S.R. NO.













urging the office of planning to coordinate with all state agencies THAT HOLD TITLE TO OR LEASES OF LAND ALONG THE ELEVATED RAPID TRANSIT LINE ROUTE to develop a community development plan for communities along the route.



     WHEREAS, the Honolulu Rail Transit Project ("Project") is the plan to construct an elevated rapid transit line on the island of Oahu; and


     WHEREAS, the Project will construct an elevated rapid transit line from the edge of Kapolei to Ala Moana Center and pass through communities along southern Oahu via Honolulu International Airport and downtown Honolulu; and


     WHEREAS, the Project will provide people living and working from West Oahu to Ala Moana Center with a fast, reliable alternative to driving in traffic congestion; and


     WHEREAS, the proposed stations are scheduled to open in three phases between the years 2015 and 2019, starting from suburban areas to urban centers with the first phase to include a baseyard for the trains, delaying major infrastructure impacts associated with construction in the urban center; and


     WHEREAS, the proponents of the Project have given much thought to the planning and design but have not fully accounted for the effects it will have on the surrounding communities and the State as a whole; and


     WHEREAS, the Office of Planning was established to maintain an overall framework to guide the development of the State through a continuous process of comprehensive, long-range, and strategic planning to meet the physical, economic, and social needs of Hawaii's people, and provide for the wise use of Hawaii's resources in a coordinated, efficient, and economical manner, including the conservation of natural, environmental, recreational, scenic, historic, and other limited and irreplaceable resources for future generations; and


     WHEREAS, the Project is well underway and there is a need to accommodate the communities surrounding the stations; and


     WHEREAS, considering the route and length of the Project, many state agencies are likely to be affected, due to the areas along the route as well as each state agency's respective purview; now, therefore,


     BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the Twenty-sixth Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2012, that the Office of Planning coordinate with all state agencies that hold title to or leases of land along the elevated rapid transit line route in order to develop a community development plan for communities along the route; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the community development plan include the following:


     (1)  Plans to develop public-private partnerships to assist with the planning, coordination, and implementation of revenue-generating activities and development plans for the community;


     (2)  Density goals to increase rail transit ridership; and


     (3)  Updates of existing state agency state plans to incorporate rail transit and optimize the opportunities the Project can provide; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Office of Planning submit the plan to the Legislature no later than twenty days prior to the convening of the Regular Session of 2013; and


     BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Governor, Director of the Office of Planning, and Chairperson of the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation.









Report Title: 

Office of Planning; Elevated Rapid Transit Route; Planning