Senator Will Espero represents the 19th Senate District, which encompasses ‘Ewa Beach, Ocean Pointe, ‘Ewa by Gentry, Iroquois Pointe, and a portion of ‘Ewa Villages. He currently serves as the Chair of the Public Safety, Intergovernmental, and Military Affairs Committee, and as a member of the Committees on Transportation and International Affairs, and Ways and Means. He also serves as Majority Floor Leader.
Senator Espero was recently appointed to the Clean & Sober Homes and Halfway House Task Force, the Steering Committee of the Justice Reinvestment Initiative, the Government Contracting Task Force, and on the Board of Directors of the Friends of the Hawaii State Art Museum.
Senator Espero is a member of the Oahu Metropolitan Planning Organization, which coordinates federally funded transportation projects for Oahu. He is also a Board member of the West Oahu Economic Development Association, Workforce Development Council, the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision, Corrections Population Management Commission, Re-entry Collaborative Steering Committee, and Operation Homefront of Hawaii.
Born on November 6, 1960, Senator Espero was born at the U.S. Naval Base in Yokosuka, Japan. His mother is from Santiago, Ilocos Sur, and his father is from Bacnotan, La Union, in the Philippines. He graduated from Seattle University in Washington with a B.A. in Business Administration in 1982.