S.B. NO. |
2608 |
SECTION 1. This Act is intended to encourage proper nutrition for those who receive coupons under the federal supplemental nutrition assistance program. This Act is consistent with the Congressional Declaration of Policy under Food Stamp Act of 1977 (7 United States Code, section 2011), which states:
"It is declared to be the policy of Congress, in order to promote the general welfare, to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation's population by raising levels of nutrition among low-income households. Congress finds that the limited food purchasing power of low-income households contributes to hunger and malnutrition among members of such households. Congress further finds that increased utilization of food in establishing and maintaining adequate national levels of nutrition will promote the distribution in a beneficial manner of the Nation's agricultural abundance and will strengthen the Nation's agricultural economy, as well as result in more orderly marketing and distribution of foods. To alleviate such hunger and malnutrition, a supplemental nutrition assistance program is herein authorized which will permit low-income households to obtain a more nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation."
The purpose of this Act is to allow the use of food coupons under the federal supplemental nutrition assistance program to purchase hot meals from lunch counters, lunch wagons, and food vending trucks and fresh staple foods from farmers markets.
SECTION 2. Chapter 346, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by adding a new section to be appropriately designated and to read as follows:
"§346‑ Supplemental nutrition assistance program; hot foods; fresh foods. In addition to the eligible foods under the federal supplemental nutrition assistance program, a coupon issued under the supplemental nutrition assistance program may be used to purchase:
(1) Hot meals served as lunch counter items or foods to be eaten in the store, including lunch wagon or food vending trucks; and
(2) Staple foods sold at farmer's markets or open markets that are used for home preparation and consumption; provided that the staple foods shall be limited to fresh foods and cereals, including meat, poultry, fish, bread, vegetables, fruits, and dairy products, coffee, tea, cocoa, carbonated and noncarbonated drinks, candy, condiments, and spices.
For purposes of this section:
"Coupon" means any coupon, stamp, or type of certificate printed by the Food and Nutrition Service of the United States Department of Agriculture and issued by the department to eligible households for the purchase of eligible foods.
"Eligible foods" means:
(1) Any food or food product intended for human consumption, except alcoholic beverages and tobacco;
(2) Seeds and plants to grow foods for the personal consumption of eligible households;
(3) Meals prepared and delivered by an authorized meal delivery service to households eligible to use coupons to purchase delivered meals, also known as meals on wheels;
(4) Meals served to households that are eligible to use coupons for communal dining in a facility for the elderly or supplemental security income households;
(5) Meals prepared and served by an authorized drug addiction or alcoholic treatment and rehabilitation center to households eligible to use coupons to purchase those meals;
(6) Meals prepared by and served by an authorized group living arrangement facility to a resident who is a disabled member pursuant to section 17-663-1, Hawaii Administrative Rules;
(7) Meals prepared by and served by a shelter for battered women and children to its eligible residents; and
(8) In the case of homeless food stamp households, meals prepared for and served by an authorized public or private nonprofit establishment, approved by the state program development - income maintenance office, that feeds homeless persons.
"Fresh foods" means food that is not preserved by canning or dehydration or freezing or smoking."
SECTION 3. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 4. This Act shall take effect upon its approval.
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Report Title:
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program; Coupon; Food Stamp
Allows coupons to be used to purchase hot food from lunch counters and lunch wagons, and fresh staple foods from farmers markets.
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