Rep. Marcus R. Oshiro, Chair |
Rep. Marilyn B. Lee, Vice Chair |
Rep. Isaac W. Choy |
Rep. Chris Lee |
Rep. Ty Cullen |
Rep. Dee Morikawa |
Rep. Heather Giugni |
Rep. James Kunane Tokioka |
Rep. Sharon E. Har |
Rep. Kyle T. Yamashita |
Rep. Mark J. Hashem |
Rep. Barbara C. Marumoto |
Rep. Linda Ichiyama |
Rep. Gil Riviere |
Rep. Jo Jordan |
Rep. Gene Ward |
Rep. Derek S.K. Kawakami |
Monday, April 02, 2012 |
5:15 P.M. |
Conference Room 308 State Capitol 415 South Beretania Street |
A G E N D A # 5
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Wednesday, March 28, Agenda # 1.
RELATING TO INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY. Authorizes the issuance of special purpose revenue bonds to assist Clearcom, Inc., or a partnership headed by Clearcom, Inc., with planning, permitting, designing, constructing, equipping, and operating broadband infrastructure throughout the State. Effective July 1, 2112.
RELATING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HAWAIIAN HOME LANDS. Extends the repeal date in Act 187, Session Laws of Hawaii 2010, to continue the pilot project that enables the Department of Hawaiian Home Lands to begin housing and other projects without having the full amount of the cost of the projects on hand at the start of the project. Requires report to the legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the regular sessions of 2013 to 2015 on the status of the pilot project.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Thursday, March 29, Agenda # 1.
RELATING TO INFORMATION ACCESS. Appropriates funds for the vocational rehabilitation and services for the blind division of the department of human services to contract for a telephone-based service to provide access to timely print media.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Thursday, March 29, Agenda # 3.
RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION. Extends until June 30, 2016: the increase in the rental motor vehicle surcharge tax to $7.50 per day; the deposit of a portion of the tax into the general fund; and the suspension of the rental motor vehicle customer facility charges. Allocates a portion of the foregoing taxes for deposit to the rental motor vehicle customer facility charge special fund. Authorizes issuance of rental motor vehicle customer facility revenue bonds.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Thursday, March 29, Agenda # 4.
RELATING TO HONOULIULI. Requires DLNR to establish a Honouliuli park site project advisory group to develop recommendations to leverage funding for an educational resource center at the Honouliuli site and submit a report to the 2013 Legislature on its progress. Appropriates funds to fund the advisory group. Effective July 1, 2050.
RELATING TO THE HAWAII COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY. Amends the composition of the HCDA board to nine voting members for each established district. Effective July 1, 2020.
RELATING TO GROUNDED VESSELS. Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to assume control of and remove a vessel grounded on a coral reef or in imminent danger of breaking apart if the vessel cannot be removed by the owner within twenty-four hours of notification to the vessel's owner of the grounding. Provides requirements to allow the owner of the vessel to continue an effort to salvage a grounded vessel beyond twenty-four hours under certain conditions and allows the department to grant more time to the owner to remove the vessel if no additional environmental damage exists.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Thursday, March 29, Agenda # 5.
RELATING TO THE COMMERCIAL HARBORS. Amends chapter 266, HRS, to clarify that persons cited for non-criminal violations may appeal through an administrative hearing; clarifies that enforcement agents such as the harbor master, harbor agents, facility security officer, or district manager can issue citations for non-criminal violations; provides that penalties and fines are deposited into the harbor special fund; allows the Department of Transportation to seek reimbursement from tenants or harbor users that violate security rules in harbor-secured areas. Broadens the definition of law enforcement officer to include any employee, officer, or representative of the Department of Transportation conferred by the director with police powers.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Thursday, March 29, Agenda # 7.
RELATING TO CHARTER SCHOOLS. Establishes a new chapter governing charter schools based on the recommendations of the charter school governance, accountability, and authority task force established by Act 130, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011. Repeals chapter 302B, HRS. Maintains the charter school administrative office until July 1, 2013. Transfers all funds in the charter schools account established pursuant to section 302B-12(i), HRS, to the general fund. Makes housekeeping amendments.
RELATING TO STATE LIBRARIES. Permits the Hawaii State Public Library System to allow nonprofit corporations whose sole purpose is to support and benefit a specific library branch use of public library system facilities and grounds. Repeals the Hawaii state library foundation trust fund. Effective July 1, 2050.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Friday, March 30, Agenda # 1.
RELATING TO CIVIL SERVICE. Requires the consideration of transfer or demotion to another position for which an employee is qualified within the same department before the employee is considered for discharge due to failure to meet performance requirements.
RELATING TO THE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. Prevents unexpected increases in pension benefits and in the unfunded actuarial accrued liability of the Employees' Retirement System by limiting the amount of compensation included in "average final compensation" and requires employers to pay the additional costs resulting from spiking. Effective July 1, 2012.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Friday, March 30, Agenda # 3.
MAKING APPROPRIATIONS TO RECAPITALIZE STATE FISCAL RESERVES. Makes general fund appropriations of $20,000,000 for fiscal year and $43,700,000 for fiscal year to recapitalize the emergency and budget reserve fund. Makes general fund appropriations of $27,500,000 for fiscal year , $27,500,000 for fiscal year , and $56,000,000 for fiscal year to recapitalize the Hawaii hurricane relief fund.
The following measure(s) were previously heard on Friday, March 30, Agenda # 4.
RELATING TO FORECLOSURES. Implements the 2011 recommendations of the mortgage foreclosure task force, and other best practices, to address various issues relating to the mortgage foreclosures law and related issues affecting homeowner association liens and the collection of unpaid assessments. Repeals the nonjudicial foreclosure process under part I of chapter 667, HRS. Makes permanent the mortgage foreclosure dispute resolution program and the process for converting nonjudicial foreclosures of residential property into judicial foreclosures. Repeals the provision excluding participants of the dispute resolution program from converting nonjudicial foreclosure proceedings to judicial actions. Deletes language requiring open houses of foreclosed condominium and community association units and makes conforming amendments. Effective 07/01/50.
If you require special assistance or auxiliary aids and/or services to participate in the House public hearing process (i.e., sign or foreign language interpreter or wheelchair accessibility), please contact the Committee Clerk at 586-6200 or email your request for an interpreter to at least 24 hours prior to the hearing for arrangements. Prompt requests submitted help to ensure the availability of qualified individuals and appropriate accommodations.
For further information, please call the Committee Clerk at 586-6200.
Selected meetings are broadcast live. Check the current legislative broadcast schedule on the "Capitol TV" Web site at OR call 536-2100.
________________________________________ Rep. Marcus R. Oshiro Chair |