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recognizing january 17TH of eVERY year as a day to commemorate and recognize the events and struggle for justice that led to the United ChurchES of Christ's apology to na kanaka maoli and the united states congressional APOLOGY to native hawaiians.
WHEREAS, January 17, 2013, will be the twentieth anniversary of the United Churches of Christ's Apology to Na Kanaka Maoli presented by Dr. Paul Sherry, the President of the United Church of Christ; and
WHEREAS, this year marks the twentieth anniversary of the United States Congressional Apology to Native Hawaiians, Public Law 103-150, signed by President William Clinton; and
WHEREAS, the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center, Interfaith Alliance Hawaii, Matsunaga Institute for Peace and Conflict Resolution at the University of Hawaii, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work at the University of Hawaii, and many other organizations have supported efforts to educate the public regarding events that led to the foregoing apologies and for further reconciliation efforts; and
WHEREAS, the Cathedral of St. Andrew, Kawaiaha‘o Church, Kaumakapili Church, Harris United Methodist Church, St. Augustine By-the-Sea, and the Central Union Church have hosted annual events commemorating the foregoing apologies, which included educational activities and other efforts to promote justice and further reconciliation efforts; and
WHEREAS, the Legislature has initiated and supported similar efforts to promote justice and reconciliation over the last 20 years, including the recognition and honoring of President Grover Cleveland and Queen Liliuokalani; now, therefore,
BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-seventh Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2013, that this body designates January 17th of every year as a day to recognize and commemorate the Native Hawaiian struggle for justice and reconciliation related to the events leading up to the United Churches of Christ's Apology to Na Kanaka Maoli and United States Congressional Apology to Native Hawaiians, Public Law 103-150; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body recognizes the courage, faith, and hope Queen Liliuokalani exhibited after the overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy and her unyielding devotion to justice, mercy, and reconciliation on behalf of the Native Hawaiian people; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this body commits itself to the furtherance of justice for Native Hawaiians and to furthering reconciliation efforts between the United States government and Native Hawaiians; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the President of the United States, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, President Pro Tempore of the United States Senate, Chief Executive Officer of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, President and Conference Ministers of the United Church of Christ, Bishop of the Episcopal Church, President of the Association of Hawaiian Evangelical Churches, President of Interfaith Alliance of Hawaii, President of the Pacific Justice and Reconciliation Center, President of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, Hawaii Association of Independent Schools, Board of Trustees of Kawaiaha‘o Church, The Cathedral of St. Andrew, Kaumakapili Church, Harris United Methodist Church, St. Augustine By-the-Sea Catholic Church, and Central Union Church.
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January 17; Commemoration; United Church of Christ Apology; United States Congress Apology