October 8, 2013

Public deserves time to be heard

By Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson, Rep. Beth Fukumoto, Rep. Richard Lee Fale and Rep. Lauren (Cheape) Matsumoto

Sep 15, 2013

The heart of a strong democracy is built on a commitment to provide people the opportunity to voice their opinions. The same democratic system that gives legislators a platform to debate is designed to provide at least that level of opportunity to the very people government is intended to serve. But the upcoming special session to address same-sex marriage will likely deny that opportunity to many.

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October 8, 2013

The GOP's Local Youth Movement

Finding signs of life in Hawaii's Republican Party can be frustrating - almost as frustrating as being a Republican in Hawaii. Hawaii's congressional delegation belongs to the Democrats - so, too, the governorship and both houses of the state Legislature.

Republican numbers are near record lows. They own but one seat in the 25-member state Senate, seven in the 51-member House of Representatives - and the latter number has changed little in recent years. The promise of Republican Linda Lingle's eight years as governor did not translate to legislative victories.

Yet there's hope. It's to be found in four young Republicans, three of whom are freshmen and the fourth in his second term in the state House. Aaron Ling Johanson, the Republican minority leader and vice chairman of the House Finance Committee, is 33 years old. First-year members Richard Fale, Beth Fukumoto and Lauren Cheape are 31, 28 and 25, respectively.

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May 16, 2013

Historic Hawaii House Coalition Delivers Promising Results

By Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson is House Minority Leader and Rep. Scott K. Saiki is House Majority Leader 05/14/2013

The 2013 legislative session has come to a close having made significant progress. A bipartisan coalition, the first in the history of the House of Representatives, committed to finding common ground and overcoming politics as usual to make investments in Hawaii's future, improve the quality of life for our working families, and increase transparency and accountability in government.

The swift and unanimously supported repeal of the Public Land Development Corporation (PLDC) was a direct response to public outcry concerning a closed government process that granted vast environmental exemptions to speed development. Repeal of this newly created entity quickly gained consensus across the aisle and was one of the first priorities of the House.

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February 12, 2013

Rep. Aaron Ling Johanson's Opening Day Speech 2013

Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for the privilege of addressing this chamber, filled with so many of our State's most distinguished leaders of the past, present, and future. Today, I am also honored to have the opportunity to speak to the people, the heart of Hawaii.

People all across the country are speaking out and asking for common sense leaders who will work to find common ground. We, here in Hawaii, are answering this call...starting today.

With the cost of living rising, the effect of federal spending cuts uncertain, and the burden of unfunded liabilities looming large, we must have a common purpose. The improvement of the lives of all our people is that common purpose.

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February 12, 2013

House Republicans Caution that a Sudden Minimum Wage Increase Could Put People Out of Work

The House Minority Caucus urged caution today as two bills to increase the minimum wage to 120 percent its current level passed the Labor & Public Employment and Economic Development & Business committees.

"The Minority Caucus would like to see higher rates of employment and higher incomes for all workers across our state, but we're concerned that Hawaii is still recovering from a bad recession. We should first focus on reducing people's cost of living and growing our entire economy so employers can afford to increase wages without going out of business," said Minority Leader Aaron Ling Johanson.

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March 2, 2011

In the Media

silver alertHawaii News Now's Jim Mendoza interviewed Rep. Johanson regarding his Silver Alert bill last week Thursday and showcased Rep. Johanson's commitment to addressing the needs of our seniors, especially those who may need special attention because of specific medical concerns, including Alzheimer's Disease. "Even if this vehicle doesn't have staying power, the idea certainly is going to continue to remain as an important on-going dialogue that needs to be had," Johanson said. View full article

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