On April 9, 2013 the Hawaii State Senate voted to pass 136 measures on third reading ahead of Thursday's Second Crossover deadline. Today marked the 46th day of the 27th Legislature.
Thursday is the last day for the Senate to pass House bills amended by the Senate and the House to pass Senate bills amended by the House on Third Reading. After Second Crossover, members of both chambers will review the amendments made to their bills by the opposing chambers and deciding whether to agree or disagree to them. Thursday is also the last day to disagree, and the Senate and House will then convene conference committees to work out the differences and reach final agreement.
To view the complete list of measures passed on third reading today by the Senate, click here.
On March 5, 2013 the Hawaii State Senate voted to pass 348 measures on third reading, ahead of Thursday's First Crossover deadline. Today marked the 25th day of the 27th Legislature and the Senate and House are taking final votes on bills for third reading before the measures transfer chambers on First Crossover.
The First Crossover deadline is on Thursday, March 7, 2013. This is the last day for a final vote on a bill to occur in its originating chamber before it is passed on to the other chamber for further consideration. During First Crossover, all Senate bills that pass Third Reading must crossover to the House and all House bills that pass Third Reading must crossover to the Senate by the March 7 deadline.
To view a complete list of measures passed third reading today by the Senate, click here.
Message from Senator Galuteria
Senator Visits with Young People
Hawaii State Majority Caucus 2013 Legislative Priorities
2013 State of the State Address
Senator Daniel K. Akaka Recognized at the First Aloha Order of Merit Ceremony
Senator Galuteria Attends the 2013 Presidential Inauguration
Breaking New Ground
Click here to read the February 2013 Legislative Update
Happy New Year from Senator Galuteria
A Final Farewell to Senator Daniel K. Inouye
Senate President Shan Tsutsui Accepts the Position of Lieutenant Governor
Senator Donna Mercado Kim Selected as Senate President
Click here to read the January 2013 Legislative Update
Mahalo Message from Senator Galuteria
State Launches New Website
Senate Organizes Quickly
Official Red Cross First Aid App
Legislative Session Jobs Posting
Click here to read the November 2012 Legislative Update
Kupuna Power Comes to Waikiki and Ala Moana
Message from Senator Galuteria
Young Constituent Shares Her Experience as Senator Galuteria's Intern
Our New Homeless Coordinator
State Legislature's Website Wins Prestigious Award
19th Annual Children and Youth Day
Important Dates To Remember
Click here to read the September 2012 Legislative Update
United States Senators Daniel K. Akaka and Daniel K. Inouye become the first two people to sign a petition affirming the inherent sovereignty of the Native Hawaiian people and expressing support for a restoration of Native Hawaiian self-governance. (Screenshot from video 'Kana'iolowalu petition signed in Washington' by the Office of Senator Akaka.)
Click here to view the video on YouTube.
End of Session Message from Senator Brickwood Galuteria
"Senate Stayed the Course"
"2012 Supplemental State Budget"
"Over $105 Million for Senate District 12"
Click here to read the May 2012 Legislative Update
The Hawaii State Senate officially adjourned the 2012 Legislative Session today, voting to pass more than 70 measures. Today marks Sine Die, the 60th day of the 26th Legislature and the last day for the Senate and House to take final votes on bills agreed to by the House and Senate.
During Final Reading, Legislators vote on final versions of bills before them. If the bills pass both houses, the bills are sent to the Governor for consideration.
The last day for the Governor to give notice to the Legislature on bills he plans to veto will occur on the 35th day after adjournment. Any bill on which notice is not given will become law.
After the Legislature adjourns, the Governor has 45 days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) to consider bills presented to the Governor less than ten days before adjournment. The Legislature may convene at or before noon on the 45th day in a special session to amend a returned bill to meet the Governor's objection.
To view a complete list of measures passed today by the Senate, click here.
On May 1, 2012 the Hawaii State Senate voted to pass more than 100 measures, ahead of Thursday, the last day of the 2012 Legislative Session. Today marked the 59th day of the 26th Legislature and the Senate and House are taking final votes on bills agreed to by House and Senate conference committees over the past several days.
During Final Reading, Legislators vote on final versions of bills before them. If the bills pass both houses, the bills are sent to the Governor for consideration. Several dozen fiscal bills are scheduled for final vote on Thursday, May 3, the 60th and final day of the 26th Legislative Session.
To view a complete list of measures passed today by the Senate, click here.
On April 10, 2012 the Hawaii State Senate voted to pass more than 200 measures, ahead of Thursday's Second Crossover deadline. To view a complete list of measures passed today by the Senate, click here.
Governor Neil Abercrombie announced Representative Blake Oshiro will be joining the Abercrombie Administration as his deputy chief of staff. Representative Oshiro who currently serves in the House of Representatives as its Majority Leader will be stepping down from his seat on December 7, 2011.
Senate President Shan Tsutsui and Senate Majority Leader Brickwood Galuteria, on behalf of the Senate, congratulate Representative Blake Oshiro as Governor Abercrombie's new deputy chief of staff. They offer the following statements on Representative Oshiro's appointment:
"Congratulations to Representative Blake Oshiro on his appointment as Governor Abercrombie's new deputy chief of staff. He is certainly a qualified, experienced and knowledgeable addition to the administration. We look forward to working with Representative Oshiro as he works with the governor and members of the administration to direct Hawaii under the "New Day" plan," said Senate President Shan Tsutsui.
"Governor Abercrombie's appointment of Representative Blake Oshiro as his new deputy chief of staff is very fitting. As my counterpart, while Representative Oshiro served as Majority Leader in the House of Representatives, I've had the pleasure of working closely with him. He is thorough, diligent, but equally important, he understands the nuances of the legislature and we look forward to working with him as deputy chief of staff," said Senate Majority Leader Brickwood Galuteria.
Governor Abercrombie and Hawaii Community Development Authority Executive Director Anthony Ching announced on Wednesday, October 26th that ground-breaking for an affordable housing development project slated for 690 Pohukaina Street will begin in February of next year. Read/watch KITV4's coverage
See photos of the announcement on Governor Abercrombie's Facebook page
Visit the Hawaii Community Development Authority's website
Highlights include Meeting with Cabinet Appointees, Senate Communications effort, and an update on the Legislative Urban Caucus. Read More
Highlights include Senate re-organization, UH Cancer Center, and Understanding homelessness. Read More
Highlights include Tourism News, a reminder to vote on November 2, Senate Appointees, and an Urban Caucus Update. Read More
Highlights include Race to the Top, Legislative Urban Caucus, Judicial Appointments, and Congratulations to the Waipio Little League National Champs. Read More