, 2013. Senator Ronald D. Kouchi (Sen. District 8) will serve as Senate Vice President. Senator David Ige (Sen. District 16) will continue as Chair of the Senate Committee on Ways and Means, with Senator Michelle Kidani (Sen. District 18) serving as his Vice Chair.

The Senate acted quickly to organize after Maui State Senator Shan Tsutsui (Sen. District 5) took the oath of office as Lieutenant Governor yesterday. The Senate line up remains mostly intact to allow members continuity in their committee work as the Senate has been preparing for the upcoming session.

"We are solidified in dealing with the pressing issues facing our State. The Senate continues to be organized in a cooperative and focused manner. I'm humbled to receive the confidence and support of my colleagues" said Senate President Kim.

"We reached an agreement quickly so that we can continue to focus our attention on the issues and begin preparations for the 2013 session," said Senate Vice President Kouchi.

A complete listing of Senate Leadership and Committee Chairmanships is as follows:

President: Donna Mercado Kim
Vice President: Ronald D. Kouchi
Majority Leader: Brickwood Galuteria
Assistant Majority Leader: Michelle Kidani
Ways and Means, Chair: David Ige
Ways and Means, Vice Chair: Michelle Kidani
Majority Floor Leader: Will Espero
Majority Policy Leader: Les Ihara, Jr.
Majority Whip: Gil Kahele
Majority Whip: Jill Tokuda
Judiciary and Labor, Chair: Clayton Hee
Commerce and Consumer Protection, Chair: Roz Baker
Agriculture, Chair: Clarence Nishihara
Technology and The Arts, Chair: Glenn Wakai
Economic Development, Government Operations, and Housing, Chair: Donovan Dela Cruz
Energy and Environment, Chair: Mike Gabbard
Education, Chair: Jill Tokuda
Tourism and Hawaiian Affairs, Chair: Brickwood Galuteria
Health, Chair: Josh Green, M.D.
Higher Education, Chair: Brian Taniguchi
Human Services, Chair: Suzanne Chun Oakland
Public Safety and Military Affairs, Chair: Will Espero
Transportation & International Affairs, Chair: J. Kalani English
Water and Land, Chair: Malama Solomon

 View the media release.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Accountability Committee parameters

There's been tremendous public interest in the Senate Special Committee on Accountability's hearings on the University of Hawaii's management issues.

While public reaction to the hearings have included calls for everything from firing top UH administrators to subpoenaing public officials to have them testify under oath, that is not the purview of the Accountability Committee or the desire of the Legislature.

Here are the facts to help you understand the committee's scope:

• The committee's task is to review the oversight, accountability, and transparency of the operational and financial management of the University of Hawaii, including the Manoa athletics program.

• Since the legislature is not in session, the committee may conduct informational briefings to gather information and request individuals to testify before the committee. After gathering the information, the committee will submit a report with recommendations.

• At this stage the committee does not have the authority to subpoena or put any individuals under oath.

• Once the 2013 Legislature opens, a resolution needs to be voted upon to establish the Special Committee on Accountability as an investigative committee with the authority to subpoena testifiers to appear before the committee.
The University as an autonomous entity:
• The voters approved a Constitutional amendment granting a significant degree of autonomy to the University of Hawaii to govern its own affairs.

• The Board of Regents members are appointed by the Governor from a list of recommended nominees and confirmed by the Senate. Once they are confirmed there is no provision to remove a Regent from the Board

• With self-governance in place, the Legislature cannot take action to overturn UH decisions or to hire and fire administrative/leadership personnel.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Senate to Examine UH Management

The Senate Leadership has assigned the Senate Special Committee on Accountability the task to "review the oversight, accountability, and transparency of the operational and financial management of the University of Hawaii System, including but not limited to the University of Hawaii at Manoa Athletics Department."

As Chair of this Committee, Senator Kim will conduct the briefing looking into the transparency and accountability of the University's operations, in the wake of the recent cancelation of the Stevie Wonder concert and the administration's responses to that situation.

The committee is comprised of Vice Chair Senator Jill Tokuda and Senators Les Ihara, Jr., Ron Kouchi, and Sam Slom as members.

The first public informational briefing will be held on Monday, September 24, 1:00 p.m., in State Capitol Room 211. Only written testimony will be accepted which can be submitted by email to (10mb limit) or by mail to:

Senate Special Committee on Accountability
415 South Beretania St. Room 210
Honolulu, HI 96813

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Friends of Library Name Senator Kim "Legislator of the Year"

Senator Kim accepting the "Legislator of the Year" honor

The Friends of the Library of Hawaii recently named Senator Kim "Legislator of the Year" for her efforts to preserve vital funding for the library system during her term as chair of the Ways and Means Committee and for her leadership in securing support for the Salt Lake and Aiea public libraries during her legislative tenure.

The award was presented by Governor Neil Abercrombie and the Friends at a January 11 ceremony at Washington Place. Said Senator Kim, "I accept this honor not for myself but for my fellow legislators, past and present, without whom I could not effectively represent the residents of my district...for all the employees of the Hawaii State Public Library System, who devote themselves to providing this important public service across the islands...and to the patrons of our libraries - young, old, and in-between - who are the reason we work so hard to support this cherished American institution."

Monday, December 12, 2011

Happy Holidays from Senator Kim

Celebrating Palama Settlement Centennial and the Tourism Committees tour Marriott's Ko Olina Beach Club and the Disney Aulani Resort. Read more in the December 2011 Community Report.

Friday, November 18, 2011

November 2011 Community Report

Information on the upcoming APEC Summit taking place November 8 - 13 and how you can help your neighborhood through the Prosecutor's Drug Nuisance Abatement Program. Read more in the November 2011 Community Report.

Friday, October 14, 2011

October 2011 Community Report

Senator Kim at the 5th annual China-United States Tourism Leadership Summit. The After School All-Stars program held a presentation at Dole Middle School with a surprise visit by founder Arnold Schwarzenegger. Read more in the October 2011 Community Report.

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 2011 Community Report

State reapportionment is in its final stages for public hearings at the listed locations with the final plan due on September 26th. Information on the pedestrian safety program "Walk Wise Hawaii" which took place at the end of August. Read more in the September 2011 Community Report.

Monday, August 15, 2011

August 2011 Community Report

Update on the ongoing HSTA contract negotiations at the Aiea / Pearl City Town Hall meetings. Capital Improvements worth $2,000,000 for Dole Middle School and Aiea Intermediate School. Come see Frank DeLima at the AARP hosted "Tips for Successful Aging" seminar. Read more in the August 2011 Community Report.

Friday, June 17, 2011

June 2011 Community Report

Wrap-up of the 2011 Legislative Session and information on the possibility of a Special Legislative Session. Support Hiki No, the nation's first student news network with area participants Moanalua and Farrington High School. Stay informed and involved in the legislative process with the help of the Public Access Room. Read more in the June 2011 Community Report.

Friday, June 17, 2011

May 2011 Community Report

Update on the conclusion of the 2011 Legislative Session. Supporting success for Hawaii's students through the Step Up program in our public schools. Moanalua High Schoolhas been selected as one of 15 model high schools by the International Center for Leadership in Education. Read more in the May 2011 Community Report.

Friday, April 8, 2011

April 2011 Community Report

April 2011 Community Report-325 bills were passed from the Senate to the House on March 8. Families of 16 Service Members received the Hawaii Medal of Honor from the State Legislature. Over 100 turned out for Moanalua/ Salt Lake Town meeting March 29. Read more in the April 2011 Community Report.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

March 2011 Community Report

March 2011 Community Report- Updates on legislative bills and resolutions, town hall meetings, Aloha Aina Earth Day at Farrington High School, capital improvement project funds for Kalihi-Waena Elementary and Moanalua Elementary Schools... Read more in the March 2011 Community Report.

Monday, January 10, 2011

January 2011 Community Report

January 2011 Community Report- Highlights include the new Senate Leadership assignments, an invitation to Meet & Greet Governor Neil Abercrombie and Lt. Governor Brian Schatz, tourism-related news on 2011 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, and kudos to Hawaii 3R's, the non-profit organization which recently awarded a grant of $96,900 to Moanalua High School. Read more in the January 2011 Community Report.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

November 2010 Community Report

Highlights include congratulations to Dole Middle School recognized as first Hawaii school to receive 2010 School of Distinction award, Investigation of the Dept. of Budget and Finance's handling of state's investment in student loan auction rate securities, funding for Kalihi-Palama Health Center in fight against chronic kidney disease. Read more in the November 2010 Community Report.

Monday, October 4, 2010

October 2010 Community Report

News highlights include information on the two Constitutional Amendments to be on the ballot, congratulations to Red Hill Elementary for meeting AYP goals, free flu vaccines for kids, an update on Kuhio Park Terrace, the First Annual Appreciation Day Celebration, and a schedule of town events and community meetings. Read more in the October 2010 Community Report.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

KITV story on Senate investigation of DOT

"The embattled deputy state transportation director in charge of airports abruptly stepped down last week with just five days' notice. Brian Sekiguchi's management skills and ethics have come under fire by a key state senator...At a July 19 hearing, State Senate Ways and Means Chairwoman Donna Mercado Kim accused Sekiguchi of taking at least one day of vacation in April of 2009 without putting in for vacation time..." View full article

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Summer 2010 Community Bulletin

Included are: highlights and accomplishments of the 2010 Legislative Session, community survey results, Senator Kim on the Hot Seat, 2010 Donna Mercado Kim Aloha Spirit Awards. Read more

Monday, August 16, 2010

Resignation of state airports chief leaves questions that must be answered

The Honolulu Star-Advertiser yesterday published the following editorial:

"The director of Hawaii's airports through most of the Lingle administration abruptly resigned this month, but his departure should not abort investigations of the state Transportation Department's airports division. Taxpayers deserve to know whether the irregularities preceding Brian H. Sekiguchi's departure took the form of sloppy administration, lack of oversight, criminal wrongdoing or all of the above..." View full article

Monday, August 9, 2010

Community Report

August 2010 Newsletter - Senator Kim's Committee on Ways and Means is conducting a series of informational briefings at the State Capitol this summer with the state's Department of Taxation, Department of Transportation, Department of Human Resources Development, Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism and the Department of Budget and Finance in regards to various issues.