S.B. NO. |
2692 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. The legislature supports the department of agriculture's goal to integrate programs in order to develop Hawaii's agriculture and food security. Hawaii's agriculture has transformed from sugar and pineapple to diversified agriculture and now faces such complexities as diversified export markets, increased pest pressure, global competitiveness, sustainability, food safety, food security, and self-sufficiency. The legislature recognizes that addressing these issues needs to be a coordinated effort among agricultural, transportation, and research organizations, as well as other federal and state agencies working in collaboration with private sector businesses.
The purpose of this Act is to establish the agricultural development and food security program to encompass all aspects of agriculture from farm to market. The farm-to-market concept, although linear, includes interrelationships between private and public sectors to develop and improve agriculture in the State. The goals of the agricultural development and food security program are to:
(1) Position the agricultural industry to be sustainable and to achieve critical mass;
(2) Increase availability of locally grown and produced commodities in the market place;
(3) Expand agricultural exports to domestic and foreign markets, and re-establish Hawaii as a global leader in agriculture and agriculture technologies;
(4) Develop sustainable practices that ensure self-sufficiency in crop production; and
(5) Protect Hawaii's agriculture, environment, and natural resources.
The program will provide an overall direction overseen by the department of agriculture to develop agriculture in areas including but not limited to: farm inputs, agricultural infrastructure, labor, biosecurity, food safety, sustainability, market development, and research and development. The department of agriculture is the government agency best positioned, however not necessarily adequately resourced, to oversee the development of agriculture, with active participation from the agricultural industry, transportation industry, the University of Hawaii college of tropical agriculture and human resources, public and private research entities, and other federal and state agencies.
The concept of farm-to-market impacts areas that are not solely under the department of agriculture's purview, but critical to the development of agriculture. These include, but are not limited to: agricultural lands, water treatment, pest management programs, food safety, distribution and biosecurity systems, industry and market development, and policy issues.
This Act authorizes the department of agriculture to develop, coordinate, fund, and integrate new and existing programs, facilities, and projects in order to promote the development of agriculture and food security within the State.
SECTION 2. Chapter 141, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding two new sections to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§141- Agricultural development and food security program; establishment. There shall be established within the department an agricultural development and food security program that shall:
(1) Provide oversight, administration, coordination, revenue development, and funding to develop Hawaii's agriculture industry from farm-to-market;
(2) Interface with private, public-private, and public organizations and agencies to work toward the goals and objectives of the agricultural development and food security program; and
(3) Comport with other relevant state and federal laws.
§141- Objectives of the agricultural development and food security program. The objectives of the agricultural development and food security program shall be to:
(1) Increase agriculture sustainability and improve the economic viability of the State's agriculture industry, including development of data to measure progress;
(2) Develop and implement programs to assist farm, nursery, and livestock production;
(3) Coordinate, fund, and establish agriculture industry development programs;
(4) Develop and implement programs to increase agricultural exports to domestic and foreign markets;
(5) Establish Hawaii as a global leader in agriculture and agriculture technologies;
(6) Develop and implement concepts and programs to expand the locally grown share of the State's market;
(7) Support and assist in developing a farm-to-school program;
(8) Develop and implement research and technology transfer programs for varietals, treatment, pest control, diagnostics, and farm inputs;
(9) Support and coordinate with other programs within the department such as infrastructure development, biosecurity, and food safety;
(10) Ensure the product integrity of agricultural commodities branded as "made in Hawaii" to protect Hawaii's identity as a producer; and
(11) Review, coordinate, update, oversee, and comment on government policies that affect the State's agriculture and food security."
SECTION 3. Section 141-2, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§141-2 Rules. Subject to chapter 91 the department of agriculture shall adopt, amend, and repeal rules not inconsistent with law, for and concerning:
(1) The introduction, transportation, and propagation of trees, shrubs, herbs, and other plants;
(2) The quarantine, inspection, fumigation, disinfection, destruction, or exclusion, either upon introduction into the State, or at any time or place within the State, of any nursery-stock, tree, shrub, herb, vine, cut-flower, cutting, graft, scion, bud, seed, leaf, root, or rhizome; any nut, fruit, or vegetable; any grain, cereal, or legume in the natural or raw state; any moss, hay, straw, dry-grass, or other forage; any unmanufactured log, limb, or timber; or any other plant growth or plant product unprocessed or in the raw state; any sand, soil, or earth; any live bird, reptile, insect, or other animal, in any stage of development, that is in addition to the so-called domestic animals, which are provided for in section 142-2; and any box, barrel, crate, or other containers in which the articles, substances, or objects have been transported or contained, and any packing material used in connection therewith, that is or may be diseased or infested with insects or likely to assist in the transmission or dissemination of any insect or plant disease injurious, harmful, or detrimental, or likely to become injurious, harmful, or detrimental to the agricultural or horticultural industries or the forests of the State, or that is or may be in itself injurious, harmful, or detrimental to the same (included therein may be rules governing the transportation of any of the articles, substances, or objects enumerated above in this section between different localities on any one of the islands within the State);
(3) The prohibition of importation into the State, from any or all foreign countries or from other parts of the United States, or the shipment from one island within the State to another island therein, or the transportation from one part or locality of any island to another part or locality of the same island, of any specific article, substance, or object or class of articles, substances, or objects, among those enumerated above in this section, that is diseased or infested with insects or likely to assist in the transmission or dissemination of any insect or plant disease injurious, harmful, or detrimental or likely to be injurious, harmful, or detrimental to the agricultural or horticultural industries, or the forests of the State, or that is or may be in itself injurious, harmful, or detrimental to the same;
(4) The preparation by cargo carriers of manifests of
cargo transported into the State or between islands of the State and the
submission of the manifests to the department; [and]
(5) The manner in which agricultural product
promotion and research activities may be undertaken, after coordinating with
the agribusiness development corporation[.]; and
(6) The implementation and promotion of the agricultural development and food security program.
All rules adopted under this section shall have the force and effect of law."
SECTION 4. Section 141-10, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
"(c) Subject to legislative appropriation, moneys in the special fund may be expended for the following purposes:
(1) The awarding of grants to farmers for agricultural production or processing activity;
(2) The acquisition of real property for agricultural production or processing activity;
(3) The improvement of real property, dams, reservoirs, irrigation systems, and transportation networks necessary to promote agricultural production or processing activity, including investigative studies to identify and assess necessary improvements to dams, reservoirs, irrigation systems, and transportation networks;
(4) The purchase of equipment necessary for agricultural production or processing activity;
(5) The conduct of research on and testing of agricultural products and markets;
(6) The funding of agricultural inspector positions within the department of agriculture;
(7) The promotion and marketing of agricultural products grown or raised in the State;
(8) Water quality testing and improvement; [and]
(9) The promotion and implementation of the agricultural development and food security program; and
[(9)] (10) Any other activity intended
to increase agricultural production or processing that may lead to reduced
importation of food, fodder, or feed from outside the State."
SECTION 5. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 6. This Act shall take effect on July 1, 2012.
Report Title:
Department of Agriculture; Agricultural Development and Food Security Program
Creates an agricultural development and food security program within the department of agriculture. (SD1)
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