S.B. NO.



H.D. 1
















     SECTION 1.  The purpose of this Act is to amend the restrictions on the use of campaign funds to allow the funds to be used to award scholarships to full-time students attending institutions of higher education or vocational education schools in programs that lead to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential.  For scholarship awards, no awards may be made from the filing deadline for nomination papers to the date of the general election.

     SECTION 2.  Section 11-381, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:

     "(a)  Campaign funds may be used by a candidate, treasurer, or candidate committee:

     (1)  For any purpose directly related:

         (A)  In the case of the candidate, to the candidate's own campaign; or

         (B)  In the case of a candidate committee or treasurer of a candidate committee, to the campaign of the candidate, question, or issue with which they are directly associated;

     (2)  To purchase or lease consumer goods, vehicles, equipment, and services that provide a mixed benefit to the candidate.  The candidate, however, shall reimburse the candidate's candidate committee for the candidate's personal use of these items unless the personal use is de minimis;

     (3)  To make donations to any community service, educational, youth, recreational, charitable, scientific, or literary organization; provided that in any election period, the total amount of all donations shall be no more than twice the maximum amount that one person may contribute to that candidate pursuant to section 11-357; provided further that no contributions shall be made from the date the candidate files nomination papers to the date of the general election;

     (4)  To make donations to any public school or public library; provided that in any election period, the total amount of all contributions shall be no more than twice the maximum amount that one person may contribute to that candidate pursuant to section 11-357; provided further that any donation under this paragraph shall not be aggregated with or imputed toward any limitation on donations pursuant to paragraph (3);

     (5)  To award scholarships to full-time students attending an institution of higher education or a vocational education school in a program leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential; provided that in any election period, the total amount of all scholarships awarded shall be no more than twice the maximum amount that one person may contribute to that candidate pursuant to section 11-357; provided further that no awards shall be made from the filing deadline for nomination papers to the date of the general election;

    [(5)] (6)  To purchase not more than two tickets for each event held by another candidate or committee, whether or not the event constitutes a fundraiser as defined in section 11-342;

    [(6)] (7)  To make contributions to the candidate's party so long as the contributions are not earmarked for another candidate; or

    [(7)] (8)  To pay for ordinary and necessary expenses incurred in connection with the candidate's duties as a holder of an office."

     SECTION 3.  Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken.  New statutory material is underscored.

     SECTION 4.  This Act shall take effect upon its approval.


Report Title:

Campaign Funds; Uses; Scholarships



Authorizes campaign funds to be used to award scholarships to full-time students attending an institution of higher education or vocational education school in a program leading to a degree, certificate, or other recognized educational credential; provides that in any election period, the total amount of all scholarships awarded shall be no more than twice the maximum amount that one person may contribute to that candidate pursuant to section 11-357, Hawaii Revised Statutes; provides that no awards shall be made from the filing deadline for nomination papers to the date of the general election.  (SB2648 HD1)




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