S.B. NO. |
2540 |
S.D. 1 |
SECTION 1. The legislature finds that the department of education is the largest department in state government and has numerous statutes that it must adhere to.
The legislature also finds that as a result of the constitutional amendment adopted in the 2010 general election, the board of education was required to transform from an elected board to an appointed board, with the appointments being made by the governor. Pursuant to Act 5, Session Laws of Hawaii 2011, the members of the board of education have been appointed and confirmed and have begun their important work. This change in educational governance provides a unique opportunity to review sections of the Hawaii Revised Statutes to determine if amending or reducing statutory constraints and requirements might assist the board of education and department of education in creating a more effective educational delivery system. These statutory changes would not diminish the role of the legislature in overseeing the department of education and holding it accountable for the educational success of students. Nor should the repeal of outdated and duplicative sections of chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, suggest that the department of education did not or does not have the proper legal authority to implement the programs or activities covered by the repealed sections. Rather, this Act places decision making over those certain programs or activities at the best level, whether at the board policy level or the department administrative level.
The purpose of this Act is to add clarity to or resolve conflicting or inconsistent language among different sections of law and to amend or repeal various sections of chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that:
(1) Have already been accomplished and are no longer necessary to be codified in statute;
(2) Impede rather than assist the department of education in meeting its core mission;
(3) Fall under the purview of the board of education, such as policy, staffing, and programmatic decisions;
(4) Are already mandated by federal law and do not require codification in state statute; or
(5) Are covered by another section of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, administrative rules, or board of education policy.
SECTION 2. Section 4-1, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§4-1 Districts, generally.
For election, taxation, [education,] city, county, and all other
purposes, the State shall be divided into the following districts; provided
that the establishment of election districts shall be exclusively governed by
article IV of the constitution of the State of Hawaii and chapter 25:
(1) The island and county of Hawaii shall be divided into nine districts as follows:
(A) Puna, to be styled the Puna district;
(B) From the Hakalau stream to the boundary of South Hilo and Puna, to be styled the South Hilo district;
(C) From the boundary of Hamakua and North Hilo to the Hakalau stream, to be styled the North Hilo district;
(D) Hamakua, to be styled the Hamakua district;
(E) North Kohala, to be styled the North Kohala district;
(F) South Kohala, to be styled the South Kohala district;
(G) North Kona, to be styled the North Kona district;
(H) South Kona, to be styled the South Kona district; and
(I) Kau, to be styled the Kau district.
(2) The islands of Maui, Molokai, Lanai, and Kahoolawe and the counties of Maui and Kalawao shall be divided into seven districts as follows:
(A) Kahikinui, Kaupo, Kipahulu, Hana, and Koolau, to be styled the Hana district;
(B) Hamakualoa, Hamakuapoko, portion of Kula, and Honuaula, the western boundary being a line starting from the sea at Kapukaulua on the boundary between the ahupuaas of Haliimaile and Wailuku, thence running inland following the boundary to the mauka side of the Lowrie ditch, thence following the mauka side of the ditch and its projected extension to the Waiakoa gulch which is the boundary between the ahupuaas of Pulehunui and Waiakoa, thence down along the boundary to the mauka boundary of the Waiakoa Homesteads (makai section), thence along the boundary to the ahupuaa of Kaonoulu, thence across the ahupuaa of Kaonoulu to the mauka boundary of the Waiohuli-Keokea Beach Homesteads, thence along the boundary to the mauka boundary of the Kamaole Homesteads, thence along the boundary and the extension thereof to the north boundary of the ahupuaa of Paeahu, thence along the boundary to the sea, and including the island of Kahoolawe, to be styled the Makawao district;
(C) All that portion of central Maui lying east of a line along the boundary of the ahupuaas of Kahakuloa and Honokohau to the peak of Eke crater, thence along the ridge of mountains and down the bottom of Manawainui gulch to the sea, and west of the boundary of Makawao district, to be styled Wailuku district;
(D) All that portion of Maui lying west of Wailuku district, to be styled the Lahaina district;
(E) The island of Molokai, except that portion of the island known as Kalaupapa, Kalawao, and Waikolu and commonly known or designated as the Settlement for Hansen's disease sufferers, to be styled the Molokai district;
(F) All that portion of the island of Molokai known as Kalaupapa, Kalawao, and Waikolu forming the county of Kalawao, to be styled the Kalawao district; and
(G) The island of Lanai, to be styled the Lanai district.
(3) For judicial purposes, the island of Oahu shall be divided into seven districts as follows:
(A) From Makapuu Head in Maunalua to Moanalua inclusive, and the islands not included in any other district, to be styled the Honolulu district;
(B) Ewa, excluding Waikakalaua, Waipio Acres, and Mililani Town, to be styled the Ewa district;
(C) Waianae excluding Waianae Uka, to be styled the Waianae district;
(D) From Kaena point to and including Waialee Stream excluding Wahiawa, hereinafter described, to be styled the Waialua district;
(E) From Waialee Stream to Lae o ka Oio, to be styled the Koolauloa district;
(F) From Lae o ka Oio to Makapuu Head in Waimanalo, to be styled the Koolaupoko district;
(G) Wahiawa and Waianae Uka, including Waikakalaua, Waipio Acres, and Mililani Town, lying between Ewa and Waialua districts and more particularly described in the following manner: Beginning at Puu Kaaumakua in the Koolau range and running to and along the south boundary of Waianae Uka (which is also the south boundary of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation) to Puu Hapapa in the Waianae range; thence continuing along Schofield Barracks Military Reservation northerly along the Waianae range to Puu Kaala, easterly along Mokuleia down ridge to Puu Pane, continuing to Maili Trig. station, and down ridge to Haleauau stream and down Haleauau stream to Kaukonahua gulch, and easterly along the gulch to the west boundary of the ahupuaa of Wahiawa; thence leaving Schofield Barracks Military Reservation and following up and along the west and north boundaries of the ahupuaa of Wahiawa to the Koolau range; thence along the Koolau range to the beginning; to be styled the Wahiawa district.
(4) For all purposes except for judicial, the island of Oahu shall be divided into seven districts as follows:
(A) From Makapuu Head in Maunalua to Moanalua inclusive, and the islands not included in any other district, to be styled the Honolulu district;
(B) Ewa, to be styled the Ewa district;
(C) Waianae excluding Waianae Uka, to be styled the Waianae district;
(D) From Kaena point to and including the ahupuaa of Waimea excluding Wahiawa, hereinafter described, to be styled the Waialua district;
(E) From Waimea to Lae o ka Oio, to be styled the Koolauloa district;
(F) From Lae o ka Oio to Makapuu Head in Waimanalo, to be styled the Koolaupoko district;
(G) Wahiawa and Waianae Uka, lying between Ewa and Waialua districts and more particularly described in the following manner: Beginning at Puu Kaaumakua in the Koolau range and running to and along the south boundary of Waianae Uka (which is also the south boundary of Schofield Barracks Military Reservation) to Puu Hapapa in the Waianae range; thence continuing along Schofield Barracks Military Reservation northerly along the Waianae range to Puu Kaala, easterly along Mokuleia down ridge to Puu Pane, continuing to Maili Trig. station, and down ridge to Haleauau stream and down Haleauau stream to Kaukonahua gulch, and easterly along the gulch to the west boundary of the ahupuaa of Wahiawa; thence leaving Schofield Barracks Military Reservation and following up and along the west and north boundaries of the ahupuaa of Wahiawa to the Koolau range; thence along the Koolau range to the beginning; to be styled the Wahiawa district.
(5) The islands of Kauai, Niihau, Kaula, and county of Kauai, shall be divided into five districts as follows:
(A) From Puanaaiea point to the ili of Eleele, including the islands of Niihau and Kaula, to be styled the Waimea district;
(B) From and including the ili of Eleele to and including Mahaulepu, to be styled the Koloa district;
(C) From and including Kipu to the northerly bank of the north fork and the main Wailua river, to be styled the Lihue district;
(D) From the northerly bank of the north fork and the main Wailua river to Kealaakaiole, to be styled the Kawaihau district; and
(E) From and including Kealaakaiole to Puanaaiea point to be styled the Hanalei district."
SECTION 3. Section 36-35, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) There is created in the state
general fund under EDN 400 (school support) the state educational facilities
repair and maintenance account, into which shall be deposited legislative
appropriations to the account designated for use solely to eliminate the backlog
of school repair and maintenance projects, including the repair or replacement
of fixtures, furnishings, and equipment, existing on June 30, 2000.
Expenditures from the account shall be subject to sections 37-31 and 37-33 to
37-40. Based on the prioritization approved by the department of education [as
prescribed by section 302A-1505], appropriations or authorizations from the
account shall be expended by the superintendent of education."
SECTION 4. Section 36-36, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) There is created in the state general fund under EDN 400 (school support) the school physical plant operations and maintenance account, into which shall be deposited all legislative appropriations to the account.
The moneys in the account shall be used solely
for school repairs and preventive maintenance projects scheduled after
June 30, 2001. Expenditures from the account shall be subject to sections
37-31 and 37-33 to 37-40. Based on the prioritization approved by the
department of education [as prescribed by section 302A-1505],
appropriations or authorizations from the account shall be expended by the
superintendent of education."
SECTION 5. Section 92F-12, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) Any other provision in this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, each agency shall make available for public inspection and duplication during regular business hours:
(1) Rules of procedure, substantive rules of general applicability, statements of general policy, and interpretations of general applicability adopted by the agency;
(2) Final opinions, including concurring and dissenting opinions, as well as orders made in the adjudication of cases, except to the extent protected by section 92F-13(1);
(3) Government purchasing information, including all bid results, except to the extent prohibited by section 92F-13;
(4) Pardons and commutations, as well as directory information concerning an individual's presence at any correctional facility;
(5) Land ownership, transfer, and lien records, including real property tax information and leases of state land;
(6) Results of environmental tests;
(7) Minutes of all agency meetings required by law to be public;
(8) Name, address, and occupation of any person borrowing funds from a state or county loan program, and the amount, purpose, and current status of the loan;
(9) Certified payroll records on public works contracts except social security numbers and home addresses;
(10) Regarding contract hires and consultants employed by agencies:
(A) The contract itself, the amount of compensation;
(B) The duration of the contract; and
(C) The objectives of the contract,
except social security numbers and home addresses;
(11) Building permit information within the control of the agency;
(12) Water service consumption data maintained by the boards of water supply;
(13) Rosters of persons holding licenses or permits granted by an agency that may include name, business address, type of license held, and status of the license;
(14) The name, compensation (but only the salary range
for employees covered by or included in chapter 76, and sections 302A-602 to [302A-640,]
302A-639, and 302A‑701, or bargaining unit (8)), job title,
business address, business telephone number, job description, education and
training background, previous work experience, dates of first and last
employment, position number, type of appointment, service computation date,
occupational group or class code, bargaining unit code, employing agency name
and code, department, division, branch, office, section, unit, and island of
employment, of present or former officers or employees of the agency; provided
that this paragraph shall not require the creation of a roster of employees;
and provided further that this paragraph shall not apply to information
regarding present or former employees involved in an undercover capacity in a
law enforcement agency;
(15) Information collected and maintained for the purpose of making information available to the general public; and
(16) Information contained in or compiled from a transcript, minutes, report, or summary of a proceeding open to the public."
SECTION 6. Section 302A-101, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By adding three new definitions to be appropriately inserted and to read:
""Complex" means the high school and those elementary, middle, and intermediate schools that feed into the high school as designated by the department.
"Complex area" means the administrative unit that includes one or more complexes as designated by the department.
"District" means the state public education system as whole, except as used by the department for federal compliance and reporting requirements."
2. By amending the definition of "complex area superintendent" to read:
""Complex area superintendent"
means the chief administrative officer of a complex area and the [school]
complexes therein."
3. By deleting the definitions of "gifted and talented children", "job sharing", "regional administrative unit", and "school complex".
[""Gifted and talented
children" means students residing in the State who are of compulsory
school age and are enrolled in, and attending, a public school, and whose
superior performance or potential indicates exceptional ability or talent.
This ability or talent may occur singly in or in combination with any of the
following areas: intellectual, creative or specific academic abilities,
leadership capabilities, psychomotor abilities, or abilities in the performing
or visual arts.
"Job-sharing" means the voluntary
sharing of a full-time, permanent employee's position with another employee,
with each employee working one-half of the total number of hours of work required
per week and performing one-half of the work required of the respective
full-time position, and with each employee receiving one-half of the salary to
which each employee is respectively entitled and at least one-half of each
employee benefit afforded to full-time employees.
"Regional administrative unit"
means a grouping of complexes established by the department for administrative
support and organizational purposes.
"School complex" means a grouping
of schools established by the department for instructional, administrative, and
organizational purposes."]
SECTION 7. Section 302A-401.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Hawaii teacher cadet program fund. (a) There is established the Hawaii
teacher cadet program fund as a separate fund of the Hawaii alliance for future
teachers, a Hawaii nonprofit organization. Moneys received from the state,
county, or federal government, private contributions of cash or other property,
and the income and capital gains earned by the fund shall constitute its
(b) The Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall expend moneys from the fund in the form of either grants to organizations or contracts with private vendors to provide programs for students who possess a high level of academic achievement and the personality traits found in good teachers to consider teaching as a career in accordance with this section.
(c) The fund may receive contributions, grants, endowments, or gifts in cash or otherwise from all sources, including corporations or other businesses, foundations, government, individuals, and other interested parties. The legislature intends that public and private sectors review and investigate all potential funding sources. The State may appropriate moneys to the fund.
(d) The Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall appoint the members of the Hawaii teacher cadet program advisory board, which shall be responsible for:
(1) Soliciting and otherwise raising funds for the fund;
(2) Establishing criteria for the expenditure of funds;
(3) Reviewing grant proposals using criteria established by Hawaii alliance for future teachers; and
(4) Making recommendations for grants and other specific expenditures.
Members of the advisory board shall be stakeholders in Hawaii's public educational system, including students, parents, alumni, principals, community and business leaders, and representatives from the department of education and the department of accounting and general services, who shall be represented on the advisory board.
(e) In managing the moneys in the fund, the Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall exercise ordinary business care and prudence given the facts and circumstances prevailing at the time of action or decision. In doing so, the Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall consider its long- and short-term needs in carrying out its purposes, its present and anticipated financial requirements, expected total return on its investments, price trends, and general economic conditions.
(f) There may be an endowment component of the fund, and the Hawaii alliance for future teachers may accumulate net income and add the same to the principal.
(g) The use of any state moneys may be restricted by the legislation appropriating these moneys to the fund.
(h) The Hawaii alliance for future teachers may expend principal from the fund for the purposes of the fund.
(i) Any organization submitting a proposal to the Hawaii alliance for future teachers for moneys shall meet the following standards at the time of application:
(1) Be a for-profit organization duly registered under the laws of the State, or be a nonprofit organization determined by the Internal Revenue Service to be exempt from the federal income tax, or be an agency of the State or a county;
(2) In the case of a nonprofit organization, have a governing board whose members have no material conflict of interest and serve without compensation;
(3) In the case of an applicant that is not a state or county government agency, have bylaws or policies that describe the manner in which business is conducted and policies that relate to the management of a potential situation involving a conflict of interest;
(4) Have experience with the project or in the program area for which the proposal is being made; and
(5) Be licensed and accredited, as applicable, in accordance with the requirements of federal, state, and county governments.
(j) All proposals submitted to the Hawaii alliance for future teachers for moneys shall be approved by the department for consistency in meeting standards for public schools.
(k) Organizations or agencies to which moneys are awarded shall agree to comply with the following conditions before receiving the award:
(1) Use persons qualified to engage in the activity to be funded;
(2) Comply with the applicable federal, state, and county laws; and
(3) Comply with any other requirements prescribed by the Hawaii alliance for future teachers to ensure adherence by the recipient of the award with applicable federal, state, and county laws and with the purposes of this section.
(l) Chapter 103D shall not apply to organizations or agencies that apply for grants or contracts under this section; provided that the Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall be held accountable for the use of the funds under a contract with the department.
(m) Any contract awarded by the Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall be made with as much competition as is practical to execute its purposes.
(n) The fund shall be audited annually by an independent auditor. The results of each annual audit shall be submitted to the department not later than thirty days from the date the Hawaii alliance for future teachers receives the audit results. In addition, the Hawaii alliance for future teachers shall retain for a period of three years and permit the department, state legislators, and the auditor, or their duly authorized representatives, to inspect and have access to any documents, papers, books, records and other evidence that is pertinent to the fund.
(o) The fund shall not be placed in the state treasury, and the State shall not administer the fund, nor shall the State be liable for the operation or solvency of the fund of the Hawaii alliance for future teachers.
(p) For every dollar of state moneys granted by the fund to the project, there shall be a minimum of $1 in value matched by the Hawaii alliance for future teachers in cash, or the fair market value of in-kind donations, real property, or any other item of value from federal, state, or county governments, private entities, community-based organizations, non-profit organizations, or individuals.
[(q) The superintendent of education shall
submit an annual report of the progress of the Hawaii teacher cadet program
fund no later than twenty days prior to the convening of each regular session
of the legislature.]"
SECTION 8. Section 302A-412, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) Each secondary public school, upon
the approval of the principal [and the complex area superintendent], may
allow on the premises vending machines operated as a concession; provided that
the concession shall be operated only by a blind or visually handicapped
person, as defined in sections 235-1, 347-1, and 347-2. The location and
operation of the vending machines and the items dispensed shall be approved by
the [department.] principal."
SECTION 9. Section 302A-431, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) The board and the board of
regents of the University of Hawaii may adopt necessary rules under chapter 91
to administer and implement sections [302A-429 to] 302A-430 and
302A-431, including the adoption of safety guidelines and safety inspection
procedures of facilities where students are placed. The department and the
University of Hawaii shall inspect each facility annually prior to the
placement of students with these facilities."
SECTION 10. Section 302A-461, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"[[]§302A-461[]] Gender
equity in athletics. (a) No person, on the basis of sex, shall be
excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to
discrimination in athletics offered by a public high school, pursuant to Public
Law 92-318, Title IX of the federal Education Amendments of 1972.
(b) This section shall apply to public schools as defined in section 302A-101; provided that it shall apply to grades nine to twelve only.
(c) No private right of action at law shall arise under this section."
SECTION 11. Section 302A-604, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-604 Complex area superintendents. The superintendent of education, with the approval of the board, shall appoint complex area superintendents for schools. The complex area superintendents shall supervise the delivery of administrative and instructional support services within their respective complex areas, including:
(1) Personnel, fiscal, and facilities support;
(2) Monitoring of compliance with applicable state
and federal laws; [and]
(3) Curriculum development, student assessment, and
staff development services[.]; and
(4) Special education programs and special schools within their complex area."
SECTION 12. Section 302A-1102, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Department of education; statewide [and regional] administrative
services. The department shall serve as the central support system
responsible for the overall administration of statewide educational policy,
interpretation, and development of standards for compliance with state and
federal laws, and coordination and preparation of a systemwide budget for the
public schools. [The department may establish regional administrative units
to provide administrative support to the schools for personnel, fiscal, and
procurement services. The regional administrative units may also be assigned
responsibility for the administration and operation of special education
programs and special schools.]"
SECTION 13. Section 302A-1125, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Educational objectives. The board shall formulate such policy and exercise
such control as may be necessary to define a common set of educational goals
that the schools [subject to the school/community-based management system]
shall be responsible for fulfilling. The board shall also be responsible for
formulating standards for measuring the efforts of each participating school toward
achieving those goals each year. The participating schools shall be free to
use all reasonable means to accomplish those goals with the resources available
to them."
SECTION 14. Section 302A-1128, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1128 Department powers and
duties. [(a)] The department shall have entire charge and control
and be responsible for the conduct of all affairs pertaining to public
instruction in the public schools the department establishes and operates, including
operating and maintaining the capital improvement and repair and maintenance
programs for department and school facilities. The department may establish
and maintain schools for secular instruction at such places and for such terms
as in its discretion it may deem advisable and the funds at its disposal may
permit. The schools may include high schools, kindergarten schools, schools or
classes for pregrade education, boarding schools, Hawaiian language medium
education schools, and evening and day schools. The department may also
maintain classes for technical and other instruction in any school where there
may not be pupils sufficient in number to justify the establishment of separate
schools for these purposes.
[(b) The department shall regulate the
courses of study to be pursued in all grades of the public schools it
establishes and operates, and classify them by methods the department deems
proper; provided that:
(1) The course of study and instruction
shall be regulated in accordance with the statewide performance standards
established under section 302A-201;
(2) All pupils shall be progressively
competent in the use of computer technology; and
(3) The course of study and instruction for
the first twelve grades shall provide opportunities for all students to develop
competency in a language in addition to English.
The department shall develop statewide
educational policies and guidelines based on this subsection without regard to
chapter 91.
For the purposes of this subsection, the
terms "progressively competent in the use of computer technology" and
"competency in a language in addition to English" shall be defined by
policies adopted by the board. The board shall formulate statewide educational
policies allowing the superintendent to exempt certain students from the
requirements of paragraphs (2) and (3) without regard to chapter 91.
(c) Nothing in this section shall interfere
with those persons attending a summer school.]"
SECTION 15. Section 302A-1130, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1130 Public schools special
fees and charges[; grouping of students]. (a) The department may
assess and collect special fees and charges from students for co-curricular
(b) Special fees and charges collected from students for co-curricular activities shall be deposited into insured checking or savings accounts and expended by each individual school.
[(c) The department may group students
within any public school in accordance with their abilities and educational
SECTION 16. Section 302A-1130.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Textbook and instructional materials fee special account. There is
established within the department a textbook and instructional materials fee
special account, into which shall be deposited all fees and charges collected
from students or their parents or guardians pursuant to section [302A‑1130.5.]
for the loss, destruction, breakage, or damage of school textbooks,
instructional materials, library books, equipment, or supplies.
Disbursements from this special account shall be expended by the department for
the purposes of purchasing, replacing, or repairing school textbooks,
instructional materials, library books, equipment, or supplies."
SECTION 17. Section 302A-1133.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (b) to read as follows:
"(b) The failure of a student to meet the
requirements for regular attendance and punctuality shall subject the student's
parent, parents, or guardian to the penalties provided in section 302A-1135.
Destruction of school property by a student, in addition to all other legal
action that may be taken, shall subject the student's parent, parents, or
guardian to proceedings under section [302A-1130.5 or] 302A-1153, as
SECTION 18. Section 302A-1143, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1143 Attend school in what [district.]
complex of attendance. All persons of school age shall be required
to attend the school of the [district in which they reside,] complex
of attendance, as defined and determined by the department, unless enrolled
in a Hawaiian language medium education program, charter school, or
unless it appears to the department to be desirable to allow the attendance of
pupils at a school in some other [district,] complex of attendance,
in which case the department may grant this permission."
SECTION 19. Section 302A-1149.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1149.5 After-school plus program revolving fund. (a) There is established in the state treasury the after-school plus program, hereinafter A+, revolving fund to be administered by the department.
(b) The [after-school plus program] A+
revolving fund shall consist of fees collected by the department for [the
after-school plus program] A+ and all interest earned on the
deposit or investment of moneys in the after-school plus program revolving
(c) The department may establish appropriate fees
and other charges to be assessed to each participant for [the after-school
plus program.] A+. The revenues from those fees and charges shall
be deposited into the revolving fund to be used for the program."
SECTION 20. Section 302A-1303.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) There is established within the
department of education the committee on weights to develop a weighted student
formula pursuant to section 302A-1303.6. The committee [shall:] may:
(1) Create a list of student characteristics that will be weighted;
(2) Create a system of weights based upon the student characteristics that may be applied to determine the relative cost of educating any student;
(3) Determine specific student weights, including their unit value;
(4) Determine which moneys shall be included in the amount of funds to be allocated through the weighted student formula;
(5) Recommend a weighted student formula to the board of education;
(6) Perform any other function that may facilitate the implementation of the weighted student formula; and
(7) Meet not less than once every odd-numbered year, to review the weighted student formula and, if the committee deems it necessary, recommend a new weighted student formula for adoption by the board of education."
SECTION 21. Section 302A-1303.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1303.6 Weighted student
formula. Based upon recommendations from the committee on weights, the
board of education[, not less than once every odd-numbered year, shall] may
adopt a weighted student formula for the allocation of moneys to public schools
that takes into account the educational needs of each student. The department,
upon the receipt of appropriated moneys, shall use the weighted student formula
to allocate funds to public schools. Principals shall expend moneys provided
to the principals' schools. This section shall only apply to charter schools
for fiscal years in which the charter schools elect pursuant to section 302B-13
to receive allocations according to the procedures and methodology used to
calculate the weighted student formula[.] allocation."
SECTION 22. Section 302A-1305, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
Inactive student activity accounts. Student activity funds that are left
in the school for a period of five years after the graduation of the class
shall be deposited into the nonappropriated local school fund account unless
the graduating class donates, in writing, the funds to the school within the
five-year period. Moneys in the nonappropriated local school fund account
may be used by the school."
SECTION 23. Section 302A-1312, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (c) to read as follows:
"(c) For the purposes of this section,
the superintendent of education shall develop and implement appropriate
planning procedures and follow-up accountability reports to ensure sound
planning, control, and accountability in the use of moneys allocated by the
legislature[, as prescribed by section 302A‑1309]. The department
of education shall submit an annual report to the legislature that shall
(1) The priority listing established by section 302A-1505;
(2) List of projects initiated by the department of education; and
(3) List of projects completed with associated actual cost."
SECTION 24. Section 302A-1401, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended as follows:
1. By amending its title to read:
Administration and use of federal funds, including [pregrade] early
2. By amending subsection (b) to read:
"(b) The board shall organize and conduct
a program of public [pregrade] early education to the extent that
funds provided therefor by the United States government are, or from time to
time may become, available. In establishing and carrying on the [pregrade]
early education, any such federal funds shall be expended during any
school year as nearly as practicable in each of the school supervisory districts
of the State in the proportion that the number of inhabitants of each district
of less than six years of age bears to the total number of the inhabitants of
the entire State within the age limits, as shown by the latest report of the
department of health preceding the opening of the school year."
SECTION 25. Section 302A-1404, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1404 [Federal indirect
overhead reimbursements.] Federal impact aid military
liaison. (a) The department and the charter school administrative
office, as appropriate, may retain and expend federal indirect overhead
reimbursements for discretionary grants in excess of the negotiated rate for
such reimbursements as determined by the director of finance and the superintendent
or the director of finance and the executive director of the charter school
administrative office.
(b) [Beginning July 1, 2004, and for each]
Each fiscal year [thereafter,] the department of education may
set aside $100,000 of federal impact aid moneys received pursuant to this
section to:
(1) Establish and fund a permanent, full-time military liaison position within the department of education; and
(2) Fund the joint venture education [program]
forum to facilitate interaction between the military community and the
department of education.
The military liaison position established under paragraph (1) shall be exempt from chapter 76 but shall be eligible to receive the benefits of any state or federal employee benefit program generally applicable to officers and employees of the State."
SECTION 26. Section 302A-1506.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended by amending subsection (a) to read as follows:
"(a) The department of education [shall]
may identify unused public school facilities to be used for early
learning programs and services. Suitable empty classrooms, as determined by
the department, shall be inventoried for potential use for early learning
programs and services. Priority shall be given to facilities on sites with
sufficient space for three or more classrooms to be renovated or constructed."
SECTION 27. Section 302A-1507, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
"§302A-1507 Classroom cleaning project; established. (a) There is established a classroom cleaning project in all public schools, excluding charter schools. Each school, through its school community council, may develop mechanisms to provide for classroom cleaning, including but not limited to having parent, student, or other community groups clean the classrooms on a regular, continuing basis.
(b) Schools may use any available resources to achieve the purposes of this section; provided that no full-time custodial staff employed at the school shall be displaced.
(c) Nothing in this section shall prohibit the use of volunteers for classroom cleaning."
SECTION 28. Section 302A-301, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-301 Incentive and
innovation grants. (a) There is established in the state treasury
a trust fund to be known as the incentive and innovation grant trust fund to
provide incentive and innovation grants to qualified schools, including charter
schools. Expenditures from the trust fund shall be made by the department and
shall be subject to the allotment and expenditure plan required under section
37‑34.5. Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary, tax deductible
donations may be made to, and received by, this trust fund.
(b) Grants shall be for such purposes as
the funding of experimental and innovative instructional programs, in-service
training, and other activities that promote innovation as outlined in the
(c) The board shall establish and appoint
the members of a grant award panel, which shall consist of at least one
representative from each of the following groups:
(1) Parents;
(2) Students;
(3) Teachers;
(4) School administrators;
(5) School support staff;
(6) Businesspersons; and
(7) The military; whose participation shall
be requested.
The panel shall include a representative
from each school district among its members.
The panel shall review proposals and make
recommendations to the superintendent on grant awards. Panel members shall
serve for a term of two years without compensation, but shall be entitled to
reimbursement for necessary expenses while attending meetings and while in the
discharge of their duties. A portion of the moneys in the incentive and
innovation grant trust fund, not to exceed one per cent, shall be used to
offset the expenses incurred by the review panel.
(d) The panel shall develop a process for
submitting proposals that is distinguished by its simplicity and minimization
of paperwork.
(e) All proposals for incentive and
innovation grants shall include:
(1) A clear statement of how the proposed
program will improve student performance;
(2) A method of evaluation to determine if
the program has achieved its stated goals;
(3) A detailed budget and expenditure plan,
which shall include any commitment of existing funds under the school or
schools' allotment toward the proposed program; and
(4) Other criteria required by the panel.
(f) In the case of a renewal request, a
school or schools shall submit a specific plan for establishing the program
within the school or schools' biennium budget.
(g) The panel shall assist the
superintendent in the evaluation of all grant programs under this section on a
continuing basis. If an approved program fails to meet the requirements of its
proposal, the panel shall recommend to the superintendent that funding for the
grant shall be terminated.
(h) The superintendent shall submit a
report to the legislature on the operations of the review panel at least twenty
days before the convening of each regular session."]
SECTION 29. Section 302A-429, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-429 Work-based
learning program authorized. To provide students with opportunities to
apply knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom to real life work
experiences, the department may establish and regulate a work-based learning program
under conditions determined by the department and the University of Hawaii."]
SECTION 30. Section 302A-431.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-431.5] School-to-work
transition program; established. There is established within the department
of education a school-to-work transition program."]
SECTION 31. Section 302A-431.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-431.6] Powers and duties.
The school-to-work transition program shall provide for the continued delivery
of integrated services directed at assisting high school students toward
successfully completing their transition from school to work, or to further
their training and education."]
SECTION 32. Section 302A-431.7, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-431.7 Agriculture education
program. (a) The department shall establish and administer a
comprehensive agriculture education program aligned with the natural resources
career pathway. The agriculture education program shall include adequate
staffing of individuals trained or experienced in the field of agriculture to
coordinate the program and to provide assistance to school complexes for the
coordination of the activities of related student organizations and
(b) The agriculture education program shall
be administered by a director who shall:
(1) Assist in assessing the agricultural
needs of the State and devise methods of meeting those needs with the
agriculture education program;
(2) Assist school districts in establishing
agriculture education programs;
(3) Review school district applications for
approval of agriculture education programs;
(4) Evaluate existing programs and design
complementary programs;
(5) Plan research and studies for the
improvement of curriculum materials for specialty areas of agriculture,
including aquaculture and incumbent worker training;
(6) Ensure that the standards and criteria
developed under this section satisfy the mandates of federally-assisted career
and technical education;
(7) Develop in-service programs for
teachers and administrators of agriculture education programs;
(8) Review applications for agriculture
teacher certification;
(9) Assist in teacher recruitment and
placement in agriculture education programs;
(10) Serve as a liaison with the Future
Farmers of America, representatives of business, industry, appropriate public
agencies, and institutions of higher education, including the Hawaii Farm
Bureau Federation, to facilitate dissemination of information;
(11) Promote improvement of agriculture
education programs; and
(12) Assist in the development of adult,
continuing education, and college-level education programs in agriculture.
(c) The agriculture education program shall
coordinate with culinary arts programs to teach students healthy eating habits
and encourage culinary arts, farming, diversified agriculture, and related
fields such as market development and science and technology, as career
options. The department of agriculture shall assist the department with the
implementation of this program.
(d) The department may adopt rules pursuant
to chapter 91 to effectuate this section.
(e) For purposes of this section,
"agriculture" or "agricultural" includes the fields of
farming, diversified agriculture, landscaping, aquaculture, and related
industries such as market development and science and technology."]
SECTION 33. Section 302A-431.8, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-431.8] Career and
technical education program. The department shall establish and
administer a career and technical education program that shall meet the
requirements of the federal Perkins Act of 2006. The department's
program may include:
(1) Pathway programs of study, including
but not limited to natural resources, graphic design, computer networking, and
management information systems;
(2) Academies for various focuses of study,
including the performing arts, travel, and science, technology, engineering,
and mathematics;
(3) An agriculture education program;
(4) Specialized programs, including project
EAST (environmental and spatial technology); and
(5) Other school activities, including
The department's program may be offered jointly
by or in partnership between the department, the University of Hawaii,
including its community colleges, or other public or private entities."]
SECTION 34. Section 302A-431.9, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-431.9] Veterans high
school diploma for armed services veterans and others. (a) The
department shall establish a program to award a veterans high school diploma to
qualified veterans who did not receive a high school diploma as a result of
compulsory induction into active service in the armed services of the United
(b) For purposes of this section, a
"qualified veteran" is a person who:
(1) Was a resident of the State;
(2) Was compulsorily inducted into the
armed services of the United States between:
(A) December 1, 1941, and August 30,
(B) June 1, 1950, and July 31, 1953;
(C) August 1, 1964, and January 31,
while attending or enrolled in a high school
in the State; provided that the department may consider extending these time
periods through rules adopted under chapter 91; and
(3) Did not complete a high school
curriculum and receive a high school diploma.
(c) The department shall also award a
veterans high school diploma to any person whose high school education was
interrupted due to wartime practices such as internment during World War II.
(d) Qualified persons shall submit to the
department, on forms that the department shall prescribe, information
establishing eligibility for the award of a veterans high school diploma under
this section."]
SECTION 35. Section 302A-444, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-444] Programs
for gifted and talented children. The department may provide a statewide
flexible system of educational placement and programs within the public school
system that the department determines is appropriate for meeting the unique
educational needs of gifted and talented children. The nature and scope of the
department's educational placement and programs shall be based on, but not be
limited to, the following factors:
(1) The availability of financial and
physical resources within the department;
(2) The nature of the child's gift or
talent; and
(3) Whether the child's educational
placement and program should focus on, or be limited to, a particular area of
gift or talent, or whether the educational placement and program should address
other areas that may be beneficial to the development of the child as a whole."]
SECTION 36. Section 302A-445, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is amended to read as follows:
["[§302A-445] Rules.
The board shall adopt necessary rules under chapter 91 to administer and implement
sections 302A-444 and 302A-445."]
SECTION 37. Section 302A-446, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-446] E-mail accounts for
students. (a) The department of education, in conjunction and
coordination with the University of Hawaii, shall provide e-mail accounts at no
charge to any student who applies to the department for such an account.
(b) As used in this section, the term
"student" means any person attending public school in ninth grade or
above, including:
(1) Both degree and nondegree candidates;
(2) Individuals attending school on a
full-time, part-time, or occasional basis, including continuing education or
other nondegree courses;
(3) Individuals in educational, technical,
or vocational programs; and
(4) Individuals attending public
undergraduate or postgraduate college and university programs.
(c) The department of education, in
cooperation with the University of Hawaii, shall adopt rules pursuant to
chapter 91 as may be necessary to implement this section."]
SECTION 38. Section 302A-462, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-462 Factors; unequal
aggregate expenditures. (a) The superintendent of education shall
(1) Whether the selection of sports and
levels of competition effectively accommodate the interests and abilities of
members of both sexes;
(2) The provision of equipment, uniforms,
and supplies;
(3) Equal access to practice and game
(4) Travel and per diem allowances;
(5) Opportunities to receive coaching and
academic tutoring;
(6) Assignment and compensation of coaches
and tutors;
(7) Access to locker room, weight room, and
practice, competitive, and training facilities;
(8) Access to medical services;
(9) The provision of housing and dining
facilities and services;
(10) Publicity; and
(11) Any other relevant factors.
(b) Unequal aggregate expenditures for
members of each sex or unequal expenditures for male and female teams, if a
public high school operates or sponsors separate teams, do not constitute a
violation of this subpart, but in determining violations of this subpart, the
failure to provide necessary funds for teams for one sex in assessing equality
of opportunity for members of each sex shall be considered."]
SECTION 39. Section 302A-464, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-464] Equity in athletics;
rules and implementation. (a) By July 1, 2001, the superintendent
shall define equity in athletics for all public high schools and shall
recommend rules for appropriate enforcement mechanisms to ensure equity. The
superintendent shall develop a strategic plan containing recommendations and a
timetable to achieve equity. Those recommendations relating to use of existing
personnel, equipment, resources, and facilities shall be commenced and continued
by the expiration of the advisory commission. The recommendations shall
include, but not be limited to:
(1) A determination of an equitable rate of
participation of males and females in athletics at public high schools; and
(2) A determination of the appropriate use
of revenues when making decisions about the equitable use of funds for support
of athletic activities. In making this determination, the advisory commission
shall consider all funds received and expended for athletic promotion or
support, including revenues from direct-support organizations.
(b) Indicators shall be developed and
benchmarks shall be established to measure progress toward goals."]
SECTION 40. Section 302A-465, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-465] Compliance report.
By December 31, 2000, the superintendent of education shall submit to the
legislature and the advisory commission on gender equity in sports a report of
compliance with Public Law 92-318, Title IX, of the federal Education
Amendments of 1972, including a compliance plan with timelines for every public
high school, an analysis and assessment of current activities with respect to
Title IX compliance, and itemized expenditures for athletics."]
SECTION 41. Section 302A-466, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-466] No private right of
action. No private right of action at law shall arise under this
SECTION 42. Section 302A-467, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-467] Applicability.
This subpart shall apply to public schools as defined in section 302A-101;
provided that it shall apply to grades nine to twelve only."]
SECTION 43. Section 302A-601.3, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A‑601.3] Newly hired
employees; paycheck deficits; partial wages. (a) The department
shall establish and implement appropriate policies, procedures, technology, and
accountability measures to ensure that newly hired employees receive timely and
accurate wages.
(b) All newly hired employees shall receive
their first paycheck no later than the second pay period after the date of
their hire by the department.
(c) If the department is unable to pay the
total wages due a newly hired employee pursuant to subsection (b), the
department may pay the newly hired employee on the day the newly hired employee
would have received pay, partial wages in an amount not less than fifty per
cent of the amount due for the second pay period and for each consecutive pay
period thereafter in which the department maintains a paycheck deficit with the
newly hired employee. The amounts received shall be deducted from the total
wages due for the respective pay period. Once the department resolves the
paycheck deficit, the newly hired employee shall no longer receive partial
wages as provided by this subsection."]
SECTION 44. Section 302A-606, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-606] Considerations in
appointing teachers. In the appointment of teachers by the
department, preference shall be given to local teachers of the same standing,
grade, or rating as those teachers from without the State. The rating of a
teacher shall not depend upon the number of pupils promoted or graduated, but
solely upon the length of service, efficiency, and ability of the teacher."]
SECTION 45. Section 302A-633.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-633.5] School personnel
engaged in instructional work, other than teachers and educational officers.
(a) The board of education shall appoint teaching assistants, educational
assistants, bilingual/bicultural school-home assistants, school psychologists,
psychological examiners, speech pathologists, athletic health care trainers,
alternative school work/study assistants, alternative school
educational/supportive services specialists, and alternative school project
coordinators as may be required to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The
board, in consultation with the department of human resources development,
shall prescribe the duties and qualifications for positions, adopt classification
systems, classify and fix the compensation of positions accordingly, provide a
classification appeals procedure, and establish probationary and other
requirements for tenure that protects employees from being disciplined without
proper cause.
(b) Employees in positions under subsection
(a) shall be board of education appointees exempt from chapter 76, but the
application of section 89-6 with respect to collective bargaining coverage and
the employer for purposes of collective bargaining shall not be affected.
Except for rights or benefits specifically conditioned upon membership in the
civil service, the wages, hours, benefits, and other terms and conditions of
employment for these employees in existence on July 1, 2002 shall remain in
effect, but may be changed as provided in chapter 89 or 89C, as applicable.
Any employee who is a member of the civil service on July 1, 2002 shall be
granted tenure by the board of education without the necessity of meeting any
probationary or other requirements for tenure that the board of education
SECTION 46. Section 302A-638.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-638.5] Retired teachers;
coursework waiver; substitute teachers. Retired department teachers
who held a valid teaching certificate or license at the date of their
retirement shall be exempt from any prerequisite coursework that the department
requires of other substitute teachers for a period of ten years after the date
of their retirement."]
SECTION 47. Section 302A-640, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-640] Public
schools; minimum staffing levels. (a) Schools with only one class for
each grade level in kindergarten through grade six shall be exempt from the
average statewide class size ratio that may be established under any collective
bargaining agreement between the teacher's exclusive bargaining representative
and the department. These schools shall maintain a minimum staffing level of
not less than one full-time equivalent teacher position per grade level per
school, for kindergarten to grade six. This subsection shall not apply to a
school with fewer than twelve students in any one grade level.
(b) The department shall carry out the
purposes of this section using existing resource teachers within the state and
district offices."]
SECTION 48. Section 302A-705, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-705] Hawaii principals
academy. There is established within the department the Hawaii
principals academy. The academy shall support and train department complex
area superintendents, principals, and prospective principals in areas including
but not limited to:
(1) Becoming better leaders;
(2) Improving students' academic
achievement, safety and well-being, and civic responsibility;
(3) Collaborating with the school community
(4) Developing curriculum alignment;
(5) Managing school budgets; and
(6) Establishing partnerships with the
private sector."]
SECTION 49. Section 302A-831, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-831 Purpose.
The purpose of this subpart is to transfer the administration of the teachers'
housing program from the Hawaii public housing authority to the department of
education. This subpart also establishes a revolving fund for the accounting
and control of receipts and disbursements in connection with the department of
education's functions of planning, constructing, repairing, maintaining, and
operating housing programs for teachers employed and assigned by the department
of education."]
SECTION 50. Section 302A-1103, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1103 Principal;
authority and responsibility. The role of the principal shall include but
not be limited to overseeing the day-to-day management of the school, the
primary function of which is to develop and deliver instructional services to
students in accordance with statewide educational policy and to enable students
to meet or exceed statewide academic standards. The principal shall:
(1) Ensure that the curriculum facilitates
the achievement of the statewide student performance standards adopted for the
public school system;
(2) Develop and present to the school
community council for its review and approval, academic and financial plans
relating to the school;
(3) Exercise authority over the
implementation of the budget, policies, and operations of the school; and
(4) Collaborate with other principals in
the principal's school complex to ensure that:
(A) Logical, sequential curricula
are adopted within the school complex;
(B) Best practices are shared among
and implemented by schools within the school complex;
(C) The goals and objectives of the
school complex are being met;
(D) The use of school complex-based
personnel and contractors who divide their time between more than one school in
a school complex is coordinated to maximize efficiency; and
(E) The passage of students through
the continuum of grades is coordinated in a manner consistent with section
SECTION 51. Section 302A-1104, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1104] Learning
support centers. Beginning with the 1995-1996 school year and until
June 30, 1999, school-level support for curriculum and instruction shall
be provided through learning support centers to be governed by schools within
each complex. The centers shall assist school personnel in the delivery of
instructional services by providing support through curriculum development,
student assessment, staff development, and resource allocation. The types of
services offered and the manner in which these services are provided by the
centers, as well as the prioritization and allocation of available resources,
shall be determined by policies established by each complex. Any regional
administrative units established by the department shall be assigned all
administrative functions and provide administrative support to the learning
support centers."]
SECTION 52. Section 302A-1127, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1127] Rules.
The board may adopt rules under chapter 91 to implement sections 302A-202,
302A-1124 to 302A‑1126, and 302A-1507."]
SECTION 53. Section 302A-1130.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1130.5 Textbook replacement
fees, restitution; textbook list. (a) The department may assess and
collect special fees and charges from students who negligently break, damage,
lose, or destroy school textbooks, instructional materials, library books,
equipment, or supplies as determined by the principal. Any student found to be
responsible for the loss, destruction, breakage, or damage of school textbooks,
instructional materials, library books, equipment, or supplies, shall make
restitution to the school, including the payment by the student or the
student's parents or guardians, of the actual replacement costs. Any fees
collected pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into the textbook and
instructional materials fee special account established in [section]
(b) No student shall be required to make
restitution unless the student and the student's parents or guardians have been
notified and have been given an opportunity to be heard before the principal of
the school on the charge that the student was responsible for the loss,
destruction, breakage, or damage of school textbooks, instructional materials,
library books, equipment, or supplies.
(c) If the principal, upon a hearing on the
charge, has reasonable cause to believe that the student is responsible for the
loss, destruction, breakage, or damage of school textbooks, instructional
materials, library books, equipment, or supplies, the principal shall design a
restitution program that shall be submitted to the student and the student's
parents or guardians for agreement in writing.
If restitution is made in this fashion, then
no information about the charge, the hearing, and the actions taken shall be
communicated to any person not directly involved in the proceedings.
If the student and student's parents or
guardians do not agree with the determination made by the principal, the
principal shall report the determination and the findings made by the principal
and transfer all records and documents regarding the investigation to the
complex area superintendent for any further action.
(d) Each school shall make available a copy
of the current list of textbooks and instructional materials upon the request
of a student or a parent or guardian of a student attending the school. The
list shall be available not later than the tenth day of class in each school
(e) Notwithstanding any other provisions in
this section to the contrary, the State may elect to bring any appropriate
action for the recovery of all damages to school properties. Nothing in this
section shall limit the right of the State to bring any action against any
person to recover the damages."]
SECTION 54. Section 302A-1142, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1142] School districts.
For the better control and management of the public schools, the department may
designate school districts, establish their boundaries, and alter the same from
time to time as in its discretion it deems most advisable. These districts
shall be so arranged that there shall be no unassigned locality."]
SECTION 55. Section 302A-1144, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1144] Records of pupils;
release from attendance. All schools shall keep a correct register
of the names, sex, age, and nationality, as far as ascertainable, date of
entering school, and the places of residence of the children attending their
respective schools. No school shall grant a release to any child under
eighteen years of age, who is registered as attending the child's school, for
the purpose of attending another school, unless the consent and approval of the
parents or guardians of the child is given in writing with the facts and
reasons therefor. The register shall be carefully preserved, and as often as
the department shall direct, the register or a true copy thereof shall be filed
in the office of the department."]
SECTION 56. Section 302A-1146, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1146 Schools; merchandise.
It shall be unlawful for any public school, without the written
permission of the department, to operate stores or to sell merchandise, with
the following exceptions: school lunches, milk, ice cream, candy, and products
made or grown at the school as part of the educational program. The
department, with the advice of the comptroller, shall adopt rules in
conformance with chapter 91 necessary for the purposes of this section."]
SECTION 57. Section 302A-1150, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1150] Use of school
buildings. The fullest freedom shall be given to citizens of the
State to use for lawful purposes all public school buildings throughout the
State during the hours the structures are not in use for strictly educational
purposes; provided that the person vested with the proper authority over the
building shall issue a permit to the applicant, when the proposed use is shown
to be lawful by the applicant."]
SECTION 58. Section 302A-1302, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1302 School-based budget
flexibility. (a) Beginning with the 1995-1997 fiscal biennium, the
department shall implement school-based budget flexibility for schools,
complexes, and learning support centers. The flexibility shall be limited to
the school-based budgeting program EDN 100 of the department for all schools
except charter schools.
(b) Beginning in fiscal year 2006-2007, and
every year thereafter, the office shall distribute the allocations due to a
charter school directly to the charter school."]
SECTION 59. Section 302A-1303, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1303] School budget,
general fund. The salaries of the superintendent, teachers, office
force, and all other employees of the department, and all items of general
expense, including books, materials, supplies, and equipment, shall be included
in the departmental estimate in such form and detail as the director of finance
shall require, together with such statistical and supporting data as the
director may request."]
SECTION 60. Section 302A-1308, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1308 Use of
resources by schools. School principals shall consult with teachers,
parents, and students to solicit their advice on the use of moneys and
positions. Prior to expending moneys and implementing position assignments,
principals shall submit plans for the use of the moneys and positions to their
complex area superintendents who shall review the plans for conformance with
departmental policies and rules. Upon approval of the plans, moneys may be
expended by the principals for supplies, textbooks, equipment, and services.
Positions may be used to meet the unique needs of the schools."]
SECTION 61. Section 302A-1313, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1313] Federal/state
cooperation authorized. The department may enter into agreements
with any federal agency to construct, repair, or renovate Hawaii public schools
on military bases and elsewhere in the State using state or federal funds,
subject to the department's educational specifications and standards for
facilities. The department shall cooperate with any federal agency to carry
out this section."]
SECTION 62. Section 302A-1501, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1501 Noise and climate
control at school facilities. The department shall plan for, and
request appropriations necessary to implement, acoustic noise control and air
conditioning of existing and new school facilities in areas that are
susceptible to extremes of temperature or affected by aircraft, traffic, and
other noise. The department shall develop appropriate standards and consider
local conditions for deciding whether acoustic noise control and air
conditioning of existing and new school facilities are required for effective
classroom instruction. In all cases where acoustic treatment of school
facilities is planned, the department shall utilize the services of individuals
qualified by training and experience to recommend appropriate noise control
procedures and components. Acoustic noise control and air conditioning shall
be given equal weight as all other factors in the criteria used by the
department in setting priorities for school construction and renovations."]
SECTION 63. Section 302A-1501.5, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1501.5 Asbestos
testing.] The department of education shall be responsible for
ensuring that asbestos testing is conducted on all suspected
asbestos-containing materials, including exterior surfaces, and as required by
the federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act of 1986 for interior
surfaces, prior to any exterior or interior renovations or painting of school
facilities at all department of education and conversion charter schools;
provided that the surfaces have not previously been tested."]
SECTION 64. Section 302A-1502, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["[§302A-1502] School inspection
program. The department of education, in consultation and
cooperation with the department of health and the department of accounting and
general services, shall establish a school inspection program to maintain high
levels of hygiene, sanitation and health, safety, maintenance, and physical
appearance for each school for the benefit of students, administrators, and
staff. The program shall include but not be limited to the following:
(1) The utilization of checklists that
reflect basic standards;
(2) The involvement of students, parents,
and staff; and
(3) Regularly scheduled announced
inspections and unannounced inspections of school grounds, restrooms,
cafeterias, locker rooms, classrooms, and other facilities."]
SECTION 65. Section 302A-1502.6, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1502.6 Providers of
construction or project-related professional services for the repair and
maintenance of public schools; volunteer status; coordinator position
established. (a) Pursuant to chapter 90, the department shall
accept as volunteers qualified professional providers of construction or
project-related professional services who are under contract with Hawaii 3R's.
The department shall maintain a list of volunteers so accepted, and shall
provide the professional providers with appropriate guidance, supervision, and
control to reasonably protect members of the public from injury or damage.
Once accepted as a volunteer by the department, the professional provider shall
be entitled to protection from liability for volunteers under chapter 90,
unless the injury or damage is caused by or is the result of the professional
provider's wilful and wanton act or omission.
(b) There is established, within the
department of education, a coordinator position to coordinate the public and
private efforts to repair and maintain public schools; provided that the
coordinator shall serve at the pleasure of the superintendent and may be
established as a permanent position not subject to chapter 76."]
SECTION 66. Section 302A-1505, Hawaii Revised Statutes, is repealed.
["§302A-1505 Prioritization
of repair and maintenance. (a) Each school shall
inform the department of education on an annual basis of school repair and
maintenance needs. Before any repair and maintenance projects for the upcoming
fiscal year are implemented, each individual school administration shall
prioritize and approve its repair and maintenance needs, and approve the scope
of the implementation plan for the individual projects. After schools have
prioritized their repair and maintenance projects, a statewide list shall be
prepared, reviewed, and approved by the department of education; provided that
the department may make adjustments among schools and complex areas. Each
listing shall be posted electronically on the Internet.
(b) Prior to informing the department about
the school's repair and maintenance needs, the school's principal shall
consider the recommendations made by the school community council or the local
school board, if the school is a charter school.
(c) In prioritizing a school's repair and
maintenance needs, the department and the school's principal shall consider the
availability of donated and discounted repair and maintenance services and
materials that will be provided by community groups, volunteers, and
SECTION 67. On or before July 1, 2012, any existing rule, ordinance, executive order, directive, or provision in a collective bargaining agreement in existence on the effective date of this Act that is not consistent with this Act shall be amended to insure that it includes language repealed by this Act.
SECTION 68. Statutory material to be repealed is bracketed and stricken. New statutory material is underscored.
SECTION 69. This Act shall take effect upon its approval; provided that section 34 shall take effect on June 30, 2015.
Report Title:
Amends or repeals various provisions of chapter 302A, Hawaii Revised Statutes, for housekeeping and other purposes. (SD1)
The summary description of legislation appearing on this page is for informational purposes only and is not legislation or evidence of legislative intent.