Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Art at the Capitol 2013: What's on Your Wall, Senator Gilbert Kahele?

In this episode of "What's on Your Wall?," Senator Gilbert Kahele (District 1- Hilo) showcases two of his favorite artworks displayed in his office, photographs by Boone Morrison. Senator Kahele, a friend of Morrison, shares a bit of advice from him, "If you want to capture something for now and forever, do something in black and white." The public will be able to view these pieces and other art work on April 5, 2013 at the 5th Annual Art at the Capitol from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Additional Funding Released for Lanakila Homes Renovations

Senator Gilbert Kahele (District 1, Hilo) is pleased to announce that Governor Neil Abercrombie has released $7.5M for Lanakila Homes. These funds will go towards renovations of the existing structures and buildings that are in urgent need of repair and maintenance.

"Appropriating the proper funds and financial support for Lanakila Homes has always been one of my top priorities," said Senator Kahele, "I am glad that the Governor has released CIP funds specifically to address and improve the critical conditions at Lanakila Homes and finally assist those in need with decent and affordable housing."

Lanakila Homes have sat vacant in decrepit conditions for years. Once the project is completed, it is expected to serve as public housing for families in need.

The Abercrombie Administration is dedicated to accelerating Hawaii's economic recovery through a broad-ranged series of capital improvement actions called the New Day Work Projects. View the media release.

(Photo caption: Senator Gilbert Kahele discusses the future of Lanakila Homes with Gov. Abercrombie back in June 21, 2012.)

Friday, March 15, 2013

Head of Big Island Candies Honored by Hawaii State Senate

Big Island Candies President and Chief Executive Officer Allan Ikawa received a Certificate of Recognition from the Hawaii State Senate Thursday for recently being awarded the Entrepreneurial Success Award for the State of Hawaii. The award was part of the Small Business Administration's (SBA) Small Business Awards 2013. The Entrepreneurial Success Award is given to a business that started small by SBA standards, then developed into a large business.

"Allan Ikawa and Big Island Candies has enabled the world to taste the flavor of Hawaii with delicious cookies, coffee and confections," said Sen. Gilbert Kahele (D-1, Hilo), who presented Ikawa with the Certificate. "I congratulate everyone at Big Island Candies for their hard work in growing the company into one that is highly recognized and respected. I wish Allan and Big Island Candies continued success."

Big Island Candies started in 1977 with just one employee and a small SBA loan. Today, the company has more than 90 employees, operates from a state-of-the-art, 40-thousand square-foot facility and testing lab in Hilo with retail outlets on Oahu. The company has also expanded its reach by being available for on-line sales. View the media release.

(Photo caption: (L-R) Art Taniguchi, Senator Russell Ruderman, Senator Gilbert Kahele, Allan Ikawa, and Senator Malama Solomon)

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Hawaii State Senate Honors the 50th Anniversary of the Merrie Monarch

With the 50th anniversary of the Merrie Monarch just a few weeks away, the Hawaii State Senate honored the momentous occasion during its session last week Friday. Senators presented directors of the Merrie Monarch Festival, Luana, Kathleen and Colleen Kawelu, with a Certificate of Recognition to mark the anniversary.

"Eyes around the world focus on Hilo during the Merrie Monarch to enjoy the Hawaiian culture and arts," said Sen. Gilbert Kahele, who represents Hilo. "The festival's committee has done a wonderful job in helping to preserve and share our culture."

The Merrie Monarch Festival, which began on April 1964, consisted of barbershop quartets, street dancing, fireworks and coronation pageants. In 1968, under the direction of George Na‘ope and Dorothy "Dottie" Thompson, the festival focused on celebrating the Hawaiian culture.

Today, the festival is under the direction of the late Aunty Dottie Thompson's daughter Luana Kawelu and granddaughters Colleen and Kathleen Kawelu. The event features remarkable exhibitions of dance by hula halau, whose members make months-long commitments to hone their mo‘olelo and then present it to an enthusiastic audience of thousands. Considered the "Olympics of Hula," the Merrie Monarch Festival is broadcast on television statewide and is also live streamed via the internet, making the unofficial count of viewers well in the range of the hundreds of thousands. View the media release.

(Photo caption: Senator Gilbert Kahele congratulates Colleen Kawelu.)

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Senate Spotlight Featuring Senator Gilbert Kahele

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Senator Gilbert Kahele Honored with Legislator of the Year Award

The Hawaii Psychological Association (HPA) honored Senator Gilbert Kahele with the Legislator of the Year Award over the weekend. Senator Kahele was given the award for his outstanding contributions to psychology and mental health services in the State and for advocating for the care of the medically underserved.

"I am truly humbled with the award that the Hawaii Psychological Association has given me and for recognizing the work that I have done in support of its mission," said Senator Kahele, who represents Senatorial District 2 on the Big Island (Kau, Puna and Hilo). I will continue promoting medical care for those in need."

Along with his work in helping to advance medical care, Senator Kahele has made preserving agriculture land a top priority as vice chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture.

The mission of the Hawaii Psychological Association is to enhance the quality of life for the people of Hawai‘i by encouraging, integrating, applying, and communicating the contributions of Psychology in all its branches. View the media release.

(Photo Caption: Senator Kahele receives his award from Hawaii Psychological Association President-Elect Darryl Salvador, Psy.D. and Jill Oliveira-Gray, Ph.D.) (Photo Courtesy: Hawaii Psychological Association)

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Governor Signs Measure to Prevent the Spread of Axis Deer

Today Governor Neil Abercrombie enacted Senate Bill (SB) 3001, Relating to Wildlife, into law. This measure prohibits the intentional possession and interisland transportation or release of wild or feral deer.

The introduction of non-native species to the State poses a negative effect on Hawai‘i's environment and indigenous species in a variety of ways. Specifically, the Axis Deer has caused great damage to native habitats and agricultural crops on Maui and are a danger to vehicular traffic on roadways. SB 3001 aims to provide a deterrent to the purposeful spread of wild or feral deer within the State and establishes penalties for the intentional possession or interisland transportation or release of wild or feral deer.

"It is imperative that Hawai‘i's environment and local industry be protected from the devastating effects that non-native species can pose to the health of our local economy and ecosystem," said Senator Gilbert Kahele (District 2- Ka‘u, Puna, Hilo), who introduced the measure. "This measure establishes the regulations needed to prevent the unwanted spread of Axis Deer so that our environment and businesses can continue to grow and prosper."

"We commend Senator Kahele, the state legislature and the Governor for passing SB3001 to prevent the cruel and irresponsible abandonment of deer across Hawaii. Such illegal introductions cause unnecessary animal suffering and harm to the environment" said Inga Gibson, Hawaii director for The Humane Society of the United States.

The Humane Society of the United States and Humane Society Wildlife Land Trust, who worked in support of this bill, are offering a reward of up to $2500 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person or persons responsible for the illegal transport, release or abandonment of deer on the Big Island. The DLNR- Division of Conservation and Resource Enforcement (DOCARE) is asking anyone with information on this illegal activity to please contact their toll-free reward tipline at 1-855-DLNR-TIP (1-855-356-7847).

If anyone sights a deer on Hawai‘i Island, please call the Big Island Invasive Species Council Deer Coordinator at (808)443-4036.
View the media release.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Senator Gilbert Kahele to Discuss Capital Improvement Projects at Town Hall Meeting

Senator Gilbert Kahele is inviting residents to a town hall meeting on Tuesday, June 19, 2012, at the Hilo High School Cafeteria, starting at 5 p.m. WEDNESDAY, June 20, 2012, at the Hilo High School Cafeteria, starting at 5:30 p.m. (updated Tuesday, June 5, 2012.)

Senator Kahele, who represents Ka‘u, Puna and Hilo, will be giving residents a post 2012 Legislative Session update, including a discussion on Capital Improvement Projects in the East Hawaii district.

"I highly encourage everyone to attend the meeting to learn about how some of the bills passed this session will impact them," said Senator Kahele. "This will also give residents a chance to ask questions concerning their community."

Senator Kahele also plans to talk about important measures he was involved in this past session, including the establishment of the Aha Moku Advisory committee, the prohibiting of inter-island transportation of wild or feral deer, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs ceded land settlement and the establishment of an exploratory committee to study the feasibility and resources required to create an aviation training program and academic program at Hilo Airport and UH Hilo, respectively.   View the updated media advisory.

Monday, April 16, 2012

State Funding for Projects on Hawaii Island Creates Jobs and Stimulates Economy

Governor Abercrombie is releasing Capital Improvement Project (CIP) funding for the Waimea to Ka‘u areas on the island of Hawaii.

"I would like to thank the Governor for releasing the funding for these much needed projects," said Senator Malama Solomon, who represents District 1, encompassing Waimea, Hamakua, North Hilo, Hilo and Keaukaha. "The projects will greatly impact and improve the lives of our residents who live in the area by providing work and accelerating our economic recovery."

"There are people who are under-employed and unemployed in the trades industry on Hawaii island, and these capital improvement projects will provide jobs that they so urgently need," said Senator Gilbert Kahele, who represents District 2, encompassing Ka‘u, Puna and Hilo.

Here are the following projects receiving funding:

•  $1,000,000   Waimea Hydropower Plant: install a hydropower plant in the Waimea Irrigation System

•  $874,925   Surveillance of Water-Side Threats to Critical Infrastructure at Hilo, Kawaihae, Nawiliwili and Port Allen Harbors: design/build construction for surveillance systems

•  $210,000   Hawaii Belt Road Drainage Improvements, Vicinity of Hakalau Bridge: drainage improvements

•  $3,200,000   State Lower Hamakua Ditch Watershed Project: land acquisition, design and construction to repair the flumes, ditches, reservoirs, and tunnels

•  $300,000   State Lower Hamakua Ditch Watershed Project: construction to repair the flumes, ditches, reservoirs, and tunnels

•  $2,000,000   Waimea Transfer Ditch Improvements: construction and improvements

•  $4,150,000   Paauilo Rendering Plant and Slaughterhouse: building renovation, infrastructure improvements and equipment replacement

•  $113,000   Information and Communication Services Division - Anuenue Radio Sites and Towers: design and construction engineering of Waiakea radio facility

•  $2,500,000   Keaau Middle School: additional construction, works of art and equipment of a new classroom building

•  $500,000   Ka‘u Irrigation System Improvements: plans and design for improvements, including renovation of the existing water tunnel system in the Ka‘u area

•  $284,000   Ka‘u Hospital: installation of solar powered parking lot lights, replacement of hospital doors, renovation of entrance ramps and installation of a wireless repeater for advanced communications

•  $4,000,000   University of Hawaii at Hilo Living Learning Community: construction and equipment

•  $16,000,000   University of Hawaii at Hilo, Student Housing Developments Phase 1: construction

•  $550,000   The Arc of Hilo: construction of the gymnasium

  View the media release.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Senator Gilbert Kahele Recognizes Adopt-a-Beehive with Alan Wong

Senator Gilbert Kahele honored key individuals involved in the Adopt-a-Beehive with Alan Wong Program at the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo with a Certificate of Recognition today. Those individuals are renowned Chef Alan Wong, University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Chancellor Donald Straney and University of Hawai‘i at Hilo Professor of Entomology Dr. Lorna Tsutsumi.

Last year, Chef Alan Wong teamed up with UH Hilo to create the "Adopt-a-Beehive with Alan Wong Program" in order to bring awareness of the honey bees' critical decline in population. Now offered for a second year, the successful innovative program supports the education of student beekeepers, promotes research and development of healthy beehive practices in Hawai‘i, and educates the public about the vital role that honey bees play in sustaining agriculture.

"I was very impressed with this innovative idea that partners Chef Alan Wong and UH Hilo conceived in educating their students and the community on the vital role that honey bees play in sustaining agriculture in Hawai‘i," said Senator Kahele, who represents District 2, encompassing Ka‘u, Puna, Hilo.

Senator Kahele, vice chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture, co-adopted a beehive with Senator Clarence Nishihara, chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture.

There are 25 bee hives at the UH Hilo apiary located on the 110 acre Panaewa farm that are used for the hands-on beekeeping laboratories. The hives are assigned to students who learn manipulation skills and then send public "adopters" monthly updates on the status of their hives.

According to the University of Hawai‘i, honey bees across Hawai‘i have helped sustain agriculture for over 150 years. But, bee colonies began collapsing in 2007 due to the invasion of the varroa mite.

UH Hilo Chancellor Donald Straney has been a strong supporter of the program since its inception. He believes UH Hilo has the potential to become a global model in promoting research and educating the public about the vital role honey bees play in sustaining agriculture.

UH Hilo Professor of Entomology Dr. Lorna Tsutsumi has taught students the importance of sustainability for more than 25 years. She has said honey bees are responsible for the pollination of many important agricultural crops and their health and well-being is especially important as we strive to lessen our dependency on food imports.

The Senate Committees on Agriculture and Education passed House Bill 2100, relating to bees this past Monday, March 19, 2012. The bill would appropriate funds to the University of Hawai‘i for statewide bee hive research. The bill is now with the Senate Committee on Ways and Means for consideration.   (Photo courtesy of Senate Communications)   View the media release

Popular chef raises awareness for honeybees (HawaiiNewsNow.com)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Senators Gilbert Kahele and Malama Solomon Recognize Hilo Restaurant Owners

Senators Gilbert Kahele and Malama Solomon, along with their colleagues in the Hawaii State Senate, honored Debra Ching Maiava and Ric Maiava of Ken's House of Pancakes in Hilo for being named 2012 Junior Achievement of Hawai‘i Business Hall of Fame Laureates on March 9. They are among four local businesses named to the hall of fame.

"Ken's House of Pancakes has a long history in serving the people of Hilo," said Senator Gilbert Kahele, who represents District 2, encompassing Ka‘u, Puna and Hilo. "I congratulate Debra and Ric Maiava for being able to ride the ups and downs of owning a family business and for being named to the hall of fame."

"I commend Debra and Ric Maiava for this wonderful accomplishment," said Senator Malama Solomon, who represents District 1, encompassing Waimea, Hamakua, South Hilo, Keaukaha and Hilo. "They are shining examples of how hard work and commitment can bring great rewards."

Ken's House of Pancakes first opened its doors in Hilo in 1971 by Ken Pruitt and Bonnie Twitchell. In 1990, Lindberg and Frances Lee Ching bought the restaurant and sent Debra and Ric to run the establishment.

In 1991, the restaurant had sales of about $1 million, and by 2011, sales had grown to over $5 million. Today, Ken's House of Pancakes serves about two-thousand customers a day. The restaurant has earned recognition for their food and service by USA Today, Bon Appetit and its local newspaper.

Debra and Ric are known in their community for their aloha and generosity through their support of numerous organizations. They have supported Junior Achievement fundraising events and many projects in local schools.   View the media release

Friday, February 24, 2012

Senator Kahele Honors Kea‘au Librarian Technician

Senator Gilbert Kahele honored Kea‘au Public and School Library Technician Teri King-Agan last night. She received the Excellence in Service Award at the Friends of the Library of Hawai‘i's Annual Meeting held on Oahu.

Teri King-Agan, of Mountain View, has been with the library system for 15 years. She began her career in Hilo, then moved on to Kea‘au Public and School Library. As a library technician, she created a variety of programs, including developing a color-coded video catalog system. She has also simplified a technique in teaching novices on how to use the computer-based collection catalog.

"Ms. King-Agan is truly an asset to the Kea‘au community. She is dedicated to her work and has created programs to stimulate community engagement," said Senator Gilbert Kahele, who represents Ka‘u, Puna and Hilo.

Each year, Friends of the Library of Hawai‘i presents the Excellence in Service Awards to recognize those who work "in the trenches" as library assistants, technicians, janitors, or in other capacities. The Librarian of the Year Award was also given last night. View the media release

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Senator Kahele to Honor Recipients of the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo's Distinguished Alumni and Service Awards Banquet

Senator Gilbert Kahele will be among several dignitaries attending the University of Hawai‘i at Hilo's Annual Distinguished Alumni and Service Awards Banquet. He will be presenting certificates of recognition to the awardees. The event will be held on Friday, February 24th at UH Hilo's Campus Center Dining Hall, beginning at 5 p.m.

"It is an honor to be part of this great event celebrating the accomplishments and contributions of such notable citizens of Hawai‘i Island," said Senator Gilbert Kahele, who represents Ka‘u, Puna and Hilo.

This year's award recipients in the Distinguished Alumni category include:
  •   Brigadier General Gary M. Hara
  •   Dennis O'Brien
  •   Gladys Sonomura
  •   Ross Wilson

Recipients in the Distinguished Service category are:
  •   Dr. Miyoko Sugano
  •   Jimmy Yagi

View the media advisory

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Senate Spotlight 2011: Senator Kahele and Senator Solomon

Monday, November 28, 2011

Transportation Forum with Department of Transportation regarding Highway 130

Transportation Forum with Department of Transportation regarding Highway 130
Thursday, December 1, 2011
6:00pm - 7:00pm
Pahoa Neighborhood Facility
15-2710 Kauhale Road

Monday, November 28, 2011

Board of Education Forum

Board of Education Forum with Board Member
Brian J. De Lima (Vice Chairman, Hawai'i)
Friday, December 2, 2011
5:30pm - 7:00pm
Waiakea High School Cafe
155 W. Kawili Street

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Senator Kahele hosts Talk Story Forum in Hilo

Senator Kahele held his final talk story forum on Wednesday, November 16, 2011 at the Waiakea High School Cafeteria from 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Read more...

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Senator Kahele hosts "Talk Story" forum this Friday in Ocean View

In line with previous "talk story" forums Pahoa and Volcano, Senator Kahele is looking forward to meeting with community members in Ocean View to discuss the unique issues that they are grappling with. The forum will be held on Friday, October 14 from 5:30 PM at the Ocean View Community Center.

Please view the flyer for the event or get more information here at the KHON2 website.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

More Information on Axis Deer

For residents on the Big Island, if you do happen to come across any axis deer please contact the Big Island Invasive Species Committee Hotline at (808) 961-3299. Please provide your name, contact information, an estimate of how many deer, and the location where the deer were sighted.

Please view the video clip at Big Island Video News.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Mahalo for attending the Infrastructure and Transportation Townhall Meeting

Senator Kahele wishes to extend a big mahalo out to all those who attended the Infrastructure and Transportation Townhall Meeting that he hosted on September 22 at Kea‘au Elementary. In particular, he would like to thank the State Department of Transportation Director Glenn Okimoto for bringing his senior staff to the event as well as Hawai‘i County Department of Public Works Director Warren Lee and his staff for providing information to the community. A number of concerns were highlighted in the course of the meeting and having this type of venue to exchange information is vital to ensure a thorough and transparent process.

Please read his letter of thanks and view clips from the meeting at Big Island Video News.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Governor Neil Abercrombie, Senator Kahele, and Hawai‘i State Civil Defense approve a $76K grant for KAHU 91.7 FM

Working hand in hand with the Governor and Hawai‘i State Civil Defense, Senator Kahele was able to procure a grant of $76,405 for KAHU 91.7 FM that would expand broadcast services for the entire Ka‘u district. This will prove vital in expanding the range of emergency broadcasts needed to inform residents in times of crisis.

Please read the press release from KAHU 91.7 FM.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Senator Kahele on District Issues

There are a number of difficult issues that the communities of District 2 are currently grappling with. These issues include the Aina Koa Pono project as well as the status of Highway 130. Senator Kahele begins to address these issues in an interview with Big Island Video News.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Threat of Axis Deer on the Big Island

Axis deer has long been a problem that the islands of Maui, Lana‘i, and Moloka‘i have had to grapple with, and it has been brought to my attention that axis deer may be making its way to the Big Island. The problems associated with axis deer are multi-faceted, affecting areas ranging from our fields of coffee, macadamia nuts, local gardens, nurseries, anthurium farmers and even our ranchers. I will be doing everything in my power to ensure that an axis deer population is not established on the Big Island.

Please read the editorial that was published in the Hawaii Tribune Herald.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CIP Monies Released for Ka‘u Gym

After months of working with the County and the Administration, $17.9m has been released by the Governor for the planning, design, and construction of the Ka‘u Gymnasium and Community Shelter. A big mahalo to Councilwoman Brittany Smart and Hawai`i County for their diligence in their pursuit of this funding.

Please read more at Ka‘u Calendar News Briefs.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Cooper Center Forum a Success

Last night was the first of a series of community forums that I plan to have spanning my district to have an opportunity to gain a greater understanding of the issues and concerns of those whom I represent. I believe the meeting at the Cooper Center generated the kind of discussion that enabled me to better grasp the particular issues of concern in the Volcano community. Mahalo to everyone who showed up and for actively participating as voices for their community.

Please read more at the Ka‘u Calendar News Briefs and at Big Island Video News.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Senator Kahele supports Act 173

Act 173 would allow for a simple and straightforward means to pass on real property from a decedent to a beneficiary without having to go through probate court in much the same way that personal property such as life insurance, pension plans, securities, or banked assets is currently able to do. This would help grieving families avoid the expenses and potentially lengthy processes of probate court and would additionally provide the State with cost savings by reducing the need for probate court services.

Please read more in the West Hawaii Today. The actual wording of Act 173 can be found here.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Community Forum at Cooper Center

Senator Kahele is planning to have a community forum on Wednesday, August 31, from 5:30 PM. This forum will be the first of a series of forums where the Senator is interested in hearing the concerns of his constituents and brainstorming solutions that could include legislation for the 2012 Legislative Session. This first forum will be held at the Cooper Center in Volcano. Please email your concerns or questions to senkahele@capitol.hawaii.gov prior to the meeting with the subject heading "Cooper Center Forum".

To view the meeting flyer, please click here.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

South Kona Wilderness Area created

On Friday, July 1, Governor Abercrombie signed into law Act 178 creating the South Kona Wilderness Area. This act would ensure that the cultural, historical, and biological richness of the South Kona area would be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

For more information please visit the Hawaii Tribune Herald, and watch his interview with Gina Mangieri and Marisa Yamane on KHON2 News.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Celebrating the Fourth of July

Senator Kahele, along with fellow legislators from the State and County, celebrated the Fourth of July by participating in parades throughout the district. Please have a look at the pictures through Senator Gilbert Kahele's photostream and through the Ka‘u Calendar News Brief.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Senator Kahele and colleagues welcome nonstop flight

June 10, 2011 marked the first nonstop flight between Los Angeles and Hilo, a landmark event that is expected to provide a much needed boost to the economy in Hilo. It was a joyous occasion attended by many and celebrated with aloha. For more please visit the Ka‘u Calendar News Briefs and Big Island Video News.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Senator Kahele shares knowledge with youth at Miloli‘i

Interacting with youth at the Lawai‘a ‘Ohana Camp held at Miloli‘i, Senator Kahele led camp youth on a hike and shared the rich history behind the fishing village and the devastation and rebuilding that has occurred following the March 11 tsunami. Please read more at the Ka‘u Calendar News Briefs and at Big Island Video News.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Highway 130 a Top Priority

Highway 130 is the sole artery connecting Hilo to Pahoa, one of the fastest growing communities in the State of Hawai‘i. Changes need to be made to address safety and traffic concerns and move this much needed project forward.

Please read more in the Hawaii Tribune-Herald.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Success in the 2011 Legislative Session

As a freshman senator, this session proved to be a testing ground for me. While challenging at times, working together with other legislators, my staff, and my constituents, we were able to send 6 bills up to the Governor for consideration to become laws.

Please click here to read more in the Honolulu Civil Beat, and also read our latest newsletter for a more in depth wrap-up.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Senator Kahele speaks on SB 1520 on the Senate Chamber floor on May 3, 2011

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Pushing for CIP for the Volcano School of Arts and Sciences

Charter schools like the Volcano School of Arts and Sciences play a vital role in providing access to education for all of our keiki on the Big Island. As one of my CIP priorities, I am collaborating intimately with members of the Ways and Means Committee to ensure funding that would support the excellent work of the Volcano School of Arts and Sciences and help them to establish their campus at the old Keakealani Outdoor Educational Center site.

Please click here to watch the Daily News Update for Wednesday, April 13 at Big Island Video News for the story.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Supporting road infrastructure improvement

The conditions of road infrastructure across the district are a growing concern, particularly in rural areas. Working in tandem with Representative Faye Hanohano, Senate Bill 1626 is in response to these concerns and will hopefully be a step towards improving roads both within the district and across all of Hawaii County.

Please read the full article in the West Hawaii Today.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sen Kahele working to reopen Kulani Correctional Facility

Reopening the Kulani Correctional Facility falls in line with Governor Abercrombie's "A New Day in Hawai‘i" plan and provides an avenue that will help to halt the practice of shipping our inmates out of Hawai‘i. Working with the Department of Defense, and the Department of Public Safety, we are looking to find a solution that will be beneficial to all parties involved.

For more information please watch the video clip here.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Sen. Kahele hears concerns of Hawaiian Ocean View Estates residents

Water is a vital resource and a necessity for our local communities. I understand the concerns of the community at Hawaiian Ocean View Estates and I want to work together with the Department of Water Supply and Rep. Herkes to achieve a workable solution as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Watch the video clip on Big Island Video News.com.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sen. Kahele assesses tsunami damages in South Kona

Sen. Kahele spent the weekend in Miloli‘i and its surrounding areas assessing the damages caused by the tsunami that struck Hawai‘i in the early morning hours on Friday, March 11, 2011.

For more information, view a video clip on Big Island Video News.com or read the article on the Ka‘u News Briefs blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

South Kona Wilderness

The South Kona Wilderness Bill is one of my top priorities this legislative session. I take great pride in being a product from Miloli‘i and preserving its natural resources and beauty is my passion.

Read more in the Ka‘u Calendar

Friday, February 25, 2011

Senator Kahele makes agriculture a priority.

Agriculture is of utmost importance to the State of Hawai‘i and in particular the 2nd Senatorial District. Ensuring its continued viability directly impacts Hawai‘i's food and energy security and is a critical component to advance sustainable living. I will continue to make agriculture a top priority during the 2011 Legislative session.

Read more in West Hawaii Today.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meet Senator Gil Kahele

"I'm honored and I'm humbled that the governor had selected me to be the senator and I'll do the best I can for everybody, the whole state, and the Senatorial District 2," - Sen. Kahele

Read more in the Hawaii Tribune-Herald.