January 18, 2012-Wednesday-10:00 O'CLOCK A.M.
Invocation by Mr. Danny Kaleikini
Roll Call
Remarks: The Honorable Shan S. Tsutsui
President of the Senate
The Honorable Sam Slom
Minority Leader
Dated September 30, 2011, transmitting the report, "Status of the Kaho'olawe Rehabilitation Trust Fund," prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Kaho'olawe Island Reserve Commission, pursuant to Section 6K-9.5(e), HRS. |
Dated September 23, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Findings of the Task Force Regarding the Issue of Pharmacists Vaccinating Minors and the Inclusion of Pharmacies in Health Information Exchange, prepared by the Department of Health pursuant to Act 125, SLH 2010. |
Dated October 31, 2011, transmitting the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the State of Hawaii for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 40-5, HRS. |
Dated October 7, 2011, transmitting the Geothermal Royalties Dispositions and Status of Geothermal and Cable System Development Fiscal Year 2010-2011 Report, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Sections 182-18 and 196D-11, HRS. |
Dated October 7, 2011, transmitting the Project-Funded Staff Services Budget Report Fiscal Year 2011-2012, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 164, Section 42, SLH 2011. |
Dated November 4, 2011, transmitting the 2009-2010 Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Taxation pursuant to Section 231-3(8), HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report on Budgetary and Other Issues Regarding Invasive Species, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 194-2, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to Public Land Liability pursuant to Act 82, SLH 2003, and Recommendations of the Task Force on Beach and Water Safety pursuant to Act 190, SLH 1996, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a report urging DLNR to work with Moanalua Gardens Foundation to execute a memorandum of understanding for the use of Kaimananui (Moanalua) Valley for educational and cultural purposes, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to H.C.R. No. 173 (2011). |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report on Revenues Generated from General Administrative Penalties Imposed under Chapter 183, HRS, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 183-5, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting the Progress Report Regarding the Final Determination of Ownership and Jurisdiction of an Unimproved Section of Kaimakani Street, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to H.C.R. No. 78 (2011). |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Status of the Issuance of Incidental Take Licenses for Endangered, Threatened, Proposed, and Candidate Species; and the Condition of the Endangered Species Trust Fund, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195D-26, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to the Wildlife Revolving Fund Fiscal Year 2011, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 183D-10.5, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to the Forest Stewardship Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195F-6, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to the Natural Area Reserves System, Natural Area Partnership Program, and the Financial Condition of the Natural Area Reserve Fund, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 195-6.6, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to the Land Conservation Fund and the Legacy Land Conservation Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 173A-5, HRS. |
Dated November 7, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Hawaii Statewide Trail and Access System "Na Ala Hele," prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Forestry and Wildlife, pursuant to Section 198D-9(7), HRS. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to the State Budget, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 164, Section 47, SLH 2011. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting a Report on Identification of Rivers and Streams Worthy of Protection, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 174(c)-31(c) (4), HRS. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting a Report on Administratively Established Accounts and Funds, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 37-52.5, HRS. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Hawaii Historic Preservation Special Fund for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 6E-3, HRS. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting the Progress Report Regarding the Establishment of the Public Land Trust Inventory, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 54, Section 3, SLH 2011. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting a report on determining whether lands along the Waipio peninsula and Waipahu shorelines are accreted lands and therefore State property for prospective use as a State park, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to H.C.R. No. 85, H.D. 1 (2011). |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting the State Fiscal Year 2011 Report on the Hawaii Dam and Reservoir Safety Program, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 179D-29, HRS. |
Dated November 9, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Accounting of all Receipts from Lands described in Section 5(f) of the Admission Act for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 178, Section 5, SLH 2006. |
Dated November 22, 2011, transmitting a Report on Proposed Sales or Exchanges of Sand Island Parcels, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 235, SLH 2011. |
Dated November 22, 2011, transmitting a report identifying goals, objectives, and policies, to provide a basis for determining priorities and allocating limited public funds and human resources, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 100, Sections 6-7, SLH 1999. |
Dated November 28, 2011, transmitting the Hawaii State Public Library System's Annual Report for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, prepared by the Department of Education, Hawaii State Public Library System, pursuant to Act 129, SLH 1989, and Act 237, SLH 1993, as amended by Act 45, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Total Number of Requests for a Due Process Hearing Relating to the Reimbursement of Costs for a Child's Placement filed by a Parent or Guardian of a Child with a Disability, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 179, SLH 2008. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Mandatory Expulsion Policy for Possession of a Firearm SY 2010-2011 Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1134, HRS. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Consolidation of High Technology Development Corporation and Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism, High Technology Development Corporation and Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation, pursuant to Act 164, Section 121, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 12, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to an Inventory of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and U.S. Department of Agriculture Rental Projects in Hawaii, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, pursuant to Act 193, Section 3, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 12, 2011, transmitting the Report on Disaster Relief Expenditures Resulting from the October 15, 2006 Kiholo Bay Earthquake, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 78, Section 5, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 12, 2011, transmitting the Report on Implementation of Chapter 190D, Hawaii Revised Statutes, Ocean and Submerged Lands Leasing, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Act 176, Section 12, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 12, 2011, transmitting the Report on the Status of the Program for Environmentally-Themed Products to Support the Environment, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 195D-5.5, HRS. |
Letter dated December 13, 2011, from the Office of the Governor fulfilling the reporting requirement of Act 213, SLH 2008, regarding expenditures of qualified rehabilitation programs and related activities. |
Dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the Comprehensive Accountability System Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004 (b), HRS. |
Dated December 2, 2011, transmitting a report on the two-year project on the use of nurse aides as substitute caregivers in community care foster family homes, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, pursuant to Act 221, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 2, 2011, transmitting the Spouse and Child Abuse Special Account Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Social Services Division, pursuant to Section 346-7.5, HRS. |
Dated December 2, 2011, transmitting the Housing First Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Benefit, Employment and Support Services Division, pursuant to Section 346-378, HRS. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Goals and Objectives for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board for the period July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 138-6, HRS. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Building Code Council for the period December 2010 through December 2011, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Act 82, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report of Claims and Lawsuits Arbitrated, Compromised, or Settled for $10,000 or less for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 41D-4, HRS. |
Dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the 2010-2011 Annual Report of the Hawaii Civil Rights Commission, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Sections 368-3, 368-4, and 515-9, HRS. |
Dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Report of Contested Cases, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 396-11, HRS. |
Dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Employment and Training Fund Program Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations, Workforce Development Division, pursuant to Section 383-128, HRS. |
Dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the 2010-2011 Annual Report of the State Fire Council, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations. |
Dated December 14, 2011, transmitting the Immunosuppressant Medication Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to Act 92, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 14, 2011, transmitting the Medicaid Lien Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to Section 346-29.5, HRS. |
Dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the 2012 Exempt Study Report, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to Act 300, SLH 2006. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Report on QUEST Recipients, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 199, H.D. 1 (2010). |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report of the Stadium Authority - Stadium Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Accounting and General Services pursuant to Section 109-3, HRS. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Electronic Filing Progress Report, prepared by the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to Act 69, Section 5, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Special Fund Report for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, prepared by the Public Utilities Commission pursuant to Section 269-33(c), HRS. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Report on Operations of the Filing Office for Financing Statements under the Uniform Commercial Code, Secured Transactions (Revised Article 9), prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 490:9-527, HRS. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Public Utilities Commission's Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2010-2011, pursuant to Section 269-5, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Special Unemployment Insurance Administration Fund Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 383-127, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Special Compensation Fund Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 386-151, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Special Fund for Temporary Disability Benefits Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 392-61, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Premium Supplementation Fund Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 393-41, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Employment and Training Fund Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 383-128, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 383-121, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the 2010-2011 Annual Report of the Hoisting Machine Operators' Advisory Board, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 396-20, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Executive Supplemental Budget for the Budget Period 2011-2013, the Budget in Brief - FY 2013 Executive Supplemental Budget, and the Variance Report for FYs 2011-2012, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Sections 37-72 and 37-75, HRS. |
Dated December 20, 2011, transmitting the Report Relating to Rental Housing Trust Fund Project Awards, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, pursuant to Section 201H-202(f), HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the 2010-2011 Annual Report of the Hawaii Labor Relations Board, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 89-5, HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the Report Relating to Repeal of School-level Minor Repair and Maintenance Account, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 31, SLH 2010. |
Dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the Report Relating to School Year and Instructional Time, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 52, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the 2012 Annual Report of the Hawaii Teacher Standards Board pursuant to Section 302A-803(4), HRS. |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Fiscal Year 2011 Annual Report of the Narcotics Enforcement Division, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Section 329-11, HRS (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Report on Accreditation of the Sheriff Division by the Commission on Accreditation for the Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 111, SLH 2011 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the Crime Victim Compensation Commission, prepared by the Department of Public Safety (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Gender Responsive Community Based Programs for Women Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Section 367D-007, HRS (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Return of Out-of-State Inmates Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Section 353H-7, HRS (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Report on Inmate Mental Health Services at Oahu Community Correctional Center, Halawa Correctional Facility, and Women's Community Correctional Center, and Mental Health Services for Committed Persons, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 213, Section 105, and Act 144, SLH 2007 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Report on Services for Children of Incarcerated Parents, prepared by the Department of Public Safety and the Department of Human Services pursuant to Act 240, SLH 2006 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Report Relating to Cognitive Restructuring, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 193, SLH 2010 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Sexual Assaults in Correctional Facilities Report, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 194, SLH 2010 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Feasibility of Establishing an Earned-Time Program for Hawaii's Non-Violent and Low-Level Drug Offenders Report, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to H.C.R. No. 126 (2011) (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Goals and Objectives, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 100, Sections 6-7, SLH 1999 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Status of the Federal Reimbursement Maximization Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Section 353C-7(c), HRS (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Overtime Cost Report, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Act 164, Section 133, SLH 2011 (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Report on the Feasibility of Establishing a Public-Private Partnership for the Construction and Operation of Prisons in Hawaii, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to H.C.R. No. 208 (2011) (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Criminal Offender Treatment Act Report, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Section 353G, HRS (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Hawaii Correctional Industries Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2011, prepared by the Department of Public Safety pursuant to Section 354D-3.5, HRS (report revised on January 6, 2012). |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Mortgage Foreclosure Dispute Resolution Program Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Office of Administrative Hearings, pursuant to Act 48, Section 41, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Compliance Resolution Fund Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 26-9(o), HRS, and Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting a report relating to the development and implementation of a pain and palliative care policy, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Board of Nursing, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 55 (2011). |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the Real Estate Commission, which incorporates the Condominium Management Education Fund Report and the Condominium Education Trust Fund Report pursuant to Sections 514A-133(d) and 514B-73(d), HRS, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Real Estate Branch, pursuant to Section 467-4(5), HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Report Relating to Remote Dispensing, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Board of Pharmacy, pursuant to Act 212, SLH 2008. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Medical Claims Conciliation Panel and the Design Claims Conciliation Panel Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Sections 671-20 and 672B-17, HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Report of the Unlicensed Contractor Law Enforcement Task Force, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to H.C.R. No. 286, H.D. 1 (2011). |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the External Review Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division, pursuant to Section 432E-13, HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Independent Review Organization External Review Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division, pursuant to Act 230, Section 11, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Loss Mitigation Grant Program Report, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Insurance Division, pursuant to Section 431:22-102(c), HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report of the Insurance Commissioner, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Section 431:2-211, HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the Office of Information Practices pursuant to Section 92F-42(7), HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Development and Expansion of Telework Initiatives, prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Cable Television Division, pursuant to Section 440G-11.5(b), HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Receipt and Expenditure of Federal Moneys from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), prepared by the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs, Cable Television Division, pursuant to Section 440G-11.5, HRS. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Report on the Compacts of Free Association and Employment Core Services for Low-Income Persons for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Act 158, SLH 2008. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Federal Grants Search, Development, and Application Revolving Fund Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1405, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Federal and Trust Funds Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 29-25, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Carryover of Funds Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 37-41.5, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Transfers of Appropriated Funds and Positions Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 37-74(d), HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the State Educational Facilities Improvement Special Fund Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 36-32, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report for Repair and Maintenance, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Sections 36-35 and 302A-1312, HRS. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to School Impact Fees, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 245, SLH 2007. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to the State Budget, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 164, Section 41, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the Overseas Office Financial Audit, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 180, SLH 2010. |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Board of Education's Review of its By-laws, Policies, Applicable Administrative Rules and Statutes to Improve the Effectiveness of the Educational Delivery System, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.C.R. No. 79, S.D. 1 (2011). |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the Hawaii Public Housing Authority pursuant to Section 356D-20, HRS. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Report on Land Dispositions Made of Public Lands for Calendar Year 2011, prepared by the Department of Land and Natural Resources pursuant to Section 171-29, HRS. |
Dated January 6, 2012, transmitting a Report on STEM and Creative Media Programs, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 164, Section 132, SLH 2011. |
Dated January 6, 2012, transmitting a Report Relating to the State Budget, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Act 164, Section 131, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 7, 2011, transmitting the Report on General Fund Amounts Transferred to the Department of Budget and Finance's Programs for Retirement Benefits, prepared by the Department of Budget and Finance pursuant to Act 164, Sections 96 and 97, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Number of Pen Register Orders and Orders for Trap and Trace Devices Applied for by Law Enforcement Agencies of the State, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 803-47(c), HRS. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Litigation Deposits and Trust Fund Transactions Collections made on behalf of other Departments and Agencies, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 28-16, HRS. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Tobacco Enforcement Special Fund, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 28-15(d), HRS. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Antitrust Trust Fund, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 28-13(d), HRS. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Recommendations for Denial of Claims for Legislative Relief, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 37-77, HRS. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Goals and Objectives, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
Dated December 30, 2011, transmitting a Report Regarding Issues Related to Chapter 343, HRS, and the Effectiveness of Act 87, SLH 2009, prepared by the Department of Health, Office of Environmental Quality Control, pursuant to Act 45, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Issuance of Certificates of Identification, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Act 35, SLH 2011 (report revised on January 9, 2012). |
Dated December 30, 2011, transmitting the Report on the Use of the Hawaii Omnibus Criminal Forfeiture Act, prepared by the Department of the Attorney General pursuant to Section 712A-16(6), HRS. |
Dated December 30, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Transportation Improvement Special Fund, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 264-19(E), HRS. |
Dated December 30, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Bikeway Projects and Expenditures, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 264-18, HRS. |
Dated January 6, 2012, transmitting the Annual Audit and Report for Fiscal Year 2010, prepared by the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation pursuant to Section 323F-22, HRS. |
Dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation pursuant to Section 211F-15, HRS. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Report on the Energy Program Operations, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 164, Section 123, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 20, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the State of Hawaii Overseas Office, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Section 201-84, HRS. |
Letter dated December 21, 2011, informing the Legislature of a scanning error on the compact discs of the Executive Supplemental Budget transmitted on December 19, 2011, and sending the link for the download of the corrected file. |
Dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the FY2011 Annual Report of the High Technology Innovation Corporation pursuant to Section 206M-56, HRS. |
Dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Annual Evaluation of the Hawaii Unemployment Compensation Fund for fiscal year ending June 30, 2011, prepared by the Department of Labor and Industrial Relations pursuant to Section 383-126.5, HRS. |
Dated December 30, 2011, transmitting the FY2010-2011 Annual Report of the Office of Planning, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Office of Planning, pursuant to Section 205A-3(10), HRS. |
Dated January 6, 2012, transmitting the Report on Parental Preferences in Government Contracts, Programs, and Services, prepared by the Department of Human Resources Development pursuant to Act 162, SLH 2002. |
Dated January 6, 2012, transmitting the Progress Report on State Support for Achieving Renewable Portfolio Standards, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 95, SLH 2004. |
Dated January 6, 2012, transmitting the Photovoltaic Working Group Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 198, SLH 2011. |
Dated January 10, 2012, transmitting the Requesting the BOE and DOE to Collaborate with Parent Organizations to Develop Statewide Policies for Family Engagement for Hawaii's Public Schools Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to S.C.R. No. 145 (2011). |
Dated January 10, 2012, transmitting the report, "Establishment of a Statewide Greenways System for Hawaii," prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism, Office of Planning, pursuant to Act 233, SLH 2011. |
Dated January 10, 2012, transmitting the Clean Energy Initiatives/Barrel Tax Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 73, SLH 2010. |
Dated January 11, 2012, transmitting the Interim Report on Expanding Bio-fuel Production within the State, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Act 203, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Adult Dental Care Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to Act 25, SLH 2011. |
Dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the School-by-School Expenditure Report, prepared by the Department of Education pursuant to Section 302A-1004(d), HRS. |
Dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the FY2011 Annual Report of the High Technology Development Corporation pursuant to Section 206M-3.5, HRS. |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Hawaii Small Business Regulatory Review Board's 2010 Annual Report and 2010 Periodic Review - Evaluation Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Sections 201M-5(f) and 201M-7, HRS. |
Dated December 23, 2011, transmitting the Hawaii Small Business Regulatory Review Board's 2011 Annual Report, prepared by the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism pursuant to Section 201M-5(f), HRS. |
Dated December 30, 2011, transmitting the Psychotropic Medication Report, prepared by the Department of Human Services, Med-QUEST Division, pursuant to Section 346-59.9, HRS. |
Dated January 9, 2012, transmitting the Report on Goals, Objectives and Policies, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 100, Section 7, SLH 1999. |
Dated January 9, 2012, transmitting the Report on Rental Motor Vehicle Customer Facility Charges, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 226, Section 11, SLH 2008. |
Dated January 9, 2012, transmitting the Report on the Circumstances of Rates and Charges that have been Established, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Section 261-7(e), HRS. |
Dated January 9, 2012, transmitting the Project-Funded Staff Services Budget Report, the Travel-Related Expenses Compensated by Non-State Organizations Report, and the Special Maintenance Program Report, prepared by the Department of Transportation pursuant to Act 164, Sections 43, 44, and 46, HRS. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALEXANDER CHOI, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Barbering and Cosmetology, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANGELA HOWARD, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Cable Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, BETH TOKIOKA, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Cable Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, AUSTIN VALI, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, LINA KIKUTA, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Board of Chiropractic Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, KATHLEEN KANG-KAULUPALI, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Naturopathic Medicine, Gubernatorial Nominee, L. MARTIN JOHNSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Naturopathic Medicine, Gubernatorial Nominee, AUDREY NG, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Pharmacy, Gubernatorial Nominee, JILL OLIVEIRA GRAY, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Pharmacy, Gubernatorial Nominee, LYDIA KUMASAKA, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Psychology, Gubernatorial Nominee, LISA CHUN FAT, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Psychology, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRIAN COMBS, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN KAUFMAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL WOLTMON, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, MELLISSA YUEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN KAYA, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Veterinary Examiners, Gubernatorial Nominee, JENEE ODANI, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Community-Based Economic Development Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOANN INAMASU, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHU LAN SHUBERT-KWOCK, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Small Business Regulatory Review Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, HOWARD WEST, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Strategic Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALAN HAYASHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Strategic Development Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, RANDOLPH PERREIRA, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Teacher Standards Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, EDWARD PATRICK, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Teacher Standards Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JUSTIN MEW, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Teacher Standards Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, TERRY HOLCK, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Endangered Species Recovery Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, PATRICK JAMES HART, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHRISTIAN BUTT, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Developmental Disabilities, Gubernatorial Nominee, JEFFREY OKAMOTO, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN A.H. TOMOSO, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, VALORIE TAYLOR, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Policy Advisory Board for Elder Affairs, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOY MIYASAKI, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, VIVIAN LANDRUM, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ARTHUR CABANILLA, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, FRANCINE KENYON, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, GUY TAJIRI, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, FINIA KACHITA, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ELAINE SLAVINSKY, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, EMMET WHITE, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation as Chief Information Officer to the Office of Information Management and Technology, Gubernatorial Nominee, SANJEEV BHAGOWALIA. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, THOMAS SCOTT GALLACHER, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Statewide Health Coordinating Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, BONNIE LEE PANG, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Directors of the Hawai'i Health Systems Corporation, Gubernatorial Nominee, ABELINA SHAW, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Kaua'i Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MONICA CONTRADES, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MICHAEL ZARATE, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SUSAN KING, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALFRED ARENSDORF, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Maui Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KEVIN BLOCK, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, O'ahu Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DANIEL EINEKER, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, O'ahu Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, PATRICK BROWN, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, O'ahu Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LESTER FUNG, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, O'ahu Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, TARYN DEAN, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Mental Health, Gubernatorial Nominee, SANDRA SIMMS, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Mental Health, Gubernatorial Nominee, SUSAN FOARD, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Mental Health, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHAD KOYANAGI, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Mental Health, Gubernatorial Nominee, HAAHEO MANSFIELD, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Compact Administrator for the Interstate Commission for Adult Offender Supervision, Gubernatorial Nominee, CHERYL MARLOW, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Defender Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID KUWAHARA, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Defender Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, PHILIP LOWENTHAL, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation as the Director of the Department of Human Resources Development, Gubernatorial Nominee, BARBARA A. KRIEG, for a term to expire 12-1-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Employees' Retirement System, Board of Trustees, Gubernatorial Nominee, VINCENT BARFIELD, for a term to expire 6-30-2017. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Workforce Development Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ARUN SAVARA, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Workforce Development Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, JEFF THOMPSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Workforce Development Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, VICKI GAYNOR, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Workforce Development Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROBERT MARTIN, JR., for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Workforce Development Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, PAUL RICHARDS, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawai'i Aerospace Advisory Committee, Gubernatorial Nominee, ERIC CLARK, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Civil Defense Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, RICHARD MINATOYA, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Civil Defense Advisory Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, WILLIAM ANONSEN, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, GREGORY KING, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KATHY SUZUKI-KITAGAWA, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DAVID LANGILLE, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, RONALD HIRANO, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, HOWARD GARVAL, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Procurement Policy Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, DOUGLAS MURDOCK, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Advisory Board on Veterans' Services, Gubernatorial Nominee, CAROLLE BRULEE-WILSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Advisory Board on Veterans' Services, Gubernatorial Nominee, WILBERT PEREIRA, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Advisory Board on Veterans' Services, Gubernatorial Nominee, ANN GREENLEE, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, MARK BEGLEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, KIMAN WONG, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, SU SHIN, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, ROY IREI, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, JOHN THOMPSON, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, STEVEN SCHUTTE, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 1st Taxation District (O'ahu), Gubernatorial Nominee, AUDREY ABE, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 1st Taxation District (O'ahu), Gubernatorial Nominee, CURTIS SAIKI, for a term to expire 6-30-2013. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 2nd Taxation District (Maui), Gubernatorial Nominee, RANDAL TANIGUCHI, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Board of Taxation Review, 4th Taxation District (Kaua'i), Gubernatorial Nominee, ALBERT SPENCER, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Community Development Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, SHIRLEY SWINNEY, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Community Development Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, ALICIA MALUAFITI, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Community Development Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, RYAN MUKAI, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Hawaii Community Development Authority, Gubernatorial Nominee, MILES KAMIMURA, for a term to expire 6-30-2014. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Rehabilitation Council, Gubernatorial Nominee, BRANDON MORITA, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the State Council on Mental Health, Gubernatorial Nominee, TYRA DU BOSE, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Hawai'i Service Area Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, LAWRENCE WALTER, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, CLAYTON TOM, for a term to expire 6-30-2016. |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the Wireless Enhanced 911 Board, Gubernatorial Nominee, VICTOR RAMOS, for a term to expire 6-30-2015. |
From the Public Utilities Commission dated October 18, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Application of Wai'ola O Moloka'i for Approval of Rate Increases and Revised Rate Schedules and Revised Rules pursuant to Section 269-16(d), HRS. |
From the State Auditor dated October 24, 2011, transmitting a report, "Sunrise Analysis: Regulation of Large-Scale Dog Breeders and Facilities" (Report No. 11-02). |
From the Public Utilities Commission dated October 21, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Application of Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. for Approval of Rate Increases and Revised Rate Schedules and Rules pursuant to Section 269-16(d), HRS. |
From the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Planning and Permitting, dated October 12, 2011, transmitting the 'Ewa Development Plan Review Report. |
From the State Auditor dated October 12, 2011, transmitting various audit reports on the Department of Accounting and General Services, Department of Health, Department of Transportation, Hawaii Employer-Union Health Benefit Trust Fund, Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation, Hawaii Public Housing Authority, Hawaii Tourism Authority, and Stadium Authority. |
From the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation dated October 26, 2011, transmitting a report on the certification of losses from participation in the Quest, Quest Expanded Access programs, and providing services to uninsured patients for the quarter ending September 30, 2011. |
From the Office of Elections dated October 28, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to Office of Election Budget Provisions pursuant to Act 164, SLH 2011. |
From the State Auditor dated November 4, 2011, transmitting the State of Hawaii Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2010. |
From the Department of Budget and Finance dated November 9, 2011, transmitting certified statements and supporting schedules on the debt limit and total outstanding indebtedness of the State of Hawaii as of July 1, 2011, pursuant to Sections 39-92(e) and 39-93(d), HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated November 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Hawaii P-20 Partnerships for Education and Plans for Education in the 21st Century pursuant to Act 281, SLH 2007. |
From the University of Hawaii dated November 28, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Transfer of Appropriated Funds & Positions pursuant to Section 37-74, HRS. |
From the County of Hawaii Police Department dated December 5, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Misconduct Report pursuant to Section 52D-3.5, HRS. |
From the Office of Elections dated December 2, 2011, transmitting a Report Relating to Civil Service Conversion of the Office of Elections pursuant to Act 164, SLH 2011. |
From the Public Utilities Commission dated December 6, 2011, transmitting a Report on the Application of Hawaii-American Water Company for Approval of Rate Increases and Revised Rate Schedules and Rules pursuant to Section 269-16(d), HRS. |
From the City and County of Honolulu Police Department dated December 7, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Annual Misconduct Report pursuant to Section 52D-3.5, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 8, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Salary pursuant to Section 304A-1004, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 8, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on University of Hawaii Tuition & Fees Special Fund Expenditures for the Purpose of Generating Private Donations pursuant to Section 304A-2153, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 8, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Student Scholarship and Assistance Special Fund pursuant to Section 304A-2159, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Teacher Education Coordinating Committee pursuant to Section 304A-1202, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Operations of the Hawaii Research Center for Future Studies pursuant to Section 304A-3253, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 9, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Nursing Scholars Program pursuant to Section 304A-3305, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 12, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Goals, Objectives/Policies, Action Plan and Performance Measures pursuant to Act 100, SLH 1999. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 12, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report from the Medical Education Council pursuant to Section 304A-1704, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 12, 2011, transmitting the Report by the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Travel Industry Management to develop enhancements for the tourism-related capabilities of the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization Data Portal and an online tutorial and provide regular in-person training seminars to visitor industry professionals on how to use the Data Portal to assist in decision-making, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 273, S.D. 1 (2011). |
From the State Auditor dated December 14, 2011, transmitting the report, "Performance Audit of the Hawai'i Public Charter School System" (Report 11-03). |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Community College Conference Center Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 304A-2273, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the Report on University of Hawaii Procurement Procedures pursuant to Act 82, SLH 2010. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on The Construction Academy Curriculum pursuant to Section 304A-1144, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 15, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the Mauna Kea Lands pursuant to Section 304A-1905, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on University of Hawaii Uncollectible Accounts FY2011 pursuant to Section 40-82, HRS. |
From the State Auditor dated December 19, 2011, transmitting the report, "Review of Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Office of the Governor, Office of the Lieutenant Governor, Department of Education and Hawai'i State Public Library System, and Office of Hawaiian Affairs" (Report No. 11-04). |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 20, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on Research and Training Revolving Fund pursuant to Section 304A-2253, HRS. |
From the Charter School Administrative Office dated December 20, 2011, transmitting the Budget Proviso Reports pursuant to Act 164, SLH 2011. |
From the State Ombudsman dated December 20, 2011, transmitting the Report of the Office of the Ombudsman for Fiscal Year 2010-2011 (Report No. 42) pursuant to Section 96-16, HRS. |
From the Office of Information Management and Technology dated December 22, 2011, transmitting the Update on the Information Technology Strategic Plan of the State of Hawaii pursuant to Act 84, SLH 2011. |
From the Office of Hawaiian Affairs dated December 28, 2011, transmitting the Native Hawaiian Roll Commission Report pursuant to Act 195, Section 5, SLH 2011. |
From the Legislative Reference Bureau dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Final Report of the Mortgage Foreclosure Task Force, prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau on behalf of the Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs pursuant to Act 162, SLH 2010. |
From the Legislative Reference Bureau dated December 29, 2011, transmitting the Hawaii Health Connector Interim Board of Directors Report pursuant to Act 205, SLH 2011. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report from the Hawaii Natural Energy Institute pursuant to Section 304A-1891, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on University of Hawaii Risk Management Special Fund pursuant to Section 304A-2151, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on University Revenue Bonds Issued FY2011 pursuant to Section 304A-2689, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Annual Report on the University of Hawaii's Continued Participation in the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education pursuant to Section 304A-3205, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Quarterly Report on Expenditure of Funds from the Tobacco Settlement Agreement for University Revenue Undertakings FY2012 pursuant Act 164, Section 23, SLH 2011. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Report on Uses of University of Hawaii Special Funds to Finance Projects where the Method of Financing is Designated to be by University of Hawaii Revenue Bonds pursuant to Act 164, Section 69, SLH 2011. |
From the University of Hawaii dated December 13, 2011, transmitting the Report on University of Hawaii Project Adjustment Fund pursuant to Act 164, Sections 78 and 79, SLH 2011. |
From the Office of Hawaiian Affairs dated December 29, 2011, transmitting its 2011 Annual Report pursuant to Section 10-15, HRS. |
From the Department of Budget and Finance dated December 5, 2011, transmitting a letter that outlines the Final Estimate of State Growth Rate and General Fund Expenditure Ceiling for FYs 12-13. |
From the Department of Budget and Finance dated December 21, 2011, transmitting the FY11 Special Fund Assessments for Central Services Report, and the FY11 Departmental Administrative Expenses Report pursuant to Sections 36-27 and 36-30, HRS. |
From the City and County of Honolulu Department of Human Resources dated December 28, 2011, transmitting a letter containing the Annual Report of Retirees Hired pursuant to Section 88-9(f), HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated January 6, 2012, transmitting the 2011 Annual Report of the Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii pursuant to Section 304A-3007, HRS. |
From the University of Hawaii dated January 9, 2012, transmitting the Report from the University of Hawaii Public Policy Center on the Progress Made in Implementing Sustainability Guidelines pursuant to Act 181, SLH 2011. |
J.C. NO. |
1 |
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the District Court of the Second Circuit, State of Hawaii, Judicial Nominee, MIMI DESJARDINS, for a term of six years. |
2 |
Dated December 9, 2011, transmitting a report on an incident involving the unauthorized release of personal information from records maintained by the Hawaii Supreme Court pursuant to Sections 487J-4 and 487N-4, HRS. |
3 |
Dated December 16, 2011, transmitting the following reports: The Judiciary's Supplemental Budget (2011-2013) and Variance Report (2010-2012), pursuant to Chapter 37, HRS; The Judiciary's 2011 Annual Report Statistical Supplement, pursuant to Section 601-3, HRS; The Judiciary's Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution Annual Report, pursuant to Section 613-4, HRS; The Judiciary's King Kamehameha V - Judiciary History Center Annual Report, pursuant to Section 6F-6, HRS; Report on the Limited News Media Privilege Against the Compelled Disclosure of Sources and Unpublished Information, pursuant to Act 113, SLH 2011; Report on the Implementation of the Hawaii Uniform Collaborative Law Act, pursuant to H.C.R. No. 174 (2011); Report on Statewide Substance Abuse Treatment Monitoring Program, pursuant to Section 601-21, HRS; Report on Parental Preferences in Government Contracts, pursuant to Section 577-7.5, HRS; Report on the Parent Education Special Fund, pursuant to Section 607-5.6, HRS; and Report on the Spouse and Child Abuse Special Account, pursuant to Section 607-3.6, HRS. |
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 1
Senate Resolution Nos. 1-3
S.R. NO. |
From the Hawaii Health Authority dated December 27, 2011, transmitting the 2011 Update to the Report by the Health Futures Task Force on a Health Care Assurance Program pursuant to Section 322H-2, HRS. |
· Committee Hearing Schedule:
1/18/2012 2:00 PM |
309 |
1/18/2012 3:15 PM |
229 |
1/19/2012 9:00 AM |
325 |
1/19/2012 9:00 AM |
211 |
1/19/2012 10:00 AM |
016 |
1/19/2012 1:15 PM |
224 |
1/19/2012 1:30 PM |
Auditorium |
1/19/2012 2:00 PM |
325 |
1/19/2012 3:30 PM |
312 |
1/24/2012 10:00 AM |
229 |