October 3, 2013
Representative Isaac Choy's SEPTEMBER 2013 issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
The University of Hawaii's new interim president, upon accepting the position, stated he wanted to facilitate healing in restoring the relationship between the public and the University of Hawaii. READ MORE.View full article
August 2, 2013
Representative Isaac Choy's Prevailing Winds - Special Edition, The Legislative Report
My fifth legislative session ended with a flurry. But it leaves me wondering, what could have been; and yet, being thankful for what was accomplished. The political process is a quandary. After a lifetime of owning my own business, I am convinced decision-making by consensus will never work in the business (real) world. View full article
June 25, 2013
5th Annual Manoa Neighborhood Security Watch Network Coordinators, Block Captains and Members Meeting
An outcry of increasing crime in Manoa Valley led to a Neighborhood Security Watch Informational Meeting in September 2009. There are now 21 Neighborhood Security Watches scattered all over Manoa Valley. Every year since then, the office of Representative Isaac Choy hosts an annual meeting for the Manoa NSW Coordinators, Block Captains and Members.
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June 25, 2013
Hawaii Rep. Choy Selected as CSG Toll Fellow
Hawaii Rep. Isaac W. Choy is one of 48 state policymakers from across the country selected as a Council of State Governments' Henry Toll Fellow for the Class of 2013.
The 48 Toll Fellows in the Class of 2013 represent 35 states and Puerto Rico, with 35 serving in the legislative branch, four serving in the judiciary and nine hailing from the executive.
The Toll Fellowship Program named for CSG founder Henry Wolcott Toll, is one of the nation's premier leadership development programs for state government officials. Each year, Toll Fellows brings 48 of the nation's top officials from all three branches of state government to Lexington, Ky., for an intensive six-day, five-night "intellectual boot camp."
Leadership is an art that is enhanced by not only constantly observing other leaders, but determining the right approach to apply in different situations," Choy said. "In politics, it is essential that we find ways to bring people together and guide them to achieve a common objective. Training to sharpen ones leadership skills can only benefit all that we encounter."
The program's agenda includes a lineup of dynamic speakers and sessions designed to stimulate personal assessment and growth, while providing priceless networking and relationship-building opportunities. While each year's program is unique, previous programs have included sessions on leadership assessment, media training, crisis management, appreciative inquiry, adaptive leadership and much more.
Choy is looking forward to learning from his Toll Fellows classmates as well. "Each of the attendees will have a unique leadership style," he said. "I am hoping to gain leadership techniques that produce results, which cannot be written or articulated in reference materials, but gained only through personal contact."
Toll Fellows alumni include U.S. Rep. John Carney, a former Delaware lieutenant governor; U.S. Rep. Colleen Hanabusa, a former state Senate president; U.S. Rep Todd Rokita, a former Indiana secretary of state; former North Carolina Gov. Beverly Perdue and former U.S. Labor Secretary Hilda Solis.
This year's program will be held Aug. 16-21, 2013.
December 7, 2012
Happy Holidays! Representative Isaac Choy's DECEMBER 2012 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
Whew! Last month's Prevailing Winds ready spurred on some intense discussions. Just think, all I wanted you to know were the things I experienced from my travels. Read more...View full article
November 8, 2012
Manoa Road Task Force Meeting Reconvenes on Thursday, November 8, 2012.
The Manoa Road Task Force, chaired by William Aila, Jr., Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, will reconvene to continue discussions on resolving the ownership, maintenance, and repair responsibility of the portion of Manoa Road leading up to the Lyon Arboretum.
Notice of Public Informational Meeting attached.View full article
November 8, 2012
Manoa Town Meeting - Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Representative Isaac Choy, House District 23 and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi, Council District 5, will host a Manoa Town Meeting to discuss Community Issues and get input from the community for proposed legislation for the upcoming 2013 session.View full article
November 8, 2012
Representative Isaac Choy's NOVEMBER 2012 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
As November approaches in an election year, I always feel this could be my last edition of Prevailing Winds. This election had some drama. It started by me falling down my stairs at home and breaking two toes. View full article
October 18, 2012
4th Annual Manoa Neighborhood Security Watch Coordinators and Block Captains Meeting - Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Guest Speaker Prosecuting Attorney Keith Kaneshiro spoke to Manoa NSW Members about protecting their community against crimes, scams and other topics of safety, and HPD District 7 Community Policing Team updated the community on reported crime and answered questions. Great turnout!
October 18, 2012
Manoa Road Task Force Meeting Convenes on Monday, October 22, 2012
House Concurrent Resolution No. 153, Regular Session of 2012, was introduced by Rep. Choy and adopted on May 3, 2012. The Manoa Road Task Force will convene, chaired by the Chairperson of the Board of Land and Natural Resources to examine and make a recommendation to resolve the ownership, maintenance, and repair responsibility of the portion of Manoa Road leading up to the Lyon Arboretum.
Notice of Public Informational Meeting attached.View full article
October 18, 2012
Please enjoy Representative Isaac Choy's past issues of Prevailing Winds March/April 2012, May/June 2012, Prevailing Winds 2012 Special Edition, October 2012
February 2012 Newsletter
March/April 2012 Newsletter
May/June 2012 Newsletter
Prevailing Winds 2012 Special Edition
October 2012 Newsletter
February 14, 2012
Representative Isaac Choy's FEBRUARY 2012 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
The fourth session of my legislative career has begun. It definitely has a different feel from the past sessions.View full article
January 9, 2012
Representative Isaac Choy's JANUARY 2012 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
And we're off! and if I may, say, premature perhaps, a feeling of optimism is in the air and the anticipation of better times lies ahead. View full article
December 14, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's DECEMBER 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing
Cheers from Merry ole England! Representative Choy writes about his recent travel to the UK, and being of a political nature, will report on several observations about life there. Read more.View full article
December 2, 2011
Manoa Legislative Town Meeting
Join Senator Brian Taniguchi, Representative Isaac Choy and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi as they will be hosting a LEGISLATIVE TOWN MEETING to hear the community's concerns and issues as well as ideas for legislation for the 2012 Legislative session.
DATE: Thursday, December 15, 2011
TIME: 6:15 p.m. - 8:00 p.m.
LOCATION: Manoa Elementary School Cafeteria
(3155 Manoa Road)
The Manoa Neighborhood Security Watch Recruiting team will also be on hand to answer questions and guide Manoa residents on how they can form a Neighborhood Security Watch on their street. SEE FLYER
November 15, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's NOVEMBER 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
Representative Isaac Choy talks about his recent trip to Colorado Springs to attend the CSG Western Legislative Academy (WLA) and Bellevue, Washington to attend the CSG National Conference and North American Summit. View full article. View full article
October 4, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's OCTOBER 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
Prevailing Winds has been an interesting exercise in communications for me. This month's article is on "Ethics."
October 4, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's SEPTEMBER 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
And we are off! The new fiscal year which began on July 1st has started and we are beginning the year with a bang!
August 15, 2011
Manoa Hot Spots Traffic Safety Awareness Event - August 11, 2011
About 25 members of various Manoa Neighborhood Security Watch groups and their doggies came out to support the Manoa Hot Spots Traffic Safety Awareness sign waving with Manoa Elementary School students and teachers, Farmer's Insurance Hawaii employees, AARP, Walk-Wise Hawaii on Thursday, August 11, 2011, 7 am to 8 am at the Manoa Road entrance to Manoa Elementary School.
It's back to school and drivers need to be careful of children walking to school and crossing the street. The five-way intersection leading to Manoa Elementary School is a dangerous traffic spot that children cross every morning.
This event is sponsored by the Farmer's Hawaii Hot Spots Traffic Safety Program.
August 12, 2011
Representative Choy's Prevailing Winds, Special Edition - The Legislative Report is ready for viewing.
He talks about the 2011 legislative session, how the budget was balanced, and highlights of the 2011 Legislative Session. View full article.View full article
July 7, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's JULY 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
In Representative Choy's July 2011 issue of Prevailing Winds, he shares with you of a recent graduation he attended which really touched him. View full article
June 30, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's JUNE 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
In this issue, he grades the 2011 legislative session and talks about some of the hard choices that had to be made. View full article
May 9, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's MAY 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
In Representative Choy's May 2011 issue of Prevailing Winds, he mentions that 2011 was a time of sacrifice, and a time to choose from alternatives that were less than palatable. He had hoped this would be a rebuilding year with the economy supporting our efforts.
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April 7, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's April 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing
In Representative Choy's April 2011 issue of Prevailing Winds, Representative Choy talks about Bills that have crossed over to the Senate, namely the House budget bill. View a visual comparison of the three budgets (Governor Lingle, Governor Abercrombie and the House Budget bill.) Read more View full article
March 2, 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's March 2011 Issue of Prevailing Winds is ready for viewing.
Rep Choy's staff have seized his laptop to write this month's newsletter.
Since last week, Rep. Isaac Choy has been sequestered in marathon Finance Committee hearings-which start in the morning and have gone until the next morning. Yes, they can take bathroom breaks and they do eat.
This past Saturday, February 26, 2011, Rep. Isaac Choy, Sen. Brian Taniguchi and Councilmember Ann Kobayashi hosted the Manoa Legislative Town Meeting, and Rep. Choy who was in a House Finance hearing until 3AM the same morning, seemed to hold up well while he gave a state budget presentation and explained some of the bills he introduced to the audience.
One of Rep Choy's bill's introduced is vitally important to the district, relating to home invasion. The support for this bill and the overwhelming response requesting the bill be heard by the House Judiciary Committee was gratifying as the community took an active part in participating in the legislative process. Crime in our neighborhoods is a topic of concern, and in past months, there have been reported home invasions occurring that have alerted the Manoa community. The Manoa Neighborhood Security Watch Coordinators spread the word of this home invasion bill and written testimony from many NSW members were submitted as well as several NSW Coordinators who came down in person.
The MANOA NEIGHBORHOOD SECURITY WATCH PROGRAM is a network of 18 NSWs scattered all over Manoa Valley. The Volunteer Coordinators, Block Captains and their members are to be commended for their commitment to making their community a safer place to live. Community pride is evident as they wear their Manoa Neighborhood Security Watch tee-shirts as they patrol their neighborhoods and attend the many Manoa NSW Coordinators/Block Captains and Community Town meetings. Thank you to Upper Woodlawn NSW Coordinator Raleigh Ferdun, creator of the Manoa NSW Blog. Raleigh updates crime alerts occurring in the valley, meeting notices, resources and so much more and College Hill NSW Coordinator Norman Wong, disseminates crime alerts emailed to him by Coordinators all over the valley. As you drive through Manoa, you will see many NSW Street Signs placed on private property and the Manoa NSWs are currently awaiting City approval of these customized signs to be placed on public property and purchased by the NSWs. There is a Manoa NSW Recruitment Team (Raleigh Ferdun, Norman Wong and Peter Kobayashi) in place to assist neighbors who wish to start a new NSW or join an existing group.
Mahalo and Aloha to the MANOA Neighborhood Security Watches!
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February 18, 2011
Manoa Legislative Town Meeting
Saturday, February 26, 2011View full article
February 18, 2011
Sitting near the basketball court at Manoa School, I watched many parents trying to balance the bike, as their children wobbled in their attempts to learn to ride a two-wheeler. My parents did the same thing for me a long time ago. It made me think, for some things, change is not necessary and should be left alone.
The daily invocation that begins each House session has been a tradition that began when the very first legislature convened. Speaker Emeritus Souki said it very well when it was his turn to give the invocation, "If you no like the invocation, you no need listen". Well said!
Immediately after the general election, I was assigned the task of representing Speaker Say in the reorganization of the house. The many days and nights of meetings, discussions, negotiations are now done! Now I have enough material to write a pretty interesting and insightful exposé, but I am totally exhausted and the real work of the legislative session has just begun.
The legislature is off to a pretty slow start. We all have just been assigned to our committees and attended all the state departments' informational briefings. Our state departments and agencies are having a difficult time drawing up with their new budget proposals, especially since all the directors are new appointees.
The realization that during the last two years, we were forced to take drastic measures with all of the departmental operating budgets, is now apparent. The departments are now requesting restoration of their budgets in areas where they see services lacking. This rebuilding is being attempted with the few extra dollars from a still-slowly-recovering economy. The departments are trying to coordinate their efforts and will need to have their priorities submitted by March 15th.
The problem with this deadline is that it is after crossover, so the House will just have to prioritize for them, in time to get the proposed budget over to the Senate on time. Do not worry, we will get it done!
The Governor's State-of-the-State message was interesting to say the least. However, I don’t believe and I think the governor himself, does not believe, that all of his proposals will be implemented. We will work together to come up with solutions that will probably make more people angry than happy. Nonetheless, we will try to keep everyone's sacrifice to an "even" level.
The most important lesson I learned from earlier budget battles in the legislature, is to keep all options on the table until the very last minute. Tying our hands early in the deliberation is not the way to get the most equitable results.
I have introduced bills to address crime, the homeless, revenues, education, tax compliance and our Hale Kipa problem. As of last week, there were approximately1600 bills introduced, of which about 10 percent may become law. The vetting process has begun and hopefully some of my ideas will provide good, helpful laws that improve our lives.
Let me end by paraphrasing George Bernard Shaw who said, " Some men see things as they are and ask 'Why?'. Others dream things that never were and say, 'Why not?'".
I believe a legislator should see the world not as it is, but as it can be.
Mahalo and Aloha,
Isaac W. Choy, District 24
State Representative
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December 3, 2010
Representative Choy's E-Newsletter - Prevailing Winds, January 2011
Representative Isaac Choy's January 2011 issue of his e-newsletter, PREVAILING WINDS, is ready for viewing. View full article
November 8, 2010
Manoa Legislative Town Meeting
Thursday, November 18, 2010, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Manoa Elementary School Cafeterium, 3155 Manoa Road
Please join Representative Isaac Choy, D-24 and Senator Brian Taniguchi. D-10 as they will be on hand to hear the Manoa Community's Concerns and Issues prior to the upcoming 2011 Legislative Session.For more information
For previous news updates, visit our news archives.