Friday, February 10, 2012

Young people show support for bill on disposable-bag fee


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lawmakers Shocked by Exotic Species Invading Hawaii (KITV)

View the video on

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Reptiles and invasive species problems creep up on capitol(KHON)


Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Legislative Informational Briefings on Climate Change and Invasive Species

The Senate Committee on Energy and Environment and the House Committee on Energy and Environmental Protection will be holding joint informational briefings on invasive species and on climate change.

On Thursday, January 12, 2012 at 10 a.m. in the State Capitol's room 325, the committees will be updated on invasive species threatening our environment and resources by various agencies that deal with combating invasive species. Participants will include: Coordinating Group on Alien Pet Species, Watershed Partnerships, Big Island Invasive Species Committee, Kaua‘i Invasive Species Committee, Maui Invasive Species Committee, Moloka‘i Invasive Species Committee, O‘ahu Invasive Species Committee, state Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources, state Department of Agriculture Plant Pest Control, state Department of Agriculture Plant Quarantine Branch and the Hawai‘i Invasive Species Council.

"It is vital to our ecosystem that we receive the most updated information on invasive species so that we can better understand how we can prevent invasive species from entering Hawai‘i and to combat those that get through in order to bring them under control," said Senate Committee on Energy and Environment Chair Mike Gabbard.

On Tuesday, January 17, 2012 at 1 p.m. in the State Capitol's room 325, the committees will be briefed on climate change and its impact on Hawai‘i. The following departments have been invited to provide information: UH School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, UH Center for Island Climate Adaptation and Policy, NOAA Climate Services Division and State Office of Planning.

"Climate change affects our environment, our native species, our infrastructure and our very way of life. It's crucial for us to learn the scope and ramifications of climate change in the foreseeable future so that we can plan to reduce and mitigate the resulting impacts," said Senate Committee on Energy and Environment Chair Mike Gabbard.

No public testimony will be accepted at both informational briefings. For more information, contact Senator Gabbard's office at 586-6830.  View the media release

Friday, January 6, 2012

Senator Gabbard Launches Capital 10 Energy Challenge

Senator Mike Gabbard, chair of the Senate Committee on Energy and Environment, in partnership with the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) , Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, and NORESCO announced the launch of the Capital 10 Energy Challenge today.

Gabbard said, "Back in June, Governor Abercrombie held his iConserve Rally at the State Capitol to encourage state workers to conserve energy in the workplace. I was driving in from Kapolei for the event and was inspired. Being a former tennis pro and athlete, I thought why not have state buildings here in Hawai‘i compete with each other to see who could reduce their electricity usage the most. But we can also do better than competing with one another on energy. Nobody loses if we all work towards a common purpose. That's why a challenge makes the most sense for Hawai‘i."

The Capital 10 Energy Challenge is patterned after last year's "Battle of the Buildings", sponsored by the EPA, which featured 245 buildings around the country competing to reduce energy use and cost. The goal is to have the 10 Capitol District buildings reduce their combined energy consumption by $100,000 primarily through behavior change during the next calendar year starting this month. The Capital 10 District includes: the Kalanimoku Building, the Kekauluohi Building (State Archives), the Kekuanaoa Building, the Keoni Ana Building, the Kinau Hale Building, Leiopapa-A-Kamehameha (State Office Tower), No. 1 Capitol District (Hemmeter Building), the Princess Ruth Keelikolani Building, the Queen Liliuokalani Building, and the State Capitol Building.

Gabbard continued, "The key to the success of our Challenge will definitely be our 50 Green Champions. They are dedicated volunteers committed to helping state employees do their part to keep the focus on energy conversation for the whole year."

The Green Champions will be encouraging energy efficiency by convincing people to change their behavior by turning off the lights, hibernating/shutting down PCs, unplugging/removing personal devices (coffee makers, space heaters), and keeping exterior doors shut. DAGS will be posting monthly progress reports on the web at For more information, contact Senator Gabbard's Office at 586-6830.  View the media release