<br> <i>Monday, December 24, 2012</i> <h3>"No Illness or Accident Should Lead to Any Family's Financial Ruin"</h3> <p> In 1974, Hawaii was the first state to aim for universal health care coverage in its precedent-setting Prepaid Health Care Law. Hawaii's son in the White House, President Barack Obama, made secure health coverage his goal for the nation in his landmark Affordable Care Act in 2010. On June 28, 2012, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the law. President Obama discussed the ruling, saying "here in America, in the wealthiest nation on earth, no illness or accident should lead to any family's financial ruin." <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_Medicaid Hawaii.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Monday, December 24, 2012</i> <h3>SB 2776</h3> <p> The Honolulu Prosecutor and a few legislators have criticized Senate Bill 2776, which seeks to reform our antiquated corrections system. Recidivism rates around 50% show that current rehabilitative practices aren't working. Governor Neil Abercrombie, Hawaii Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark Recktenwald, and legislative leaders support it. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_SB 2776.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Monday, August 20, 2012</i> <h3>University of Hawaii at West Oahu To Open</h3> <p> August 20 is an exciting day for higher education in Hawaii. The long-awaited campus of the University of Hawaii at West Oahu is opening its doors, admitting its first students in the Fall 2012 semester. That's great news for students on the leeward coast and central Oahu. Having a college on this side means a much shorter commute, saving money and time for students. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_UHWO_8-20-12.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, May 4, 2012</i> <h3>End of Session Newsletter</h3> <p> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Newsletters/Espero_End_of_2012_Session.pdf" >Click here to view the 2012 End of Session Newsletter</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, May 4, 2012</i> <h3>Senate Wrap-Up</h3> <p> The Legislature funded many projects for the leeward coast, addressing health care, transportation, education, and the military. Capital improvement appropriations will provide for plans, designs, land acquisition, construction, equipment, and ground and site improvements for many facilities. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_Wrap-up_5-4-12.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, April 20, 2012</i> <h3>Senate Provides Its Draft of the Hawaii State Budget</h3> <p> More than a billion dollars has been cut from the State budget over the last three years. This year's $11 billion supplemental budget for the State, HB 2012, is a change in course. The Senate version reinforces the safety net, restores core services decimated in the prior three budgets, and invests strategically to stimulate the economy and sustain a more prosperous future for Hawaii. Responsible and responsive to Governor Abercrombie's budget requests, the Senate's version funds most of his initiatives to support the state government's ability to carry out its duties to the public. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_Senate_Budget_4-20-12.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, April 7, 2012</i> <h3>Senate Passes the Invest in Hawaii Act of 2012 </h3> <p> On February 21, the Senate unanimously passed the Invest in Hawaii Act of 2012 (SB 2012). The bill is being considered in the House. SB 2012 is a $500 million, bond-funded capital improvement program package to create jobs by investing and stimulating our statewide economy. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_Invest in Hawaii 4-7-12.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Thursday, March 15, 2012</i> <h3>Hawaii's Capitol Historic District - a Visitor's "Must-See"</h3> <p> In my opinion, we have the most beautiful capitol building in the entire U.S. It's the only one that is not a replica of the one for Congress, and it is the "youngest" of the capitol buildings. The splendid architecture and deep, historical value of the many fine buildings make the Capitol District a "must-see" for the visitors to our islands. We should be very proud of and showcase this distinctive, nationally recognized part of Hawaii's heritage. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_The_Capitol_District.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, March 9, 2012</i> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Newsletters/Espero_March_2012_Newsletter.pdf" ><h3>March 2012 Newsletter</h3></a> <p><a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Newsletters/Espero_March_2012_Newsletter.pdf"><img src="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Images/Espero_March_2012_Newsletter.JPG" alt="March 2012 Newsletter" width="500" height="165" border="0"/></a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, February 25, 2012</i> <h3>Around the Capitol</h3> <p> The Legislative Session runs from January through May and is a busy time. More than a thousand bills have been introduced in each chamber this year alone. To see what bills are being considered, go to <a href="http://www.capitol.hawaii.gov">www.capitol.hawaii.gov</a>. The midway point, called "First Crossover", happens on March 8. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/Espero/Documents/Espero_Around the Capitol 2-25-12.pdf" >Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Thursday, November 10, 2011</i> <h3>APEC Economies</h3> <p> APEC helps create jobs. Reducing trade barriers increases sales of goods, which stimulates production in manufacturing and agriculture. Workers are needed when production goes up. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/APEC economies.pdf" target="_blank">Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, October 22, 2011</i> <h3>The Freiberg Factor</h3> <p> Clean energy gives more than just an environmental benefit. The police cars of Hoover, Alabama run on biodiesel made from wood waste that ordinarily would have gone into the city landfills, helping the city save on gas bills and landfill costs. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/The Freiburg Factor 10-22-11.pdf">(Read more about how other places are reducing their dependence on fossil fuels)</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, October 14, 2011</i> <h3>Surprisingly More Than You Think</h3> <p> Here's a list of everyday products. Think of how it might affect daily life if the essential common ingredient became scarce or extremely expensive. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Surprisingly More Than You Think 10-14-11.pdf">(Read more about our dependence on petroleum)</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, September 30, 2011</i> <h3>1 in 6 Americans...</h3> <p>A medical disaster could be the only thing standing between you and bankruptcy. In a national study of 2007 bankruptcy filings in selected states, 62% were caused by medical bills the patients could not pay. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/1 in 6 Americans 9-24-11.pdf" target="_blank">Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Thursday, September 8, 2011</i> <h3>One Promise, Two Sisters: the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure</h3> <p>The Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure event in Honolulu will take place on October 16 at Kapiolani Park. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Espero_Komen_RaceForTheCure.pdf" target="_blank">Read more...</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Thursday, September 8, 2011</i> <h3>National Children's Study</h3> <p>The National Children's Study is the most comprehensive health study of children in our nation's history. Hawaii is one of 43 states where families can contribute to the information policy makers and researchers use to guide decision making and future research. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Espero_National_Childrens_Study.pdf" target="_blank">Read more...</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <em>Tuesday, August 23, 2011</em> <h3>August 2011 Newsletter</h3> <p>Updates on construction projects in the community: Kroc Center, James Campbell High School, Ewa Mahiko Gym, and others. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Newsletters/August_2011_Newsletter_Espero.pdf">Click here to view the August 2011 newsletter</a href></p> <br> <hr> <br> <em>Friday, July 29, 2011</em> <h3>Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation</h3> <p>You may be one of those wondering why there is all the fuss about the November APEC meeting in Honolulu. Improving the conditions and processes for making business flow and increase within the Asian-Pacific Rim region is the basic purpose of APEC. Stakeholders and government officials discuss, negotiate, and formulate policies to reduce the time, cost, and uncertainty of moving goods and services throughout the Asia-Pacific region. By fostering economic stability and prosperity, APEC's members seek to raise living standards and educational levels for its citizens. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/APEC.pdf" target="_blank">Read more...</a> </p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Wednesday, June 15, 2011</i> <br> <h3>A Historic Change</h3> <p>For more than 50 years, Japanese have been the largest Asian group in the state of Hawaii. To their credit, they were able to influence politics, education, and other aspects of our island lifestyle. Governor Burns' organizing of Japanese plantation laborers and including Japanese American veterans who fought in World War II led to a 40 year era of Democratic predominance in Hawaii politics which remains today. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/A Historic Change 6-15-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, May 14, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Here's To Your Health</h3> <p>Have you seen school kids and thought to yourself, "they're big!" It's happening all over the country. A Mayo Clinic report on childhood obesity mirrors what our jogging President Bill Clinton summed up, to paraphrase, that we're eating more than we burn off. One in 6 of all children and adolescents, 17%, are obese according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This is three times higher than it was only one generation ago. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Here's to Your Health 5-14-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, April 23, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Museums and Gardens</h3> <p>Beyond our global image as a place of beaches and sun, Honolulu is a major American metropolis. The Hawaii Opera Theatre, now-in limbo Honolulu Symphony, and many theatres are just part of our cultural offerings. We also have a diverse group of museums that preserve and promote the history of our islands and the talents of our people. Pearl Harbor, the Honolulu Academy of Arts, Bishop Museum, and Contemporary Art Museum are the better known ones, out of many located here in Honolulu. Oahu also has many scenic gardens for those who appreciate nature, besides the dozens of hiking trails and beaches already enjoyed by many. So when you have some free time and want to explore and enjoy our islands, why not pay a visit? <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Museums and Gardens 4-23-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, April 23, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Museums and Gardens part 2</h3> <p>In the last article, we talked about some out of the ordinary places to visit. Here are more museums Oahu has to offer. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Museums and Gardens part 2 4-23-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Friday, April 1, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Around the Capitol</h3> <p>Bills under consideration are not the only activity buzzing around the State Capitol. Many events to educate lawmakers and the public are held, as well as those to recognize and honor members of our community. Here are three recent ones. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Around the Capitol 4-1-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Wednesday, March 9, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Crossover</h3> <p>The Legislature is at Crossover, the halfway point and deadline for a chamber to decide on bills that originated in it. As Chair of the Senate Committee on Public Safety, during the interim between sessions, I worked with the Department of Public Safety (DPS), groups who work with prisoners and ex-offenders, and other stakeholders to develop bills in this area. These bills were approved by the Senate and will move on to the House for its consideration. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Crossover 3-9-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Tuesday, March 8, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Homelessness</h3> <p>Homeless advocate and worker Jason Espero sees the problem every day in helping find shelter for the homeless who live on the streets of Waikiki: people who are down on their luck, hopeful for a job that will pay enough to enable them to afford a decent apartment, with children to support, and no family to help them ride out the tide of misfortune. The confluence of shrinking private and public funds and the rising cost of living have led to an increase in the numbers of persons and families forced out of suitable shelter to the outdoors. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Homelessness 4-8-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, March 5, 2011</i> <br> <h3>People Power: Phillipines to Egypt</h3> <p>"Occupation: Housewife." Last office held: valedictorian of her sixth-grade class. The chief and only political strengths of the novice candidate for the highest office in the land were her innocence of politics and the moral symbolism of her name. In Spanish, Corazon means "heart"; to Filipinos, Aquino meant her husband, Benigno Aquino, the chief rival of President Ferdinand Marcos. When the February 7, 1986 snap election cast Marcos as the winner, real life drama unfolded on the international stage to protest. When Marcos called out troops, old women hugged armed militia while little girls offered flowers to the soldiers. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/People Power, Phillipines to Egypt 3-5-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, February 5, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Illegal Fireworks Task Force</h3> <p>No doubt there were some residents on Oahu on New Year's Eve who popped firecrackers simply because it would be the last time they would be able to do so legally. The City Council ordinance banning fireworks was long in the making. Over the years we have all heard the stories of the negative effects of our cultural reveling in fireworks. People suffered asthma attacks or other respiratory conditions. At times the thick smoke obscured clear views for drivers, which made driving dangerous. Booming bomb sounds severely frightened dogs and other house pets. The rubbish of red paper and wrappers were an eyesore and issue of neighborhood cleanliness. Firemen worked double time putting out fires causes by sparks from fireworks that landed and ignited houses, cars, and other property. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/IllegalFireworksTaskForce2-5-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Monday, January 10, 2011</i> <br> <h3>Historic West Oahu</h3> <p>I enjoy telling students on field trips here at the Capitol about all the exciting developments happening in Ewa, the fastest growing district on Oahu. I am also proud of the rich heritage of both the area I represent and its neighboring areas. Events of global and national significance, Native Hawaiian history, immigration patterns, by-gone commerce, and more all contribute to the colors and texture of the social fabric we know as West Oahu. Rich and abundant in historical sites from different periods, I believe the state should work with stakeholders to preserve these areas while promoting modern goals. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/HistoricalPreservation1-11.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, December 18, 2010</i> <br> <h3>Those Who Defend Our Right to Be Free</h3> <p>My father was a 20-year Navy veteran. I was born at the Naval Base at Yokosuka, Japan. I am proud that my father, like so many others, served our country. I am equally proud that my eldest son is an officer in the Marine Corps. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Those Who Defend Our Right to Be Free 12-18-10.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, December 4, 2010</i> <br> <h3>The Office of Sports Development</h3> <p>The Twenty-sixth Legislature with all of its newly elected and re-elected officials, will open on the third Wednesday in January 2011. With the economy as a key concern, one of the ideas I have for stimulating it is through creating an Office of Sports Development. The objective of the Office of Sports Development would be to attract and promote sporting events here in the islands, from amateur youth sports to professional, big stakes competitions. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/The Office of Sports Development 12-4-10.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <em>Friday, August 20, 2010</em> <h3>Bills passed in 2009-2010</h3> <p>Bills introduced and passed by Senator Espero in the 2009-2010 legislative session include important transportation projects, new schools, and awards and honors for Senator Espero. <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Newsletters/2009-2010_bills_passed_Espero.pdf" target="_blank">View bills</a></p> <br> <hr> <br> <i>Saturday, August 14, 2010</i> <br> <h3>Getting Ready to Protect the World</h3> <p>Many years ago, my father retired from the U.S. Navy after a rewarding 21-year career that capitalized on his talents as a chef. His cooking skills gave him the privilege of preparing delicious meals for the military's top officials on his tours of duty. Our family followed my dad around the country and the world, as do many Navy families. I lived in Washington, California, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Cuba, Japan, and Italy. <br> <br> <a href="/MemberFiles/senate/espero/Documents/Getting Ready to Protect the World 8-14-10.pdf">Read More</a></p> <br>