Age of the electric car moves closer to reality

Last year, as Energy and Environment chairman, I worked on laws that helped set the stage for a large-scale introduction of plug-in electric vehicles. Act 156 set aside 1 percent of parking spaces for electric vehicles in parking lots totaling more than 100 stalls; Act 114 authorized $45 million in special-purpose revenue bonds so that Better Place can put in necessary infrastructure, such as charging stations for electric vehicles...
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Senate Committees to twitter hearing updates
The Senate announced today that several committees will be participating in a pilot project using Twitter to provide real-time updates on the progress of committee hearings. The Senate Committees on Higher Education (HRE), Commerce and Consumer Protection (CPN), and Health (HTH) will be sending messages to let followers know that the hearing has convened, the bill or measure being discussed, and when the hearing adjourns. View full article
ENE hearing webcast - October 1, 2009
The Senate Committee on Energy and Environment (ENE) held a hearing on Thursday, October 1, 2009.
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