Friday, April 12, 2013

It's Electrifying - Area Legislators to Hold Energy Focused Town Hall Meeting

A dialogue focused on clean energy, technology and local households is at the center of a town hall meeting being held by 'Aiea and Pearl City area lawmakers on Thursday, August 15, 2013, at the Pearl Ridge Elementary School's cafeteria at 7:00 p.m.

"The impact of rising rates of traditional energy sources is being felt in the pockets of many of our local households, who are having to dig deeper and deeper to pay the monthly electric bill or fill up the gas tank, "said Senate President Donna Mercado Kim, who represents District 14 (Kapalama, ‘Alewa, Kalihi Valley, Ft. Shafter, Moanalua Gardens & Valley, portions of Halawa and ‘Aiea). "This meeting is the perfect opportunity for residents to learn about the different forms of clean energy available, so they can make informed decisions that will hopefully save them money in energy costs."

Apart from the typical solar and photovoltaic (PV) approach, residents will be updated on other alternative energy technologies available for their homes as well as tax credits and financing options to help fund such systems. Several electric vehicles will also be on site for residents to view and test drive the latest in vehicle technology.

In addition, information tables will be available, allowing for one-on-one questions with numerous industry professionals to help guide the residents in choosing the best energy saving technologies that are cost effective and tailored to their needs.

Guest speakers include representatives from the Hawaii Solar Energy Association, Hawaii Energy, and Hawaiian Electric Company. The Department of Taxation will also be present.

The town hall is being hosted by lawmakers representing the ‘Aiea and Pearl City areas: Sen. David Y. Ige, Senate President Donna Mercado Kim, Rep. Aaron Johanson, Rep. K. Mark Takai, Rep. Roy Takumi, Rep. Gregg Takayama, and City Councilmembers Breene Harimoto and Carol Fukunaga.

View the media release.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Senate Budget Bill Proposes Funding for Five District 14 Capital Improvement Projects

The Senate approved its version of the 2013-2014 budget bill, which includes funding for five of District 14's capital improvement projects (CIPs).

The Senate and House must now meet in conference committee to determine the final budget that will be sent to the Governor for his approval.

District 14 CIP Projects Introduced in 2013 Legislature:
Funding Amount Project Status
Kapalama Elementary School $250,000 Design and construct a new door to replace existing door for fire safety improvements Proposed for Funding in Senate Budget Bill
Moanalua Gardens Foundation $450,000 Kamananui (Moanalua) Valley improvements Proposed for Funding in Senate Budget Bill
Farrington High School $3,750,000 Plan, design, and construct an all weather track and supporting facilities Proposed for Funding in Senate Budget Bill
Red Hill Elementary School $420,000 Design and construction to resurface driveway and parking lot Proposed for Funding in Senate Budget Bill
Farrington High School $6,250,000 Plan, design, construction and equipment for the modernization of campus facilities Proposed for Funding in Senate Budget Bill
Aiea Intermediate School $560,000 Cafeteria stage improvements and support spaces Not Funded
Fern Elementary School $100,000 Construct additional parking lot Not Funded
Kalihi Uka Elementary School $75,000 Install wheelchair lift to cafeteria and library located on the 2nd floor Not Funded
Kapalama Elementary School $310,000 Bathroom renovations Not Funded
Aiea Intermediate School $1,670,000 Design and construct an applied technology center Not Funded

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Aloha Aina Recycling Drive

Mahalo to all the volunteers and the Moanalua community for a successful Aloha Aina Recycling Drive on Saturday, April 6. Many community members helped to keep our landfills free of scrap metal, appliances, batteries, electronics, paper, cans, bottles, and cardboard by recycling.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Pinwheels for Prevention

Senator Kim joined Prevent Child Abuse Hawaii, the Department of Health, and the Child Abuse Prevention Planning Council on Sunday to plant pinwheels in the State Capitol Lawn to raise awareness of child abuse and neglect prevention. You can see the pinwheels on display until April 14 on the Beretania Street Lawn.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Moanalua High School Symphony Orchestra Heads to Carnegie Hall

A big congratulations to the MHS Symphony Orchestra for being invited a third time to perform at Carnegie Hall in New York City, one of our country's most prestigious musical performance venues. Ninety-one fellow musicians, under the guidance of band teacher Elden Seta, performed at the esteemed site for an Easter Sunday concert.

The school's symphony orchestra holds the distinct honor of being the first student orchestra in the country to be formally invited to perform at Carnegie Hall in 1998.

Read more in the April 2013 Community Report

Monday, April 8, 2013

Education Week at the Capitol

Mahalo to all of our student visitors to the Capitol during the Legislature's annual Education Week. Among our visitors were members of the Farrington High School 9th Grade Class, as well as Robotics Teams from Farrington High School, Kalakaua Middle School and Moanalua Middle School.

Read more in the April 2013 Community Report

Farrington High School Robotics Team Moanalua Middle School Robotics Team Kalakaua Middle School Robotics Team

Monday, April 8, 2013

Funds Released for District 14 Schools

Governor Abercrombie has released capital improvement project (CIP) funds for the following school projects.

• $253,777 for Phase 1 of Aiea Intermediate's campus drainage improvements and waterline replacements.

• $90,550 for restroom renovations for Building A at Kalihi Uka Elementary

Read more in the April 2013 Community Report