February 10, 2012
HACBED, Rep. Belatti and other State Legislators host Free Tax Service at State Capitol on Saturday, February 4, 2012 from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Appointments & Walk-ins welcome (last walk in at 1:00 pm) To schedule an appointment, please call 381-0881.
Attention Low- to Moderate-income Taxpayers: Make an appointment today to have your taxes prepared and filed for free at the State Capitol Rm 325 (change from Rm 329).
State Representative Della Au Belatti, in collaboration with the Hawaii Alliance for Community-Based Economic Development (HACBED) and other State Legislators, are hosting this tax preparation clinic to help low- to moderate-income taxpayers claim valuable tax credits that can save them money. Qualified taxpayers may be eligible for a credit or refund of up to $5,751. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 381-0881.View full article
June 15, 2011
Dear Neighbor,
Summer's here and the May/June 2011 District 25 News is packed with information. You can read about some of the Legislature's "unfinished business" and how I'll be focusing on early education efforts and working on a new "Makiki Summer Reading Project" during the interim.
Also read my update on the legislative and gubernatorial efforts to address homelessness in the state of Hawaii, starting with the Governor's announcement in May to implement his 90-day action plan.
As always, please feel free to contact me via email or at 586-9425 at any time. I'm also Twitter friendly, and can be reached through @repbelatti.
With aloha,
April 6, 2011
St. Clement's Church, Parish Hall
Thursday, April 14, 2011
5:00 - 7:00 pm
What is the "Hawaii Clean Energy Initiative?" What is the PUC? Learn the answers to these questions and more at our next Makiki Town Hall meeting featuring newly appointed PUC Chair, Hermina Morita. Special guests also include Acting Chair of the House Energy & Environmental Protection Committee Denny Coffman; Sopogy, Inc. CEO and President, Darren Kimura; and our very own Governor Neil Abercrombie.
This Earth Day 2011 event is sponsored by Representative Della Au Belatti. For more information, please call 586-9425.
April 5, 2011
Aloha Neighbor!
In this belated March issue of District 25 News, you'll find short descriptions of several House bills that made it pass the all important crossover deadline in the 2011 Legislative Session. And with the tragic events of the recent Japan earthquake and tsunami, we identify the tsunami inundation zone closest to Makiki and the designated Refuge Area located within our district, and offer you a variety of ways to help our global neighbors in need.
You'll also find attached to this email a flyer for the next Makiki Town Hall on Thursday, April 14, 2011, at St. Clement's Parish (1515 Wilder Avenue). For this Earth Day 2011 themed event, please join me in welcoming special guests Mina Morita, the newly appointed Public Utilities Commission Chair; Denny Coffman, House Energy & Environmental Protection Committee Acting Chair; Darren Kimura, Sopogy, Inc. CEO and President; and our very own Governor Neil Abercrombie. Bring your questions and be prepared to participate in lively discussion about Hawaii's clean energy future.
View full article
April 1, 2011
Makiki Neighborhood Security Watch Training Session
Wednesday, April 20, 2011, 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
Jodo Mission, Ikoi Hall, 1429 Makiki Street
Gather up your neighbors for the next Makiki Neighborhood Security Watch (NSW) meeting. HPD will help NSW groups with basic community policing skills. Call 586-9425 or email repbelatti@capitol.hawaii.gov for more information.
March 1, 2011
Rep. Belatti Brings Free Tax Service to Makiki
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm, by appointment only.
To schedule an appointment, please call 548-1012.
Attention Low- to Moderate-income Taxpayers: Make an appointment today to have your taxes prepared and filed for free at Makiki Community Library. State Representative Della Au Belatti, in collaboration with the Hawaii Alliance for Community-Based Economic Development (HACBED), are hosting this tax preparation clinic to help low- to moderate-income taxpayers claim valuable tax credits that can save them money. Qualified taxpayers may be eligible for a credit or refund of up to $5,666. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 548-1012.View flyer
January 11, 2011
Community Service Day on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Makiki District Park and Makiki Community Library
January 17, 2011
Join Representative Belatti, Friends of the Makiki Community Library (MCL) and Hui O Makiki clean up Makiki District Park and MCL. Volunteers are needed to help paint over graffiti and perform various clean up projects. If you or your organization would like to help, contact Jonalyn Uehara at 586-9425 or belatti2@capitol.hawaii.gov for more information.
January 11, 2011
Safeway Community Meeting
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Kaahumanu Elementary School Cafeteria, 1141 Kinau Street
(Parking available on campus off Beretania Street.)

The project team for the construction of the new Safeway will be available to answer any questions at this meeting. For more information, please call Puanani at 543-3582.
December 9, 2010
Community Meeting with Catholic Charities, next Monday, December 13 at Clarence T.C. Ching Campus
A great opportunity for the community to meet their neighbor Catholic Charities, and to discuss any concerns about noise and parking. Members of Makiki's elected legislative delegation will also be there.
The meeting will be held Monday, 12/13 at 5:30pm, Clarence T.C. Ching Campus (1822 Keeaumoku Street at Nehoa). For more information, contact Catholic Charities at 527-4849.
November 29, 2010
Join Representative Belatti and Council Member-elect Tulsi Gabbard Tamayo for a pre-Legislative Session Town Hall Meeting.
State Representative Della Au Belatti and Council Member Tulsi Gabbard Tamayo will co-host a Town Hall meeting to discuss new ideas for bills before the start of the 2011 legislative session. The public is invited to attend with questions and comments for the lawmakers and to discuss significant issues to the community.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
6:00 p.m.
Makiki Community Library
1527 Keeaumoku Street at Wilder Avenue
(ample parking at Makiki District Park)
While email and phone calls are an important way to communicate with elected state and city delegations, meeting and talking in person is one of the best ways for legislators to keep informed about issues that affect the neighborhood.
For previous news updates, visit our news archives.