Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Hawaii State Senate Sends Governor Measure to Legalize Same-Sex Marriage

In an historic vote, the Hawaii State Senate today passed a measure on final reading to legalize same-sex marriage in the State of Hawaii, accepting the House amendments to Senate Bill 1 (SB 1 HD 1), Relating to Equal Rights. The measure will now go to the Governor's desk for his approval.

"Today's passage of Senate Bill 1 marks a pivotal moment in our State's history, a moment enshrined in equality and justice," said Senate Majority Leader Brickwood Galuteria, who introduced the bill. "Working together with our colleagues in the State House we have come to a compromise which provides a balance between religious freedom and equal rights."

SB 1 HD1 recognizes marriages between individuals of the same gender. In addition, the measure extends to same-sex couples the same rights, benefits, protections, and responsibilities of marriage to which opposite-sex couples are presently entitled.

"I am pleased to have played a small part in this legislation which will bring equality, justice, and liberty for all regarding all Americans," said Senator Clayton Hee, Chair of the Senate Committee on Judiciary and Labor.

Incorporating public input and changes proposed by the House, the measure takes into account the concerns expressed by both the religious community and same-sex advocates. Specifically, language regarding religious exemptions for religious organizations and clergy performing solemnization has been amended to closely model similar provisions currently in effect in the State of Connecticut.

Under SB 1 HD1, religious organizations and affiliated nonprofits would be exempt from having to provide goods, services, or its facilities or grounds for the solemnization or the celebration of solemnization if it is in violation of its religious beliefs or faith. It also specifies that clergy and religious officers are not required to solemnize if it is against their religious beliefs or faith. In addition, the measure grants immunity from administrative, civil, and legal liability to religious organizations and officials for the failure or refusal to provide services, good, or facilities as described. Language has also been included that conforms the above exemptions to the existing civil union statute.

If signed into law by the Governor, same-sex marriages would begin December 2, 2013 in the State.

View the media release.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Hawaii State Senator Brickwood Galuteria Honored with Patrick Henry Award

Hawaii State Senate Majority Leader Brickwood Galuteria was recently selected as a recipient of the Patrick Henry Award from the National Guard Association of the United States (NGAUS) and the Hawaii National Guard Association for his significant contributions to the Hawaii National Guard.

"Our military service members and their families embody the spirit of selfless service, making incredible sacrifices to protect our freedom," said Senator Brickwood Galuteria, who represents Senate District 12, encompassing Waikiki, Ala Moana, Kakaako, McCully, Moiliili. "I am deeply touched and humbled to have been selected for this prestigious award. I will continue to do my best to work with the Hawaii National Guard and others to ensure that Hawaii's servicemen and women receive the support they deserve."

The Patrick Henry Award, the civilian counterpart to the NGAUS Distinguished Service Metal, was created in 1989 and recognizes local officials and civic leaders, who, in a position of great responsibility, distinguish themselves with outstanding and exceptional service to the Armed Forces of the United States, the National Guard or NGAUS.

"This award recognizes Senator Galuteria for his unequaled political support to the Department of Defense of the State of Hawaii, the Hawaii National Guard and the Military in Hawaii," said Ray Jardine, who is the president and CEO of Native Hawaiian Veterans LLC and recommended Galuteria for the award. "His hard work and dedication in our State Legislature has had a direct and positive impact on the quality of life of our service members, creating a legacy that will be felt for generations to come."

"Senator Galuteria has been an unwavering champion for Hawaii's military service members and their families," said Major General Darryl D.M. Wong. "His exceptional leadership and work at the Legislature has demonstrated his passion and advocacy for the servicemen and women that serve this state and our nation."

Galuteria is serving his second term as a Hawaii State Senator and is the Majority Leader of the Senate. During his tenure at the State Senate Galuteria has served as chair of the Senate Committee on Hawaiian Affairs and Committee on Hawaiian Affairs and Tourism, and as a member on various committees. He currently sits on the Senate Committee on Public Safety, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs.

An award ceremony will be held in September 2013 as part of the 135th NGAUS General Conference and Exhibition in Hawaii.

View the media release.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Senate Votes to Pass More Than 150 Measures Ahead of Sine Die

On April 30, 2013 the Hawaii State Senate voted to pass 174 measures, ahead of Thursday, the last day of the 2013 Legislative Session. Today marked the 59th day of the 27th Legislature and the Senate and House are taking final votes on bills agreed to by House and Senate conference committees over the past several days.

The measures passed by the Senate are subject to actions by the House. During Final Reading, Legislators vote on final versions of bills. If the bills pass both houses, the bills are sent to the Governor for consideration. Thursday, May 2, is the 60th and final day of the 27th Legislative Session.

To view a complete list of measures passed today by the Senate, click here.