<br> <em>June 17, 2013</em> <h3>The Case For The Great Lawn</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/midweek.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>June 5, 2013 by Representative Gene Ward <BR><BR> <a href=" http://www.midweek.com/the-case-for-the-great-lawn/" target="_blank">Midweek Article </a> <BR><BR> There is ongoing concern in Hawaii Kai over 20 years about over-development and a reduction of open space. One of the outstanding open spaces is the Great Lawn, now center stage in a land-use debate: Open space or commercial development? <BR><BR> Kuapa Isle_Great LawnThe Great Lawn encompasses the area bordered by Hawaii Kai Drive, Kalanianaole Highway and Keahole Street across from Maunalua Bay, and is owned by Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate. KSBE wants to build a shopping village and "gathering place" on the site with stores, restaurants, an educational facility, and bike and walking paths, anchored by Foodland, which in 2011 lost its lease at Koko Marina. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2013/06/06/the-case-for-the-great-lawn/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>April 30, 2013</em> <h3>Lawmakers Ask City Council Members to Stop Development Plans for Hawaii Kai Preservation Land</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/Hawaii reporter Logo.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/> <a href=" http://www.hawaiireporter.com/lawmakers-ask-city-council-members-to-stop-development-plans-for-hawaii-kai-preservation-land/123 " target="_blank"> Hawaii Reporter April 18, 2013</a> <BR><BR> Rep. Gene Ward, R-Hawaii Kai, Sen. Laura Thielen, D-Kailua-Hawaii Kai, and Sam Slom, R-Hawaii Kai-Diamond Head, sent a letter on April 16 to the Honolulu City Council asking its 9 members to oppose development of the "Great Lawn", a parcel 14-acre parcel in Hawaii Kai now zoned as preservation land. <BR><BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2013/04/18/lawmakers-ask-city-council-members-to-stop-development-plans-for-hawaii-kai-preservation-land/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 27, 2013</em> <h3>At Legislative Town Hall, East Oahu Residents Express Outrage Over Proposed Commercial Development on Preservation Land</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/Hawaii reporter Logo.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>March 22, 2013 ...Kamehameha Schools wants to build a "gathering place" on 4.5 acres of land on the entrance to Hawaii Kai, which would include stores and restaurants and possibly an educational facility and bike and walking paths along the marina.<BR><BR> ..."Hawaii Kai loves Foodland, but we love the 'Great Lawn' more," Ward said. <BR><BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2013/03/25/at-legislative-town-hall-east-oahu-residents-express-outrage-over-proposed-commercial-development-on-preservation-land/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>February 27, 2013</em> <h3>Kaiser Complex Schools Make History!</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/ward.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>Rep. Gene Ward (R - Hawai'i Kai-Kalama Valley) announced that Hahaione Elementary School in Hawaii Kai was authorized to become an International Baccalaureate (IB) World School making the Kaiser complex (Kaiser High School, Niu Valley Middle School, Hahaione Elementary School) the first public school complex in the State to offer the IB World School Programme grades K-12.<BR><BR> The IB Programme is a coveted status for schools around the world. The curriculum emphasizes and highlights the importance of international awareness and responsible citizenship for students. Its world class curriculum prepares students for college that includes the speaking of a foreign language before high school graduation. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2013/02/20/kaiser-complex-schools-make-history/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>December 19, 2012</em> <h3>Is a "Cyber-Pearl Harbor" in our future?</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/civil_beat_logo.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>In this post-9/11 world, cyberattacks are a new tool in our enemies' arsenals, whether at home or abroad. Just last month, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of a potential "cyber-Pearl Harbor that would cause physical destruction and the loss of life, an attack that would paralyze and shock the nation and create a profound new sense of vulnerability." <BR><BR> More recently, in the aftermath of Superstorm Sandy, Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said "If you think that a critical systems attack that takes down a utility even for a few hours is not serious, just look at what is happening now that Mother Nature has taken out those utilities." <BR><BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/11/21/is-a-cyber-pearl-harbor-in-our-future/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>October 16, 2012</em> <h3>Legislature should study tax policy, not tax hikes By Rep. Gene Ward </h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/Star Advertiser Oct 2012.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>On Sept. 11, the Tax Review Commission 2010-2012 held a public hearing at the state Capitol to allow public testimony on reports the commission will examine before issuing its final report in December. The two reports open for comment were the "Study of the Hawaii Tax System" and the study on "Selected Issues with the Hawaii General Excise Tax," by the Public Financial Management (PFM) Group and Dr. William Fox, respectively. <BR><BR> The vast majority of the oral and written testimony was critical of the PFM report. This opposition included lawmakers from both sides of the aisle, accountants, bankers, nonprofits, Realtors, private individuals, members of the building, construction, and tourism industries and the Tax Foundation of Hawaii. <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>September 13, 2012</em> <h3>House Republicans oppose proposed GET increase</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/Caucus pic in chamber - may.JPG" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/> September 11, 2012 <BR><BR> Honolulu - Today, House Republicans presented a letter to the Tax Review Commission opposing the commission's proposal to increase the GET and other taxes. In the letter, Republicans argue that increasing taxes would hurt Hawaii's most vulnerable citizens and negatively impact Hawaii's economic recovery. <BR><BR> The letter reads as follows: <BR><BR> See Letter: <BR><a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/category/representative-gene-ward-phd/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>August 13, 2012</em> <h3>Foodland should go to Kalama Valley</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/Star Advertiser.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/> Yes, Hawaii Kai loves Foodland. ("Foodland considering a return to Hawaii Kai," Star-Advertiser, July 20). <BR><BR> This was clearly shown by our fight to keep their store open in Koko Marina as long as possible. <BR><BR> But Hawaii Kai residents love their community more than they love Foodland, and residents are very concerned about over-development, traffic congestion and a lack of carrying capacity of our infrastructure. <BR><BR> Instead of a strip mall on the "great lawn," which is the signature parcel across from Maunalua Bay which welcomes you to Hawaii Kai and its beauty and lifestyle, Foodland would better serve the community by downsizing and relocating in the still-empty Kalama Valley Shopping Center. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/07/27/foodland-should-go-to-kalama-valley/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>June 5, 2012</em> <h3>House Republicans reclaim the legacy of "Teddy" Roosevelt</h3> In keeping with the legacy of Republican President and staunch environmentalist Theodore Roosevelt, Republicans in the State House of Representatives successfully led the way in opposing a series of bills that would have resulted in lasting damage to our environment. <BR><BR> "This year, the Republican caucus defended Hawaii's environmental laws against many attempts by the Majority to erode our longstanding environmental protections. With the support of our communities and many coalitions, we successfully defeated many bills that would have endangered the quality of life for our residents and their children. We are very proud to end the 2012 session knowing that we helped to preserve the State of Hawaii for future generations." <BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/house-republicans-reclaim-the-legacy-of-teddy-roosevelt/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 21, 2012</em> <h3>State-owned bank would put risks on taxpayers By Rep. Gene Ward</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/Star Advertiser.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>March 14, 2012 Editorial - Island Voices<BR><BR> Arguably, one of the worst bills to be introduced and passed through the 2012 legislative process so far is a proposal to create a State of Hawaii Bank.<BR><BR> It would be owned by taxpayers and operated by the state bureaucracy and governed by elected officials. Its primary purpose, as outlined in House Bill 2103, HD2, would be to purchase toxic mortgages and foreclosures on properties in the state of Hawaii. <BR><BR> What is driving this legislation is the alleged success of the State Bank of North Dakota, which was created in 1919 and today puts about $30 million per year into the state's treasury in a state with the nation's lowest unemployment rate. Originally the bank was created to make loans to farmers, but today it primarily buys loans from the many small banks in the rural areas of North Dakota and does not specialize in foreclosures or loan modifications. <BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/state-owned-bank-would-put-risks-on-taxpayers-by-rep-gene-ward/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>February 16, 2012</em> <h3>A Better Day Coming for Hawaii? By Representative Gene Ward - February 09, 2012</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/civil_beat_logo.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/> The people of Hawaii remain concerned about their future-will they have a job, will they be able to cope with the increasing cost of living, will their government be able to balance its budget without cutting back essential services?<BR><BR> These are questions that need to be addressed in the 2012 Legislative Session because current policies are not sustainable. With over 57% of Hawaii's families not making enough money to pay for their kids' public school lunches without a subsidy, Hawaii can little bear the usual legislative cost of living and tax increases that occur every time the legislature sits. <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2012/02/14/a-better-day-coming-for-hawaii-by-representative-gene-ward/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>January 13, 2012</em> <h3>REPUBLICANS IN STATE HOUSE STAND WITH VETERANS AND PROPOSE PREFERENCE LEGISLATION</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/caucus 2011.JPG" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/>The House Republican Caucus is calling upon the State to dedicate 3% of all state purchases, an estimated $33 million per year, to Hawaii-based veteran-owned businesses. <BR><BR> "As a Vietnam-era veteran and businessman, I believe it is time for Hawaii to follow the national example of supporting veteran-owned businesses, " Republican Minority Leader Rep. Gene Ward stated. It is estimated that one in every seven small business owners nationwide are veterans including 10,300 qualified veteran-owned businesses in Hawaii. <BR><BR> "I have worked with veterans organizations to help provide housing and support for those who defended our nation," noted Republican Floor Leader Kymberly Pine. "This is an opportunity for us to extend the purchasing preferences Hawaii already has in place to a very worthy group." <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/category/representative-gene-ward-phd/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>December 5, 2011</em> <h3>APEC confirmed that Hawaii has good reason to 'brag about our successes' By Rep. Gene Ward</h3> Honolulu Star Advertiser - December 01, 2011<BR><BR> Hawaii is said to have hit a home run at the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference held in Honolulu for 21 world leaders. If this is true, the question is: Will we be able to see the difference in Hawaii's future?<BR><BR> I tried to gather proof of this by talking to as many people as possible, including a key member of the national APEC committee. This person told me that APEC and the U.S. State Department genuinely believe Hawaii did a superb job. Hawaii was thrown a number of curve balls amid very trying circumstances, and the Hawaii Host Committee was said to have just rolled with the punches, kept smiling, and showed that the aloha spirit could stand the test of pressure. <BR><BR> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/apec-confirmed-that-hawaii-has-good-reason-to-brag-about-our-successes-by-rep-gene-ward/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>June 24, 2011</em> <h3>HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER GENE WARD CHOSEN TO ATTEND STATE LEGISLATIVE LEADERS FORUM</h3> The House Republican Caucus announced that House Minority Leader Gene Ward is participating in the bipartisan State Legislative Leaders Foundation forum.<BR> This national event recognizes a select number of legislative leaders in the United States who are responsible for shaping state public policies and developing groundbreaking new laws. This year's conference theme is "In the Cloud: Effective Governance in the Information Age."<BR> "We are pleased that Republican Minority Leader Gene Ward has been chosen to participate in this important event," House Republican Floor Leader Kymberly Pine stated. "At a time of rapid change when the internet is affecting the way we live and govern, Rep. Ward's attendance will help keep Hawaii at the cutting edge of emerging cyber space issues." <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/06/24/house-republican-leader-gene-ward-chosen-to-attend-state-legislative-leaders-forum//" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <br> <em>May 18, 2011</em> <h3>Civil Beat Told Only Part of GOP Story</h3> In addition to these examples, I have attached a list of bills passed this session that started as Republican proposals and were taken by the Majority Party and enacted. While on paper the Democrat sponsor may receive the credit, in reality these ideas originated on the other side of the aisle. <a href="http://www.civilbeat.com/posts/2011/05/17/10976-civil-beat-told-only-part-of-gop-story/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <em>April 13, 2011</em> <h3>HOUSE REPUBLICAN LEADER GENE WARD ON 2011 SECOND CROSSOVER</h3> House Republican Leader Gene Ward (Hawaii Kai, Kalama Valley) issued the following statement regarding legislation being considered by the State House of Representatives: We have passed over 150 bills today. Some of them will benefit our residents and improve their quality of life.<BR> But too many of these bills will hurt those of us who live in Hawaii; making it harder to take care of our families, pay our bills, and find a job.<a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/04/13/house-republican-leader-gene-ward-on-2011-second-crossover//" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>April 6, 2011</em> <h3>Ward: General Excise Tax Not the Best Option to Balance State Budget</h3> <img src="/memberfiles/House/Ward/newsletters/APEC article.jpg" title=" alt="" width="65" height="65" align="left" style="padding-right: 10px"/> Rep. Gene Ward (R-Hawaii Kai - Kalama Valley) today issued a warning to the public not to believe the latest threats by the Senate as well as the Hawaii's public labor unions that an increase in the general excise tax (GET) is the only option on the table.<BR> Ward pointed to the rally held at the Capitol on April 4 calling on the Legislature to raise the GET, as well as a number of recent calls from Democrat Senators that an increase in the tax is really the only viable option on the table.<BR> "The gross excise tax is the most regressive tax. My fear is that our economy will stall and Hawaii families and jobs will get hurt by what is proposed," Ward said. <a href="http://www.hawaiireporter.com/ward-general-excise-tax-not-the-best-option-to-balance-state-budget/123/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 31, 2011</em> <h3>House GOP to Governor: Freeze Government Spending</h3> Hawaii House Republicans, who make up 8 of 51 seats, sent Gov. Neil Abercrombie, D-HI, a letter on March 21, asking him to take immediate measures to "curtail state spending." They noted that Gov. Linda Lingle, R-HI, who was in office from 2002 to 2010, cut state spending in 2009 when confronted with a budget gap.<BR> To balance the budget during challenging fiscal times, they note Lingle froze most state hiring, put a stop to state travel and told her department heads to refrain from non-essential equipment purchases and supplies.<a href="http://www.hawaiireporter.com/house-gop-to-governor-freeze-government-spending/123/" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 24, 2011</em> <h3>DEMOCRATS SUPPORT GAMBLING INSTEAD OF SCHOOL SUPPLIES FOR CHILDREN</h3> Democrat members of two House Committees voted to gut a bill that would have helped parents buy school supplies for their children and inserted language to legalize gambling in Hawaii.<br><br> SB 755, which started as a proposal by Senator Carol Fukunaga to help school-age children, was completely rewritten behind closed doors. Further, the bill was allowed to pass without the standard 48 hour notice to give the public time to comment on this measure.<br><br> "You are gambling with the credibility of this committee," Rep Cynthia Thielen of Kailua pointed out. "There are many members of the public who oppose gambling and they were not given an opportunity to speak out on a measure that will completely change our State." <br><br> <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/03/24/democrats-support-gambling-instead-of-school-supplies-for-children//" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <em>March 15, 2011</em> <h3>Council on Revenues Projections</h3> "Today's Council on Revenues projections reaffirm the need to stop tax increases that will damage Hawaii's economic recovery and hurt the pocketbooks of our residents. Our economic recovery is still precarious and the last thing we can afford is to take another $500 million from families and individuals who need these funds to make ends meet." <br> <br> For the entire story see: <a href="http://houseminority.wordpress.com/2011/03/11/house-republican-leader-gene-ward-comments-on-council-on-revenues%E2%80%99-projected-110-million-revenue-losshouse-republican-leader-gene-ward-comments-on-council-on-revenues%E2%80%99-projected-110//" target="_blank">View full article</a> <br> <br> <hr> <br> <h3>For previous news updates, visit our <a href="/session2011/members/house/archivednews.aspx?member=Ward" >news archives</a>.</h3>