December 16, 2013

Panaewa Alii Football Team

Congratulations to the Panaewa Alii Football Team who left the night of December 5th to compete at the Pop Warner Super Bowl in Florida. These young men, their families, coaches and supporters overcame significant challenges to make this trip a reality. Hilo is so very proud of them! Read more here: View full article

December 4, 2013


Between December 12 and December 18, the State's Public Access Room (PAR) will conduct free neighborhood workshops entitled, "We the Powerful!" These meetings are designed to demystify the State lawmaking process, and will demonstrate ways that people can speak out at the legislature without ever having to leave the Big Island. All are welcome. No registration or prior experience is required.

PAR's workshops are designed to be useful to both newcomers and veterans of the legislative process. Covered topics will include an overview of the Legislature's website, understanding the legislative process, delivering effective testimony, and making sense of the calendar and deadlines. Renewed inspiration to be part of the solution will be the overriding theme.
The schedule of PAR's December Hawaii Island presentations is as follows:

Thursday, December 12 6:00 p.m. Pahala Plantation Manager's House (at the corner of Maile & Pikake)
Friday, December 13 6:00 p.m. UH Hilo Ho'oulu Terrace, UCB Room 127
Saturday, December 14 12:00 noon Kailua-Kona Civic Center's Liquor Control Conference Room
Monday, December 16 6:00 p.m. Pahoa Community Center
Tuesday, December 17 6:00 p.m. Waimea Parker Library Conference Room
Wednesday, December 18 6:00 p.m. Laupahoehoe Library Conference Room

For additional information, or to arrange for individual tutorials or group workshops, residents are invited to contact the Public Access Room toll free from the Big Island at 974-4000 ext.70478 or via email at Please contact PAR directly to make arrangements if special assistance or services such as sign language interpreters are needed.

November 14, 2013

Board of Education To Meet in Hilo

The State BOE will hold a Hilo-Waiakea Complex community meeting on Thursday, November 21, 2013 from 6:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. at Waiakea Intermediate School Cafeteria located at 200 W. Puainako Street. Topics for discussion include public education, the community's role in supporting student achievement, and the public library system.

November 7, 2013

Family Medicine Residency Program

The Hawaii Island Family Medicine Residency program has met the requirements for a 2-year accreditation, effective July 1, 2014. The program expects to attract candidates interested in the field of Family Medicine alongside a team of pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners and psychologists. The first class of four residents will be welcomed in the summer. For more information, please access this link:View full article

November 6, 2013

Waiakea High Track and Field

Significant progress has been made on Waiakea High's track & field. Money for this project was included in House Bill 547 which I introduced in 2011 along with former State Representative Jerry Chang. When completed, this facility will be shared with other schools and the community.

October 21, 2013

Local Vendor Food Show

67 local companies participated in the Annual American Logistics Association Hawaii Conference and Food Show. This event connects buyers from the military's Commissary and Exchanges with local items from local companies here in Hawaii. Today there are over 200 small local businesses who do business with the local military commissaries and exchanges, and some of those companies have gone worldwide. This year's Local Vendor Food Show was on October 16th at the Hawaii Prince Hotel. It was a privilege to participate in the Opening Ceremonies along with the senior managers from the Navy Exchange Hawaii, AAFES Hawaii, MCCS Hawaii and the Defense Commissary Agency. Event pictures are included in my photostream.

October 10, 2013

Hoomohala Awards Banquet

Hawaii Island Workforce & Economic Development Ohana (HIWEDO) held its 4th Annual Hoomohala Awards Banquet on October 5, 2013 at Hilo's Imiloa Astronomy Center. Winners in four categories were recognized for their efforts towards putting people with unique abilities to work. The banquet coincided with October being National Disability Employment Awareness Month- a campaign that raises awareness about disability employment issues and celebrates the many and varied contributions of America's workers with disabilities. It was an honor to present certificates on behalf of the State House of Representatives to each of the four winners. Congratulations to Hawaiian Springs, LLC; Hamakua Health Center, Inc.; Yukio Okutsu State Veterans Home; and Department of Labor & Industrial Relations - Workforce Development Division- Hawai'i Island. Please see my photo stream for event coverage.

September 30, 2013

Student Poster Contest Begins

The East Hawaii unit of the Coalition for Tobacco-Free Hawaii is sponsoring a student poster contest to remind everyone of Hawaii County's law which prohibits smoking in all motor vehicles with children 17 years old and younger. For more information, please contact Mrs. Ancheta at 936-2686, or see this article: View full article

September 10, 2013

2013 Hawaii Aerospace Summit

The 2013 Hawaii Aerospace Summit is scheduled for October 8th at the State Capitol. During this event, state officials will meet with local aerospace companies, academia and the military to discuss aviation and space research in the state. One goal is to formulate a vision of Hawaii's aerospace industry that will aid in diversifying the State's economy. There are several featured guests including George Abbey, former NASA Johnson Space Center Director.

The Aerospace Summit will be free and open to the public, but registration is required. For additional information and to register, please go to View full article

August 15, 2013

Construction to Begin at Waiakea High School

The Dept. of Education (DOE) recently informed me that construction for water service upgrades at Waiakea High will be initiated soon. The work contract has been awarded, and the DOE will work with WHS administration to begin the necessary steps for this project's completion. While some disruption and disturbance are expected during construction work, I was assured that best efforts will be made to minimize inconveniences.

August 7, 2013

Hawaii Youth Challenge Academy

I received notice that $5.9 million has been released for the Youth Challenge Academy at Keaukaha Military Reservation. Construction will be for upgrades and improvements to benefit the student cadets in this important program. For more information on Youth Challenge, please visit View full article

August 1, 2013

Hilo Harbor Improvements

Over $44 million was released by the Governor on July 25th for a Pier 4 Interisland Cargo Terminal at Hilo Harbor. This funding is for construction that includes a new wharf, utilities, mooring system, and associated site work. This construction will complete the new interisland barge terminal facility. Other projects throughout the State also received funding; the press release is available here: View full article

July 26, 2013

Public Meeting with DOT in Hilo

The State Department of Transportation (DOT) informed me that it will hold a public informational meeting on Thursday, August 8 regarding the Puainako Street widening- Komohana Street to Kilauea Avenue. It will take place at Waiakea Intermediate's cafeteria, and the Open House portions starts at 5:15 p.m. followed by the formal presentation at 6 p.m. DOT officials will update the community on the status of the project and provide an overview of its progress since the first public meeting. Please see page 27 of this publication: View full article

July 26, 2013

Puainako Street Extension Funding Released

$300,000 is now available for the Puainako Street Extension project from Komohana Street to the intersection f Kaumana Drive and Country Club Road. Please see the news release here: View full article

July 8, 2013

Rep. Tsuji's House Bill 632 Becomes Law

One of my Bills, HB 632, became law during a Bill signing ceremony on July 3. Open data is a concept that has become prevalent in recent years. The idea is that certain data should be available to everyone to use and republish, without restrictions from copyright or other mechanisms of control. HB 632 increases public access to data and information created by and available from state departments/agencies, to enhance government transparency and accountability, and to encourage public participation. Please see the video link on this webpage and also the press release available here: View full article

July 2, 2013

Pacific Astronomy & Engineering Education Summit in Hilo

To foster global collaboration in science, engineering and education, a four day international education summit will start on July 23rd at various locations in Hilo. The Pacific Astronomy & Engineering Education Summit will feature high school students from India, China, Japan, Canada and Hawaii Island. Participating high schools include Connections Public Charter School (Hilo), Hilo High School, Honokaa High School, Kamehameha School (Keaau), Ritsumeikan High School (Kyoto, Japan), Senri High School (Osaka, Japan), Shawnigan Lake School (British Colombia, Canada), The Shri Ram School (Aravali, India), The High School Affiliated with BeiHang University (Beijing, China) and Waiakea High School (Hilo).

July 1, 2013

DOE Releases Income Eligibility Guidelines for Free and Reduced-Price Meals

On June 24th, the Hawaii State Department of Education (DOE) announced its policy for free and reduced-price meals served under the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs. Copies of the policy are available at public schools. Application forms are being sent to all homes with a letter to parents or guardians. To apply for free or reduced-price meals, households should fill out one application and return it to the school where the child is enrolled or complete an online application via Applications for the 2013-2014 school year will be accepted beginning July 1, 2013. Applications may be submitted at any time during the school year. In certain cases, foster children are also eligible for school meal benefits. For more information please call the DOE office on Oahu at 586-3232.

June 25, 2013

Honoring UH-Hilo's Team Poliahu

Congratulations to UH-Hilo's Team Poliahu, 2013 Microsoft U.S. Imagine Cup Champions! Their application "Help Me Help" captured the judges' highest marks for innovation in disaster reporting and response. Team members were recognized by university officials and lawmakers for this incredible achievement; I presented a certificate on behalf of the State House. Best wishes as Team Poliahu prepares for the worldwide finals in Russia. For comprehensive video coverage, please access: View full article

June 21, 2013

Governor Announces Funding for Waiakea High & Waiakeawaena

The Governor released $134.7 million for repairs and improvements at Hawaii's schools, including Waiakea High and Waiakeawaena Elementary. $500,000 is available for Waiakea High's track and field facilities, and $350,000 for ADA accessibility at Waiakeawaena's playground. For a complete, statewide listing please access this link: View full article

June 21, 2013

Waiakea High's Isaiah Jumila

Isaiah received a travel scholarship from the Pacific & Asian Affairs Council for a 2013 summer program in China. He and his fellow scholars were recognized at a June 5th reception on the UH-Manoa campus. Isaiah's accomplishment was acknowledged by the State House at the event. Congratulations!

June 21, 2013

East Hawaii Bar Association Luncheon

40 attorneys were honored at a luncheon on June 14th for volunteering at the Judiciary's Self Help Center at Hale Kaulike (Third Circuit) in Hilo. It was a privilege to join Chief Justice Recktenwald in recognizing these individuals' service. For more pictures, please see my photo stream. For information on the state network of Self Help Centers please access: View full article

June 5, 2013

HB726 Becomes Law

Introduced by Rep. Tsuji, House Bill 726 Relating to Film & Digital Media Industry Development was signed into law by Governor Abercrombie on May 31st. It is now Act 89 of 2013. The Governor's Message and the new law are available to view here:View full article

May 30, 2013

St. Joseph Class of 2013

It was an honor to speak to the graduating Seniors of St. Joseph High School on Sunday, May 26th. For a small institution, the families, staff and teachers showed enormous heart while celebrating this milestone with the students. Best wishes to the graduates!

May 30, 2013

Waiakea Elem. School Hoike

The Waiakea Elementary student body and their families, staff and teachers gathered on May 17th at Hilo's Afook-Chinen Civic Auditorium for its annual Hoike. Congratulations to the event planners and especially all the students for excellent performances!

May 7, 2013

Welcoming Waiakeawaena's Band

Waiakeawaena Elementary's band performed at the State Capitol on Wednesday, May 1st. Led by veteran musician James Kudo, these young students brought smiles to everyone who saw them during their visit. They each received a congratulatory certificate from the House of Representatives. Also, one of my office staff and my son were former students of one of the parent chaperones. Please see my photo gallery for pictures of this fun event.

April 16, 2013

Lanakila & Pomaikai Homes Funding

Governor Abercrombie informed me on April 5 that funds will be released for the following Capital Improvement Projects (CIP): Lanakila Homes, renovation of existing buildings- $7.5 million, and Pomaikai Homes, ADA compliance- $217,858. I am looking forward to seeing the results after construction is completed, and am optimistic these projects will have a positive effect on Hilo's workforce.

April 3, 2013

Merrie Monarch on the UHH Campus Center Plaza

To celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Merrie Monarch Festival, three nights of the hula competition will be shown on a large screen on the UHH Campus Center Plaza. There will also be food booths by Campus Clubs. Mahalo to event sponsors UHHSA and the Office of the Chancellor.

March 27, 2013

Funding for Waiakea High School Facilities

On March 22, 2013 the Governor announced the release of $26.2 million for numerous public school facilities across the State, including Waiakea High School (WHS). WHS will receive funding for design and construction for softball field improvements that include dugouts, bleachers and scoreboards. The press release is available here: View full article

March 25, 2013

Honoring the 2013 SBA Award Winners

On March 14, 2013 the House of Representatives honored the State winners of the Small Business Administration's (SBA) annual awards in ten categories. As Chair of the House Economic Development and Business Committee, I sponsored the Resolution and corresponding Floor Presentation.

Hilo's Allan Ikawa is this year's SBA Entrepreneurial Success of the Year winner. Ikawa first opened Big Island Candies in 1977 in Hilo, Hawaii. Ikawa created the chocolate-dipped macadamia nut shortbread, and today it is an iconic desert in the retail world. Ikawa was nominated for this award by Roberta Chu and Art Taniguchi of Bank of Hawaii in Hilo.

The House of Representatives also recognized these Award winners: Small Business Person of the Year: David Yogi and James Kwong of Yogi Kwong Engineers, LLC; Small Business Exporter of the Year: Jim Freeman, Ralph Shelbourne, and Benjamin Candari of FSC Architects; Family-Owned Business of the Year: Sterling Kaya of the Hana Pa'a Fishing Company; Young Entrepreneur of the Year: Billy Giang of SG Group Incorporated; Financial Services Champion of the Year: Robert S. Kawahara of Kawahara + CO.; Women in Business Champion of the Year: Naomi Hazelton-Giambrone; Veteran Small Business Champion of the Year: Leslie Wilkins; Home-Based Business Champion of the year: Craig Swift; Minority Small Business Champion of the Year: Jose Villa of Latin Business Hawaii.

March 4, 2013

2013 Adopt-A-Beehive Event in Panaewa

Mahalo to Dr. Lorna Tsutsumi for inviting me to this February 23rd event at UH Hilo's Farm Laboratory in Panaewa. Dr. Tsutsumi and local celebrity Chef Alan Wong are the coordinators of the Adopt-A-Beehive program to increase awareness of the critical plight of honey bees and their vital role in sustainable agriculture. Please see my photo gallery for pictures from this fun event.

March 4, 2013

Funding for Hilo Harbor Improvements

Funding totaling over $7 million was released by the Governor for improvements at Hilo Harbor, near Kumau Street. The press release is available for viewing here:View full article

February 26, 2013

House Bill 417- Addressing Physician Shortages on Hawaii Island

On February 21, the House Finance Committee heard HB417, which would fund the HHSC Primary Care Training Program at Hilo Medical Center. Several Hilo residents came to the State Capitol to personally testify before the Committee including Lori Rogers and Julie Tulang of the Hilo Medical Center Foundation, and Dr. Kristine McCoy. HB417 passed out of the Finance Committee and continues to journey through the required legislative process.

February 12, 2013

House Bill 751- The Daniel K. Inouye Legacy Highway

On Wednesday, February 13th, the House Transportation Committee will hold a public hearing on HB751, which would rename Saddle Road as the Daniel K. Inouye Legacy Highway. The late Senator's work was key to receiving the Federal monies necessary for completion. Testimony may be submitted in various ways; please refer to the last paragraphs of the Committee's hearing notice which is viewable here:View full article

January 18, 2013

Certificate of Need: Ambulance Services

I received an announcement that the State Health Planning and Development Agency (SHPDA) has received a certificate of need application from Ohana Medical Transport for the establishment of surface ambulance services in Hilo. An application review in Hilo is scheduled for 10 a.m., January 22, 2013 at the Waiakea Health Center Environmental Health Facility conference room, 1582 Kamehameha Avenue. Anyone wishing to present testimony on this proposal is requested to notify SHPDA at 1177 Alakea St., Room 402, Honolulu, HI 96813.

For previous news updates, visit our news archives.